Contents of Volume III

Content and Representation

Full Contents

Contributors to Volume III

General Editor's Acknowledgments

Media Studies: The Interdiscipline of the Present and the Future

Angharad N. Valdivia

Technology, Convergence, and Power: Current Trends in Text-Based Approaches to Media Studies

Sharon R. Mazzarella


1 Understanding Hypercommercialized Media Texts

Matthew P. McAllister and Alexandra Nutter Smith

2 And Now a Click from Our Sponsors: Changes in Children's Advertising in the United States

Nancy A. Jennings

3 Women's Portraits Present in Print Fashion Advertisements: A Content Analysis of Spanish Fashion Magazines from 2002 to 2009

Paloma Diaz Soloaga and Carlos Muñiz

4 Marketing Militarism to Moms: News and Branding after September 11th

Mary Douglas Vavrus

5 From Second-Wave to Poststructuralist Feminism: Evolving Frameworks for Viewing Representations of Women's Sports

Marie Hardin and Erin Whiteside

6 “Honey-Drenched, Rags to Riches, Good versus Evil Stories”: The Telenovela as a Cultural Referent in the US Press

Guillermo Avila-Saavedra

7 Changes in the News Representation of Minorities Over the Course of 40 Years of Research

Eli Avraham

8 Is There Local Content on Television for Children Today?

Katalin Lustyik and Ruth Zanker


9 The Evolution of Hollywood Latinidad: Latina/o Representation and Stardom in US Entertainment Media

Mary C. Beltrán

10 Queer Gazing and the Popular: A Study on the Representational Strategies of Queer Representations in Popular Television Fiction

Sofie Van Bauwel, Frederik Dhaenens, and Daniel Biltereyst

11 Mediated Portrayals of Masculinities

Heather L. Hundley

12 Shifting Contours of Indian Womanhood in Popular Hindi Cinema

Sujata Moorti

13 Portrayals of Female Scientists in the Mass Media

Jocelyn Steinke

14 “She's the Real Thing”: Filming the Nostalgic Past through Vietnamese Women

Diem-My T. Bui

15 Chinese Cinema at the Millennium: Defining “China” and the Politics of Representation

Gina Marchetti

16 Violent Content on US Television: A Historical Overview of the Research

Nancy Signorielli


17 Blogging Culture: Content and Representation in Blogs

Zizi Papacharissi and Sharon Meraz

18 Blogging the Third Wave? Citizens' Media, Intimate Citizenship, and Everyday Life

Jenny Gunnarsson Payne

19 Videogame Content: Game, Text, or Something Else?

Mia Consalvo

20 Rethinking Violent Videogame Content: Conceptual Advances and Directions for Future Research

Kenneth A. Lachlan

21 Transmedial Aesthetics: Where Form and Content Meet – Film and Videogames

Tanya Krzywinska

22 Recent Trends in Research on Health Portrayals in the Media: From TV, Newspapers, and Magazines to Websites, YouTube, and Manga

James D. Robinson, Teresa L. Thompson, Jeanine Warisse Turner, Robert R. Agne, and Yan Tian

23 Canadian (Re)Presentation: Media, First Peoples, and Liveness in the Museum

Miranda J. Brady

24 Calypso and the Performance of Representational Politics

Susan Harewood


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