
Page references to figures or tables are in italics; references to notes have the letter “n” following the page number.

2-D films, 257

3-D films, 257, 446, 542n

4-H youth program, 528, 542n543n

9Tastes restaurant, 347

20 Questions about Youth and Media (Mazzarella), 9

24 (TV drama series), 343

60 Minutes, 166, 170

AAP, see American Academy of Pediatrics

Abadi, A., 286

ABC (American Broadcasting Company), 77

ABC (Spanish national newspaper), 572, 5746

Abelman, R., 250

Abril, G., 550

Absent Structure, The (Eco), 550

Abu Ghraib (Iraqi prison), 278

Abu-Lughod, L., 202


animal, 363

of power, 485

of technology, 2

victims/survivors of, 77

academic research, 25, 45, 69, 756, 80, 1556, 161, 207, 589

Access to Archives, 38990


to audiences, 23

to computer, 945

to discourse, 574, 579

to electricity, 2

to equipment, 159, 306

to information, 8, 166, 175, 345, 3878, 4801, 589

to Internet, 2, 78, 121, 211, 522, 588

to knowledge, 49, 163, 514

to media, 583, 588

to memory, 161

to messages, 78, 244

to organizations, 207

to people, 99, 144, 174, 176, 212, 499

to population, 96

to power structure, 159

to research, 4, 65, 226, 507

to students, 98

ACNielsen, 306

active interviews, 13940

active system, 425

activists, 73, 813, 522

activity theory (AT), 5201

actors, 10, 190, 1924, 196, 389, 535

actresses, 194, 196

Adam, P., 422

Adams, R. C., 92

Adler, P., 208

administrative ideology, 567

administrative knowledge, 28, 61

administrative problems and tools, 57

administrative research

benevolent, 56

and empirical critique, 558

administrative technique, 56

adolescents, 181, 1901, 594

online sexual behavior, 76

Adorno, T., 556, 365, 550

adulthood memories, 183

advertisements, 9, 31, 53, 206, 219, 256


case study, 4307

theory, method, and its exemplary application in analyzing, 41940

advertising, 8, 1012, 47, 601, 92, 100, 105, 118, 246, 370, 382, 5523, 5557, 560, 565, 584

campaigns, 67, 90, 102

-driven websites, 73

political, 272

research, 734, 79, 421

testing effectiveness, 92

advocacy organizations, 73

AFB, see anti-fat bias

Africa, 72, 104, 297, 3434, 572

conducting media ethnographies in, 199214

postcolonial, 199

African Americans, 97, 261, 272, 353, 359, 367, 369, 3756, 589

afterlife, unexpected, 31315

Agar, M., 210

Agdestein, M., 494

age, 3, 10, 74, 1023, 113, 116, 119, 121, 131, 145, 149, 182, 184, 221, 231, 251, 258, 262, 267, 435, 541, 587

and memory, 15960

see also elderly

agency, 2301

agenda setting, 46, 495n

aggression, 723, 146, 188, 256, 270, 294, 521

and media violence, 73

agricultural labor practices, 72

Ahearn, L., 231

Ahern, K., 115, 117, 125, 131

Ahmed, S., 224

Aiello, G., 327

Aierbe, P., 575

Akindes, F., 210

Alameda cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188, 192

Albert, D., 422

Albrecht, S., 147

Allá en el Rancho Grande (movie), 85

Allen, R. C., 180, 196

Allen-Meares, P., 449

Allison, F. H., 160

alternative cultural genres, 13

Almanza, V., 586

Alpers, G. W., 435

Altheide, D., 330, 331

Althusser, L., 410

Alvarez, A., 554

AMARC, see World Association of International Radio Broadcasters

AMC, 446

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 73

American Association for Public Opinion Research, 105, 106

American Association of University Professors, 71

American Community Survey, 106

American Idol (TV show), 7

American Presidency Project, 288, 300n

American Psychological Association, 74

American studies, 31, 35960

America's Historical Newspapers (Readex), 387

Amit, V., 507

analogue broadcasting, 222, 2289

analysis, discourse

axial coding, 150

open coding, 150, 340, 345

selective coding, 1501

analysis and interpretation, of oral history interview, 1735

analysis of variance, see ANOVA

analytical artists, 119

analytical memo and diagram, 1501

analytical practices, 43

analytical strategies: coding and binaries, 3458

analyzing text: cultural discourse in ethnic food reviews, 33855

defining textual analysis, 33940

establishing theoretical context, 34852

concept of culture: static vs. dynamic, 3512

media and national identity, 34851

Othering: us vs. them, 352

exemplar: representing Other in food reviews, 3438

analytical strategies: coding and binaries, 3458

justification, 3434

sampling, 3445

further interpretations, 3536

methodological assumptions, 340

open text, multiple readings, 3401

reality as constructed, 341

representation as constitutive of media discourse, 3412

topic selection, 3423

anchor frame, 309, 316

Andersen, M. B., 485

Anderson, B., 351

Anderson, C. A., 522

Anderson, D. A., 262

Anderson, K., 140, 145, 147, 148, 150, 323

Anderson, L., 223

Andrews, L., 79

Ang, I., 203, 448, 463

anger, 223, 245, 578

animated films, 1245, 265, 548, 5545, 561, 566

Ankara, Turkey, 278

Annales School, France, 360

Annals of Tourism Research, 12

Annan, Kofi, 279

anonymity, 66, 7980, 83, 98, 108, 1223, 161, 345, 501, 51011, 513

in surveys/interviews, 745

protection of, 77, 82

“anonymizer” software tools, 77

ANOVA (analysis of variance), 249, 256, 264

Antena 3, 588

anthropology, 24, 71, 81, 157, 199203, 205, 207, 21314, 220, 327, 355, 35863, 366, 369, 371, 3734, 499, 5014, 509

media, 2013

symbolic anthropology and folklore studies, 3603

see also visual anthropology

anti-fat attitudes scale, 260

anti-fat bias (AFB), 30, 260

case study: examination of, in grade school children, 25866

AoIR, see Association of Internet Researchers

Aoki, E., 329

AOL, 79

Aparicio, R., 579

apologetic rhetoric, 30

in modern presidency, 277300

in presidential messages abroad, 289

frequencies of self-referential apologetic lexemes, 292

self-referential, 290

self-referential apologetic rhetoric and message type, 293

self-referential and self-critical instances, 295

apologia, 2801, 285

Apología Sokrátus (Plato), 280

apology, 27881, 283, 2858, 2913, 299

true, 280

Appadurai, A., 23, 571

“Apparent broadcast type,” 30910

“Appeal to Muslims, An” (speech, G. W. Bush), 284

arboric systems of knowledge, 204

archives, 7, 80, 158, 164, 168, 173, 175, 210, 344, 359, 367, 369, 371, 375, 3823, 38595, 482, 512

Ardévol, E., 24, 32, 502

Argentina, 27, 5723, 5767, 581, 586


brotherly attitude toward, 5767

“if we do not talk, they do not realize we are Argentineans,” 5801

armed conflicts, 3, 211

Arnason, L., 27, 32

Arnett, A., 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 354

Aronowitz, S., 554

art, 73, 115, 135, 152, 409, 439, 551

art films, 192, 4001

Artemio, 188

Arturo, 188, 192

Asia, 96, 14, 96, 100, 261

Aslin, R., 422

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 66

Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), 81

asylum seekers, 326

AT, see activity theory

AT&T, 8

Ata, R. N., 267

Atienza, R., 5501

Atkins, A., 522

Atkinson, P., 220, 506

ATLAS.ti, 512

attentional disengagement, 426

attentional engagement, 426

attentional feedback loop, 426

Aubrey, J. S., 94

Audience in Everyday Life, The (Bird), 505

audience(s), 25, 7, 1011, 1315, 204, 29, 44, 46, 51, 54, 56, 5960, 78, 912, 96, 115, 118, 120, 1223, 1278, 1302, 2014, 207, 211, 213, 224, 246, 256, 272, 277, 2814, 288, 291, 306, 311, 3204, 329, 33940, 344, 351, 362, 3645, 376, 385, 3913, 402, 41012, 439, 476, 494, 4989, 502, 505, 51214, 548, 551, 555, 566, 5846, 590

analysis, 11

engagement, 11

interpretation, 5, 20

membership, visual aspects of, 44567

nonacademic, 73

passive, 92

reception, 120

selection of movie houses and films by, 1867

studies, 11

critique and review of in-depth interviews as methodological strategy in, 17996

traditional and new, 2

audio recorder, 146, 148, 159, 165, 1679

audio recording, 115, 1489, 1678, 512

audiovisual information, 2, 94

effects on children, 14

Augoyard, J.-F., 550

Australia, 71, 103, 205, 383, 391, 564

Australian Broadcasting Company, 388

Australian Media History Database, 388

authority and ownership, 21011

authorship, writing, and presentation, 313

autoethnography, 14, 26, 21922

benefits, 2247

connecting individual to cultural, 2279

in media studies: digitalization of TV in Finland, 21732

problems, 2224

small is beautiful, 22932

Autonomous University of Nuevo León, 196n

Avatar (movie), 29, 446

case study in using Q methodology for media research, 11926, 122

axial coding, 150

Babbie, E., 147, 255, 272

Back, K., 164

back-translation method, 104

Backs, R. W., 421

backups, 167, 316

backyard ethnographies, 199

Baeza-Yates, R., 48990

Baghdad, Iraq, 285

Bahr, H., 147

Bailey, C. W., 7, 10

Bakardjieva, M., 502, 504, 513

Baker, P., 326

Balkenius, C., 422

Ball, Alan, 450

Ball, D., 269

Ballard, D. H., 422

banana-clip lavalier, 149

Banet-Weiser, S., 6, 7, 9

Banks, M. J., 8

Bañón, A., 572

Barber, B., 73

Barcelona, Spain, 509, 577, 5834

Barkan, E., 278

Barker, C., 345

Barker, M., 129

Barlow, J. P., 501

Barnhurst, K., 6, 478, 492

Barthelson, M., 422

Barthes, R., 340, 410

Bartolucci, V., 325

Basantes, B., 586

Basil, M. D., 250, 251

Basso, K., 362

Bateson, G., 499

Baumgartner, H., 106

Baym, N., 502

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 384, 388, 391, 395, 476

BBSs, see bulletin board systems

Bearden, W. O., 101

Beatriz, 194

Beaverbrook, Lord, 389

Bechkoff, J., 508

Beck, B., 451, 4556

Becker, C., 383

Beckers, R., 554

Bederman, G., 36970

Bederson, B., 524

Beers, L., 81, 393, 395

Behar, R., 207


online, 79

voting, 53, 91

behavioral science, 202

Belgium, 188, 191

Bell, L., 449

bell curve, 116

Bellour, R., 40511, 415

Belmont Report, 70, 108

Below the Line: Producers and Production Studies in the New Television Economy (Mayer), 8

Bendick, R., 156

Benedikt, M., 501

benevolent administrative research, 56

Ben-Hur, 1912, 194

Ben-Nun, P., 105

Benoit, W., 270, 280, 299

Berelson, B., 54, 91, 305

Berg, C. E., 476

Bergman, Ingrid, 191

Berlin, Germany, 284

Berni (TV cartoon series), 556, 5601

Betamax videotape format, 306

between or within subjects?, 2479

between-subjects experimental design and analysis, 30, 2478, 25573

case study: examination of anti-fat bias in grade school children, 25866

study 1 independent variables, 2612

study 2 independent variables, 2623

study 1 participants, 261

study 2 participants, 262

summary of results, 2636

design problems specific to case study, 26671

confounding variables, 2678

effect size and statistical power, 26970

post-test only data, 2701

procedures, 2667

random selection, 268

sample/cell size, 2689

how between-subjects designs can be used in media studies research, 2713

Bicycle Thieves (movie), 73, 1923

Bielby, D. D., 446

Biernacki, R., 363, 372

Bijker, W., 505

bilingual translators, 104

billboards, 23, 375

Biltereyst, D., 180, 188, 191, 193, 196n


and coding, 3458

extension of, 353

textual binaries in ethnic food reviews, 348

Bingham, A., 381, 385, 387, 393, 3945

Binkley, S., 377

biomedicine, 24

biometric body scans, 13

biopolitics, 13

Bird, E., 147, 505

Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 367

Bisbal, M., 586

bisexuals, 329

Bissell, K., 12, 30, 261

Bixler, B., 554

Black, E., 3234

Black nationalists, 371

Blakey, G. T., 158

blame shifting, 280

Blank, G., 506

Blatz, C. W., 278, 286

blogging, 143

blogs, 9, 23, 789, 143, 299, 342, 455, 479, 500, 507, 50914

Blue Angel, The (movie), 192

Blumer, H., 52

Blu-ray players, 229

Boateng, B., 9

Bocarnea, M. C., 250

Bochner, A. P., 220, 221, 222, 223

Bodnar, J., 174

body language, 145, 148

body movements or postures (kinesics), 147

Boellstorff, T., 328, 5023

Boer War, 385

bojd, d. m., 58

Bolivia, 14, 586

Bolls, P. D., 246, 247

Boltman, A., 524

Bondebjerg, I., 115

Bonilla, J. I., 586

Bonnell, V. E., 371

Book History, 382

books, 11, 320, 385

culture industries, and senses, 3747

Booth, C., 136

Booth, T., 449

Booth, W., 449

border crossings, 8

Bordwell, D., 4005, 416

Born in Slavery project, 158

Bosch, T., 26, 29, 30

Boston Globe, 91, 3445

Boston University, 389

Bourdieu, P., 373

Boyatzis, C. J., 73

boycotts, 13

Boylorn, R. M., 222

boys, 10, 258, 261, 5289, 531, 53941

Bracken, C. C., 304, 313, 314, 317

Bradley, M., 392, 393

Bradley, S. D., 241

brain, 423, 425

and memory, 156, 159, 161

studies, 163

brainstorming, 151, 304, 309, 31516

brand awareness, 92

brand loyalty, in young children, 74

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 284

Brands, H. W., 282

Brashers, D. E., 244

Bratich, J., 11

Brazil, 202, 586

BRB Internacional S.A., 561

Breaking Bad (TV drama series), 446

breast cancer, listserv on, 78

Brenner, M., 137

Brewster, B., 406

Brislin, R. W., 104

Britain, see United Kingdom

British Broadcasting Corporation, see BBC

British Cartoon Archive, University of Kent at Canterbury, 387

British Library, 390

British Newspaper Library, Colindale, UK, 387

broadcast networks, 305

broadcast stations, 305

Broadcasting Empire (Potter), 391

Brockus, S., 7

Bronfenbrenner, U., 528, 5323, 543n

Brookhiser, R., 278

Brooks, C. F., 223

Brooks, R. L., 278, 280

Brown, L. M., 385

Brown, R., 160

Brown, S. R., 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 126, 128, 129, 130

Brown, W. J., 250

browser software, 77

Brügger, N., 396n

Brummett, B., 321, 322, 324

Bruns, A., 114

Bryant, J., 76

Bryce, J., 52

Buch, F. (née Buss) 162, 163, 175

Buchanan, E. A., 76, 78, 79, 801, 84

Bucher, H.-J., 422, 430

Bücher, K., 44

Buchmann, A., 11

Buchner, A., 249

Buckhout, R., 160

Buckingham, D., 554

Bucy, E. P., 245, 251

Buddenbaum, J. M., 539

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV drama series), 455

Built to Resist advertising campaign, 433

bulletin board systems (BBSs), 65, 77, 5012

Bullier, J., 425

Burawoy, M., 59

Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, 62n, 92

bureaucratization, 8

Burger, C., 156

Burgoon, J., 502

Burgos-Debray, E., 175

Burnier, D., 220, 222

Burns, D., 82

Burrell, J., 504

Burris, M. A., 449, 465

Burroughs, E. R., 369

Bush, George H. W., 287, 289, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296

Bush, George W., 278, 283, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296, 297, 325

Bushman, B. J., 522

business, 91, 3467, 359, 3745, 383, 400, 478, 573, 584

Business History Review, 382

Buss, F., see Buch, F.

Buswell, G. T., 439

buycotts, 13

buying decisions, 53

cable and satellite technology, 20

cable channels, 10

cable networks, 222, 305

Cable TV, 305

Cagiltay, K., 422, 439

Cairo University, 2834

Calafell, B. M., 323

Calavita, M., 393

Caldwell, M. T., 8

Calhoun, C., 50

call screening, 105

Callejo, J., 587

CAM, see creative agency model

Cambodian restaurant, 354

cameras, 15n, 123, 156, 162, 1679, 171, 207, 304, 307, 407, 412, 41517, 431, 433, 446, 448, 466, 470, 5345

Cameron, James, 29, 112, 113, 119

Camitta, M., 141

Campbell, D. T., 240, 241

Campbell, J. D., 449

Campbell, K. K., 323

Campbell, W. J., 384

Canada, 23, 27, 383, 391, 554

Canales, A., 589

Cantarell, F., 550

Cantor, M., 180

capital accumulation, 8

capitalist exploitation of natural resources, 124

CAR (content analysis reliability), 314

carbon footprint, 13

Cardoza, K., 11

Carey, J. W., 48, 359, 361

Carleton University, 83

Carlson, J. M., 119, 125

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), 77

Carpenter, P. A., 426, 427

Carpenter, R. H., 4278

Carpenter, S., 478, 492

Carrillo, K., 196n

Carter, Jimmy, 287, 289, 290, 293, 294, 295

Casablanca press conference, 1943, 284

case studies, 9, 11, 278, 30, 65, 69, 79, 83, 11213, 11926, 180, 199200, 20414, 240, 2556, 25871, 299, 3812, 3847, 393, 420, 4309, 451, 522, 555

Casino Monterrey, 186

Cassell, J., 540

Cassirer, H., 157

Castells, M., 2, 3, 6, 22, 228, 571

Cataño, M., 586

categories of identity, 9

causality, 272

establishing, 239, 256

Cavell, S., 416

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 1567, 1623, 166, 173, 175

CBS News, 388

CC, see Creative Commons

CCA, see computer-assisted content analysis

CCTV (China), 388

Ceisel, C. M., 10

celebrity effects, 251

cell size, 259, 2689

celluloid, 23

censors, 53, 376

censorship, 53, 375

census, 901

data, 90

decennial, 90

Center for Media Literacy, 522

Central Office for Research Ethics Committees, 71

Centre for Journalism and History, University of Sheffield, 381

Centre for Longitudinal Studies (UK), 94

Centre for Media History, Aberystwyth University, 3812

Centre for Media History, Macquarie University, 382, 388

Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Center of Sociological Investigations), 5778

ceramic production, 9

Certeau, M. de, 231

certificate of confidentiality, 108

Chadwick, B., 147

Chalaby, J., 382

Chamberlain, J., 174

Chan, A. S., 6, 9

Chang, H., 219

Chaos Tower (video game), 529, 530, 531

Charlton, T. L., 161

Charness, G., 257

Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet, 80

chatrooms, 78, 80, 229, 502, 507

Chávez, K. R., 328, 329

Checa, F., 586

Chesney-Lind, M. 10

Chess, S., 10

Chester, J., 74

Chicago, 313

Chicago School, 136

child pornography, 66, 76


exploring effects of TV and movie music on, 54767

analysis of cinema for children, 5614

analysis of TVE programs for children, 55561

conclusions and discussion, 5647

general approach of study, 550

instruments, 5524

method, 5489

model, 5512

rationale: children and music of media, 5545

sound medium, 5501

memories, 1834


analysis of cinema for, 5614

analysis of TVE programs for, 55561

brand loyalty, 74

desensitization to real-world violence, 73

effects of audiovisual information, 14

examination of anti-fat bias in grade school children, 25866

and media violence, 73

and music of media, 5545

recognition of corporate logos, 74

sound environments of TV programs, 33

television shows, 73

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 74

Childs, H. L., 53

Chile, 586

China, 7, 388

Chitnis, K., 449

Chomsky, N., 573

Choi, Y., 478, 492

choice architecture, 79

Choudhry, Y. A., 93

Christians, C. G., 7, 66, 69, 70, 812, 371

chronemics (use of pacing of speech and silence), 147

Chuang, H.-H., 439

Chung, D. S., 478

Chung, Y., 251

Cicourel, A. V., 137

Cielito Lindo (movie), 185

cinema-going and films in Monterrey discussion, 1956

European movies, 1923

family and social interaction, 1934

Hollywood movies, 1912

memories of, 17996

of plots and movies, 1945

national and foreign films, 18993

selection of movie houses and films by audiences, 1930s–1960s, 1867

setting, 1845

social class differences, 1879

cinema, 17996, 189, 382, 389, 4012, 407, 409, 41213, 446, 548, 550, 552, 554, 566

for children, analysis of, 5614

memory, 182

citation bias, 67

citizens' groups, 60

citizens' opinions, 53

civil society, 51, 60

Clark, E. A., 384

Clark, M. M., 160

class, see social class

classroom use of recorded interviews, 175

Clayton, A., 4034

click rates, 73

Clifford, J., 24, 201, 209, 220, 231

Clifort (TV cartoon series), 556

Climate Airwaves, 82

climate change, 66, 82, 299, 495n

Clinton, Bill, 278, 284, 287, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297

Clinton, Hillary, 101

closed-ended questions, 101

closed survey, 139, 141

Cloud, D., 323

cluster sampling, 978

Cluttering of Television, The (Lombard et al.), 313

CMC, see computer-mediated communication

CMS, see content: management system

CMU, see Carnegie Mellon University

CNN International, 343

“Coalition of the Willing” (G. W. Bush), 297

coastal erosion, 82

Cobb, J. N., 323

coder selection and training, 3078

codes of conduct, 68, 80


and analysis of interview transcripts, 137

axial, 150

and binaries, 3458


constructing design, 4848

open, 150

selective, 150

variables for front page and content analysis, 486

“Coding Manual for Program Variables,” 307

Coe, K., 30, 284, 298

coercion, 75, 365

Coffey, A., 220, 506

cognitive involvement, 123

cognitive processing, 140, 2602, 265, 4278

cognitive science, 519

Cohen, J., 249, 288

Cohen, V., 367

Cohen's kappa, 309

coherence, logics of, 45

Cohn, D'V., 590

cohort studies, 934

Coicaud, J. M., 278

Colbert, Steven, 13

Cold War, 2823, 291, 294, 2967, 300n, 370

Colectivo Ioé, 572, 587

Coleman, E. G., 506, 513

collective (cultural) memory, 7, 159

college students, 95, 98, 2502

Colley, A., 540

Colombia, 14, 5723


attitude of fear toward, 5756

“they see us as “bad” people and they are afraid of us,” 57980

colonial oppression, 124

colonialism, 201, 206

Columbia Broadcasting System, see CBS

Columbia University, 72, 158

Bureau of Applied Research, 62n, 90

Oral History Research Office, 158, 172

commercial institutions, 72, 388

commercial news, 73

Committee on Public Information, 72

commodification, 6, 49, 348, 355, 366, 3745

common interest, 60, 501

Communication Abstracts, 314

communication and media science, 420, 425, 430, 4356, 447

Communication Research Measures: A Sourcebook (Rubin et al.), 101

communication studies, 50, 114, 137, 179, 203, 236, 325, 488, 502

Communications Decency Act 1996 (US), 77


interdisciplinary approaches to understanding transnationalism and, 57090

and public opinion, 513

research, 14

and media, ambiguity of, 45

technologies, 2

communism, language of, 54

communitarian model, 7

community, 26, 42, 44, 512, 77, 823, 1213, 136, 138, 144, 158, 2012, 204, 206, 212, 27981, 284, 3279, 331, 3478, 351, 367, 384, 449, 5024, 507, 578, 589

adaptation, 136

feedback, 83

leaders, 118

radio, 66, 72, 83, 200, 205, 21314,

vs. society, 44

virtual, 78, 501

comparison groups, 2401

“complete member” (in ethnographic fieldwork), 208

computational coding design, 4878

computer-animated visual effects, 124

computer-assisted coding, 4867, 489, 492

computer-assisted content analysis (CCA), 277, 279, 281, 288, 290, 2978

administering, 2856

computer-assisted multivariate analysis, 4

computer-assisted searching, 30

computer-mediated communication (CMC), 498

computer science, 24, 45, 421

computers, 14, 95, 123, 312, 446, 489, 504, 540, 542n, 584

Comrey, A. L., 99

Comstock, G., 12

Conboy, M., 383

concept, research, 43

conceptual definition, 100

conceptual equivalency, 100

operational definition, 100

reliability of measurement, 100

validity of measurement, 100

conceptual definition of research concept, 100

conceptual equivalency, 93, 100

concourse, 11516, 1201

conduct and procedure, questions of, 678

Coney Island, 365

Conference on Optimal Coding of OpenEnded Survey Data, University of Michigan, 314

conference presentation, 175

confidentiality, 77, 82, 1423, 145, 196n, 513

certificate of, 108

conflict, in ethnography case history, 21113

confounding variables, 2678

confounds, 2368, 240, 243, 252, 257, 267, 531, 541

Congress (US), 77, 90, 283, 5823

connective ethnography, 5034

connectivity, 22

Conquergood, D., 328

consent form, 108

consent, informed, 65, 67, 70, 745, 7881, 107, 162, 171, 508, 513

Conservative Americans United, 122

Conservative Party (UK), 395

consumer(s), 810, 13, 29, 77, 79, 11820, 1278, 131, 202, 304, 323, 343, 365, 371, 375, 377, 486, 520, 522, 554, 5867

preferences, 53

research, 912

Consumers' Imperium (Hoganson), 371

consumption patterns, 114, 587


analysis, see content analysis

management system (CMS), 479

manifest, 54

producers, 73

and representation, media, 5, 9

content analysis, 910

coding variables for, 486

issues of empirical reliability and theoretical validity, 53

mixed approach to, see mixed approach to content analysis

quantitative, 30

reliability, see CAR

of television form, 30317

contextualization, 41, 151, 223, 362, 391, 394, 427, 435, 507, 510

contextuality, 225

contingency questions, 95, 1045

control sequence, 285

controlled experiment(s)

logic of, 2378

research questions that can be addressed by, 23940

controlled interview, 139, 141

convenience sampling, 98, 344

conventionality, 230

convergence, 3, 7, 40, 43, 114, 400, 494

globalization, technological development, and interdisciplinarity, 1934

Converse, J., 90, 136

Conway, M., 26, 29, 174

Cook, J. W., 360, 374

cookies, 77

Cooper, R., 250

Copernal Publishing, 584

COPPA, see Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

Corbin, J., 148, 150, 151, 152n

Cordes, C., 522

Corneliussen, H., 502

corporate logos, infant recognition of, 74

corrective action, taking, 280

correlational studies, 73

Costa Rica, 27

Couldry, N., 505

Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR) (Sweden), 70

Courtes, J., 548

Courtright, J. A., 250

covert rehearsal, 160

Cowan, R. S., 231

Coyle, K., 125

Craig, C. S., 93

Craig, R. T., 1, 2

Crandall, C. S., 260

Cranium, 529

Crawford, E., 326

creative agency model (CAM), 521, 5323, 533, 539, 541, 543n

Creative Commons (CC), 78

creative expression, 140

creative interviewing, 140

creative use of tense and conditional form, 287

credit information, online, 79

Creel, G., 72

Cremades, R., 554

Crenshaw, C., 323

Cresson laboratory, 552

criminals, 326, 369, 576, 580

crisis of representation, 24, 30

Critical Ethnography: Methods, Ethics, and Performance (Soyini Madison), 83

critical knowledge, 28, 61

critical paradigm, 3940, 4750, 339

critical rhetoric, 278, 323

critical theory, 1589, 338, 3589, 3645

Cronkite, W., 162, 175

Cross, B., 522

Cross, R. M., 128, 129, 130, 131

cross-cultural research, 90, 93, 96, 103

language in, 1034

questions in, 1034

cross-cultural survey studies, 93

cross-media news consumption, 119

cross-national media research, 129

cross-sectional studies, 93

Crowne, D. P., 247

Cruz, L., 58

C-SPAN, 306

Cuando los hijos se van (movie), 190

cued recall, 247

cultural and media consumption in diasporic contexts, 5858

cultural discourse, 31

see also analyzing text: cultural discourse in ethnic food reviews

cultural history and media studies, 35877

discourse and identity, 36771

media culture and materiality: culture industries, senses, and books, 3747

society, structure, and practice, 3714

symbolic anthropology and folklore studies, 3603

cultural memory, 7

cultural sensibility and ideology of food reviews, 354

cultural studies, 89, 11, 489, 127, 157, 180, 202, 205, 207, 221, 231, 3401, 35860, 368, 505, 570

culture industry, hegemony, and, 3637


concept of: static vs. dynamic, 3512

of use, 114

Cunningham, M., 278

Curran, J., 381, 382

Curtis, L. P., 384

Cyberia, 501

cyberspace, 44, 5003

cycling loop, 425

Czech Republic, 282

Dahlgren, P., 21, 23, 25, 28

Daily Express (UK), 387

Daily Mirror (UK), 387

Danielson, S., 116, 125, 131

Dannerbeck, A., 449

Darling-Wolf, F., 1, 14, 202, 203, 204, 208, 209, 214

Darnton, R., 361, 3623, 377

Dasho, S., 449


analysis, 2930

and interviews, 14951

collection/gathering, 30

interview as, 1634

procedures, 51

and documentation, 7

encryption techniques, 77

entry and analysis, of research saga, 312

data aggregation companies, 79


reconstructing, 481

research, 66

Davies, M. M., 75

Davis, A. M., 223

Davis, Bette, 191, 194

Davis, C., 25, 29, 117, 118, 120, 125, 164

Davis, N., 362

Davis, O. I., 323, 333

Day, A. M., 203

Day, Doris, 191

de Beaugrande, R., 325

De Bruin, J., 448

de Kloet, J., 122

De Mooij, M., 93, 96, 105, 106

De Moragas, M., 551, 565

de Nie, M., 384

Deacon, D., 189

Dean, James, 191

Dean, John, 160

death, 70

“Death of the Author” (Barthes), 410

debriefing, 75, 164, 223, 246, 251, 290, 410, 491, 575

DeCarlo, D., 439

decennial census, 90

deception, 65, 68, 758, 81, 170

decision making, 92, 212, 421, 494

decontextualization of research from social its settings, 41

Deep Silver, 529

defamation, 171

DeFleur, M. L., 1

Delamont, S., 220

Deleuze, G., 2045, 210

Delgado, F., 323

Del Río, M., 554

Del Río, P., 554

demand characteristics, 247

democracy, 49, 523, 58, 60, 2056, 485

Democratic Convention, Chicago, 1968, 169

Democratic Party, 271, 291

demographics, 98, 250, 261

Denning, M., 367

DeNora, T., 548

Denzin, N., 69, 81, 137, 148, 204, 205, 206, 222

deontological theories, 68

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (US), 70, 1078

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (US), 70

Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, 494n

Department of State (US), 282

Department of War (US), 72

dependent variables, 23743, 245, 248, 252, 2567, 261, 2638, 2702, 304

measuring perceptual shifts in physical and virtual play, 53840

operationalizing, 2467

depression, 126

Facebook, 73

Depression era, 158

deregulation, 49, 74

Derrida, J., 368

desensitization, 73


experiment, 2401

problems of between-subjects case study, 26671

questionnaire, 29, 99105

research saga, 305

survey design, selecting, 934

Desmet, G., 422, 439

deterritorialization, 22

Deubel, H., 426

Deuze, M., 33, 479, 483, 504

developmental psychology, 51920

Devi, K., 449

Dewey, J., 44

DHHS, see Department of Health and Human Services

Diamond, M. R., 440n

Diana, Princess of Wales, 251

Dickinson, G., 323, 329

Dicks, B., 506

Digeser, P. E., 278

digibox, 222, 224, 2278

digital broadcasting, 224, 2289, 476

digital communication, 203, 40, 58

digital environments, 77, 801, 508

ephemeral nature of, 22

digital ethnography, 24, 5006

carrying out digital fieldwork, 50614

connective ethnography, 5034

Internet in everyday practices and media ethnography, 5046

and media practice, 32, 498515

virtual ethnography, 5003

digital fieldwork, 50614

conducting, 50811

constructing field, 5078

digital data analysis and ethnographic description, 51213

ethical dilemmas, 51314

digital footprints, 58

digital gaming, 13

digital immigrants, 33, 571, 587

digital interventions, 9

digital media, 3, 13, 25, 27, 34n, 114, 132, 493, 498, 500, 506, 508, 51315, 587

review boards confront challenge of, 801

digital network, 77, 228

digital receivers, 222, 228

digital technologies, 2, 23, 139, 314, 500, 5036, 514

digitization, 13, 3878

of TV in Finland, 21732

DIIA, see Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment

Dillard, J., 246

Dillman, D. A., 106

Dimitrova, D. V., 492

Dior advertisement, 424

direct mail, 90

disciplinary knowledge, division of, 5960

disclosure, 75, 778, 80

discourse, 7, 1011, 24, 26, 31, 44, 54, 72, 76, 115, 174, 1814, 195, 201, 229, 277, 281, 287, 292, 294, 299, 3204, 3289, 333, 338, 3413, 3467, 351, 3545, 358, 360, 372, 375, 377, 3856, 448, 501, 54850, 5523, 5714, 577, 579, 5813, 589

analysis, 49, 14951, 280, 319, 3257, 345, 572, 574, 576

and identity, 36771

on self-representation: ethnic media in global cities, 5835

Discovery Channel, 344

discursive mode, in Q methodology composite model, 120

disease, 70, 77, 94, 246

Disney studies, 7

disposable hardware, 13

distortion of real-world events, 124

distractions, limiting in interviews, 166

Ditton, T. B., 304, 313, 317

division of disciplinary knowledge, 5960

Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment (DIIA), University of Texas at Austin, 106

Do Not Call registry (US), 105

Doble Via Comunicaciones, 584

documentaries, 61n, 125, 167, 169, 171, 174, 210, 325, 344, 393, 449

Dogusoy, B., 422, 439

dominant paradigm, 12, 3940, 467, 4951, 59, 61

Dominican Republic, 574

Dominick, J. R., 66, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 99, 256, 268, 522

Donald Duck, 365

double-barreled questions, 103

double-negative questions, 103

Douglas, J., 140

Douglas, M., 362

Douglas, S. P., 93, 360, 376

Dourish, P., 532

Dow, B. J., 323

Downing, J. H. D., 3

downloading, 58, 211, 355n, 387, 488, 495n

Dracula (Stoker), 451

driver's license holders, 96

drug use, 78

Druin, A., 524, 526, 5289

Du Gay, P., 339, 351, 505

dubbing movies, 191

Duchowski, A. T., 4201, 425, 428, 4313

Dupagne, M., 250

Durham, M. G., 5, 6, 10

Durkheim, É., 44

Durning, D. W., 115

DVD format, 43, 21819, 222, 224, 22730, 406, 555, 588

DVR format, 314

d'Ydewalle, G., 422, 439

Dziopa, F., 115, 117, 125, 130, 131

Eastin, M. S., 68

Eastpak advertisement poster, 433

Echo of War, The (Nicholas), 384

Eco, U., 410, 550

economic crises, 14

economics, 49, 152

Ecuador, 27, 5723


compassionate view of, 5745

“we are just the poor and we get angry,” 5789

Eden cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 189

editing out ads in DVD recording, 219

Edmonds, R., 422

education, 34, 42, 70, 116, 131, 142, 149, 188, 214, 221, 231, 326, 439, 449, 486, 520, 522, 5478, 5501, 5546, 567

level, 119, 121, 125

educational policy studies, 6

educational system, 6

Edwards, J. A., 278, 279

effect size, 257


measuring effects of similar virtual and physical activity, 51943

media, 15, 1112, 1415, 20, 43, 467, 51, 723, 756, 92, 94, 120, 202, 237, 246, 2489, 2512, 2557, 273, 306, 415, 41920, 422, 505, 51920

special, 7, 124, 307, 450

of TV and movie music on childhood, 54767

Egidiop, 189

Egypt, 202

Ehmke, C., 421, 430

Eicher-Catt, D., 223

Eight Hours for What We Will (Rosenzweig), 367

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297

El Mundo (Spanish national newspaper), 572, 5746

El País (Spanish national newspaper), 572, 5747

elderly, 206

memories of cinema-going, 18196

election polls, 52

electric networks, 2

electricity, access to, 2

electronic communication, 40

electronic media, 20, 22, 172, 586

electronic records, 316

electronic screens, 23

Eley, G., 364, 370, 372

Elgesem, D., 494

Elizabeth II, Queen, 283

Elizabeth, V., 223

Elizondo cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188

Elliott, J., 138

Elliott, P., 180

Ellis, C., 220, 221, 222, 223, 227

Ellison, N. B., 58

Eltinge, J. L., 106

email, 24, 77, 80, 94, 106, 108, 139, 147, 149, 1634, 207, 21213, 266, 314, 51011, 5878

embedded researcher, 211

emotional detachment, 124

emotional involvement, 123

Emperor penguins, 562, 563, 566

empirical critique, and administrative research, 558

empirical reliability and theoretical validity, issues of 53

empirical research, 30, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 568, 113, 257, 273, 520

employment files, 96

Enck-Warner, D., 323

encryption techniques, 77

endogenous control and exogenous control of visual perception, 4267

Endres, D., 328

enemy propaganda, 54

Engebretsen, M., 492

English, B., 350, 353

Englishness and Empire 1939–1965 (Webster), 391

“Enlightened City, The” (project), 196n

Enstad, N., 369, 372

Enterprise & Society, 382

entertainment, 7, 26, 120, 124, 185, 195, 224, 229, 239, 243, 265, 343, 365, 448, 4867, 4912, 495n, 505, 561, 585, 588

environment, exploitation of, 124

environmental practices, 13

environmental studies, 114

ephemeral media, quantitative approaches, 14, 47595

Epic Encounters (McAlister), 370

epistemology and ideology, questions of, 21, 689

Epstein, J., 392

equivalency, 93, 100, 104, 106

Erdfelder, E., 249

Erjavec, K., 325

Erlebacher, A., 256

Ernesto, 188, 190, 193, 194

ERS, see extreme response style

Escobar, A., 501

España Exterior SL, 584

Ess, C., 81

Estalella, A., 502

estrangement, 124

Eternal Paddy, The (de Nie), 384

ethics, 14, 29

ethical issues, 29

of media research, 6584

who cares about?, 657

research, 6584

review boards, 65

brief history, 6971

common critiques, 71

confront challenge of digital media, 801

mission creep of, 66

of text-based qualitative research, 3323

three types of ethical questions, 679

conduct and procedure, 678

epistemology and ideology, 689

motivation and intent, 67

Ethiopia, 343

ethnic media in global cities, 5835

ethnic minorities, 125, 201, 583

ethnicity, 3, 6, 10, 26, 34, 46, 50, 104, 113, 125, 131, 139, 221, 231, 259, 264, 269, 342, 353, 543n

ethnodrama, 82

ethnographic observation, 127, 136, 329

ethnographic text-based approaches to qualitative research, 32730

ethnographies, online, 11, 14

ethnography, 14, 2001

case study: African local radio station, 20414

authority and ownership, 21011

conflict, 21113

discussion, 21314

fieldwork, 20610

insider/outsider dilemmas, 20610

conducting in Africa, 199214

and interviewing, 136

media, 2014

see also autoethnography; connective ethnography; digital ethnography; virtual ethnography

Ettore, E., 223

Europe, 13, 79, 96, 158, 180, 184, 193, 228, 350, 360, 370, 376, 388, 589

European movies, 1923

European Union, 79, 582

Europeans, 14, 581

evocativeness in autoethnography, 223

Excel, 117

exercise frequency, 262

exogenous control

and endogenous control of visual perception, 4267

experiential approaches, 40

experimental conditions, 241, 265

experimental design, 30, 2367, 2402, 532

true, 241

see also between-subjects experimental design and analysis

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research (Campbell & Stanley), 240

experimental research in media studies, 23652

between or within subjects?, 2479

between-subjects designs, 2478

within-subjects designs, 2489

confounds, 243

creating treatment and message variance, 2435

designing experiment, 2401

establishing causality, 239

factorial studies, 2413

logic of controlled experiment, 2378

manipulation checks, 2512

operationalizing dependent variables, 2467

operationalizing independent variables, 2456

research questions that can be addressed by controlled experiments, 23940

sample composition, 24951

sample sizes, 249

true experimental designs, 241

experimenting with mixed research methods to study complex virtual interactions, 523

experiment(s), 74

between-subjects, 30

designing, 2401

logic of controlled, 2378

expert sampling, 99

exploitation, 2, 124, 575

exploitive research, 56

Export of Meaning: Cross-Cultural Readings of “Dallas,” The (Liebes & Katz), 448

extreme response style (ERS), 106

eye–mind assumption, 427

eye trackers, stationary table-mounted, 431

eye tracking, in media studies, 14, 25, 41940

case study on shock-inducing

advertisements, 4307

exogenous and endogenous control of visual perception, 4267

fixations, saccades, micro-movements, 4236

heat map of “attention landscape,” 434

indicators of eye-tracking analysis, 429

method, 4203

methodological limitations and challenges, 4379

scan paths, 434

analysis of shock-averse recipient, 438

structural components of human eye movements, 4236

visual examples, 4334, 438

what fixations and saccades tell us, 42730

eyewitness interviews, 160

Fabian, J., 355

Facebook, 2, 9, 79, 1202, 504, 50910

depression, 73


interviews, 24, 77, 945, 106, 120, 138, 147, 51011

relationships, 502, 507

sorting, 1223

facial expressions, 145, 166, 259

factor analysis, 11718, 1223, 1256, 130, 132

factorial studies, 2413

2 × 2 factorial design, 242

2 × 3 factorial design, 242

factual tests, 247

Fairclough, N., 49, 149, 297, 325, 3267

Faire, L., 191

Fairon, C., 495n

family, 10, 33, 94, 100, 104, 173, 180, 189, 212, 223, 258, 333, 3479, 366, 386, 454, 499, 5712, 581, 5847

cinema-going and social interaction, 1934

problematic relations, 223

Family Newspapers? (Bingham), 393

fan website discussion boards, 120

fandom, 121, 345, 466

Farm Journal, 91

Fascist Italy, 364

fast pacing, 251

fatal flaw, 243

Faul, F., 249

Faulkner, W., 221

fear, 240, 262, 264, 573, 587

appeals, 242, 242, 2456, 248, 251

toward Colombians, 5756

in children, 73

legacy of, 73

fear of negative appearance evaluation scale (FNAE), 262

Featherstone, M., 325

Federal Communications Commission (US), 74

Federal Trade Commission (US), 79

Federal Writers' Project, 158

Fediuk, T. A., 243

Feenberg, A., 513

Fein, S., 190

feminism, 11, 48, 50, 69, 81, 174, 201, 2045, 214, 323, 332, 368, 449

transnational, 4, 6

feminist studies, 4, 221

Ferguson, C., 73

Ferguson, J., 502

Fernández, M., 587

Ferrández, R., 552, 5567, 561

Feshbach, S., 240, 248

Feusner, M., 430

Field, L., 201

field experiments, 26, 33, 519, 523, 5312, 534, 538, 541

field observation, 74

Fielding, N., 506

Fields, D., 504

fieldwork, 20610

fifth-grade study participant(s)

use Webkinz Studio to make movies, 537

writes movie script, 537

film(s), 44

analysis, 399418

and criticism, 4035

description and evocation, 41518

introducing, 4003

statistics and objectivity, 40914

and systems, 4059

and cinema-going in Monterrey, memories of, 17996

criticism, 403

discussion boards, 121

evaluation of soundtrack, 564

exploring effects of TV and movie music on childhood, 54767

“freaks,” 119

-induced tourism, 1112

reviews, 120

scripts, 124, 141, 407, 415, 537

studies, 195

Film Art: An Introduction (Bordwell and Thompson), 4004

Film Style and Technology: History and Analysis (Salt), 409

Final Cut Pro, 314

Findlay, J. M., 423, 424, 425, 426

Finkelhor, D., 76

Finkelstein, L. M., 267

Finland, 27, 30

digitalization of TV in, 21732

Finnegan, C. A., 325

Fischer, M. M. J., 220

Fisher, D., 11

Fisher, W. R., 323

Fishkin, A. S., 538

Fishman, M., 180

Fiske, J., 115, 341, 342, 346, 454

fixation-dependent analysis of individual eye movements, 421

fixation target, 421

fixations, saccades, micro-movements, 4236

what fixations and saccades tell us, 42730

Flanagan, M., 522

Flanders, 195

flashbulb memories, 160

FlashQ, 117, 122, 129

Flickr, 500, 50910, 512, 514

Fleming, M. L., 426

Flores, E., 196n

Flores, L., 333

Florida cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188

focus groups, 113, 127, 129, 135, 13941, 202, 320, 4468, 506, 573, 57881, 583, 585, 5878

optimal size, 144

folklore, 157, 185

studies and symbolic anthropology, 3603

follow-up questions, 146, 149, 163, 170

Fontana, A., 136, 137, 140

food, 74, 262, 316, 371, 526, 556, 566

cultural discourse in ethnic food reviews, 33855

and identity, 10

pornography, 10, 15n

reviews, 31

cultural sensibility and ideology of, 354

representing Other in, 10, 31, 3438

foodways scholars, 10

Ford, Gerald, 284, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295

Fordism, 372

Foreign Office (UK), 395

foreign presidential speeches, 282

Form of News: A History, The (Nerone), 6

Forte, M., 513

Foss, K. A., 322

Foss, S. K., 322

Foucault, M., 368, 369

Fourie, P., 203

fourth-grade study participants

making movies in virtual/web treatment, 535

in physical/video treatment, 534

Fowler, F. J., 96, 99, 103, 106, 108

Fox, R., 201

Foxfire series (magazines/books), 158

frame, sample, 96

France, 27, 104, 157, 277, 284, 360, 3623

Francisco, 189

Francombe, J., 5, 10

Frankenberg, L., 26, 29

Frankfurt School, 3645, 374

Frautschy Demuth, R. L., 267

free interview, 13940

free recall, 247

Frey, J., 137, 140

friending (on social network sites), 58

friends, 33, 1936, 207, 21213, 227, 260, 2623, 3478, 452, 454, 466, 571, 587

Facebook, 2

Friends (TV sitcom), 341

Friere, P., 449

front page analysis, 482

coding variables for, 486

priorities, 491

share of stories on, 492

Fuchs, A. F., 424

Fuchs, C., 49

Fullerton, L., 328

functional interview continuum, 139

funding, research, 75

Fürsich, E., 26, 31

future history, 170

futures, in media studies, 5

futurism, 13, 15n

Gable, Clark, 191

Gabrielatos, C., 326

Gajewski, J., 446

Gale, A. G., 421

Gale Cengage Learning, 387

Gallup, G., 52, 53, 91

Galtung, J., 343

gambling, 789

gaming, 10, 13, 79, 504, 522, 528, 541

Gandhi, N. J., 421

Gans, H., 180, 343, 351

Gant, L. M., 449

Gaonkar, D. P., 323

Garbo, Greta, 191

Garcia, C., 508

García Canclini, N., 23, 586

Garramone, G. M., 68

Garza, M., 196n

Gates, K., 2, 3, 12, 13, 20, 22, 24, 267

Gaudet, H., 91

Gauntlett, D., 447

Gauthier, J., 550

GCRN, see Ghana Community Radio Network

Gee, J., 522

Geertz, C., 200, 203, 226, 327, 328, 359, 361, 363, 373

Geiger, S., 244, 247

Geise, S., 14, 25, 31, 422, 428, 430, 436

Geisler, C., 523, 525

Gelder, K., 503

Gemeinschaft (community), 44

gender, 34, 6, 11, 14, 26, 334, 46, 67, 113, 116, 119, 121, 125, 1301, 1446, 148, 159, 182, 205, 214, 221, 231, 244, 251, 2589, 2614, 267, 269, 324, 326, 342, 359, 36871, 383, 392, 499, 521, 532, 5345, 538, 543n, 572, 585, 587

differences, 531, 53940

importance of isolating for, 5401

and interviews, 148

“Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis” (Scott), 368

generalizability, 92, 125, 130, 2367, 2502

generalizations, 40, 1289, 152, 173, 250, 257, 2978, 394

Genovese, E. D., 364

genre criticism, 323

geopolitics, 6, 370

George, E., 502

Georgetown Law Journal, 76

Georgiou, M., 585

Gerbner, G., 92, 100

German Sociological Association, 54

Germany, 27

Gesellschaft (society), 44

Getting Loose (Binkley), 377

Ghana, 72

Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN), 82

Gibney, M., 278, 299

Gibson, W., 501

Giddens, A., 22, 373

Gil, S., 572

Gilbert, E., 6

Gilchrist, I. D., 423, 4246

Gilman, C. P., 369

Giménez, C., 580

Ginzburg, C., 362

girl studies, 6, 10

Girl Wide Web: Girls, the Internet, and the Negotiation of Identity (Mazzarella), 9

Girl Wide Web 2.0: Revisiting Girls, the Internet, and the Negotiation of Identity (Mazzarella), 9

girls, 4, 911, 25861, 263, 343, 447, 500, 5245, 5289, 531, 53941

girls' media studies, 10

Giroux, H. A., 554

Gitelman, L., 7, 8

Gitlin, T., 359

Glaser, B. G., 153, 174

Glick Schiller, N., 586

Glickman, L. B., 360

global capitalism, 22

global circulation of media, 9

global crisis, 14

global ethnographies, 11

global gender studies, 4

global grid, 2

global (im)mobility, 8

global interconnectedness, 122

“Global Media Events in India: Contests Over Beauty, Gender, and Nation” (Parameswaran), 11

global perspectives, 3

global population, 2, 22

global surveys, 104

globalization, convergence, technological development, and interdisciplinarity, 1934

Gmail, 509

Gneezy, U., 257

GNU Wget, 495n

goal-driven perception, 426

Godijn, R., 426, 430

Gódinez, F., 196n

Goh, D., 201

“going native,” 208

Goldberg, J. H., 422, 430

Golden Globes, 561

Golden-Biddle, K., 348

Golding, P., 189

Goldstein, R., 421

Gómez-Ariza, C., 551

Gomez-Cruz, E., 24, 32, 501, 50914

Gone With the Wind, 191, 194

Google, 7980

Google Docs, 316

Gorden, R. I., 147

Gordon, I. E., 427

governmental institutions, 72

Govier, T., 278

Grabe, M. E., 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 304

graduate students, 75, 183, 270, 383, 386

Grainger, K., 278

Gramsci, A., 363, 364

Granados, A., 575

Grand National Assembly, Ankara, Turkey, 278

Granka, L., 430

graphics, 305

computer, 310

incorporating in survey, 94

graphing, 14

Gratton, I., 421

Gravity, see Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity

Great Britain, see United Kingdom

Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History (Darnton), 362

Greece, 52, 349

green issues, 13

Greenberg, B. S., 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78

Greenstein, F. I., 282

Greenwald, A. G., 259

Gregorio, C., 572

Greimas, A. J., 410, 548

Grey's Anatomy (TV series), 10

Grieco, A., 421

Grier, R. A., 422

Griffin, L. M., 323

Grimes, S., 522

Gripsrud, J., 49

Grobart, S., 446

Grodin, D., 125

Gronbeck, B. E., 346

Gross, L., 92, 100

gross national product (GNP), 40

Grosswiler, P., 115

ground-up communication models, 81

Groves, R. M., 90, 91, 105, 106

Growing Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity (Mazzarella), 9

Guantanamo Bay, 278

Guardian (UK), 388, 395

Guardian Open Platform, 481

Guarnizo, L., 586, 588

Guattari, F., 2045, 210

Guba, E. G., 345

Gubrium, J. F., 136, 137, 139, 141, 205, 452

Gulbenkian Commission, 59

Gunter, B., 21

Gupta, A., 502

Habermas, J., 49, 50

hackers, 77, 500

Haddon, L., 505

Hadlaw, J., 8

Haiti, 282

Hajkowski, T., 391

Halbwachs, M., 159

Hale, G. E., 370

Hall, D. D., 376

Hall, G. S., 369

Hall, S., 24, 48, 61n, 120, 339, 340, 3412, 366, 367, 368, 505

Hallvsard, M., 49

Hamilton, New Zealand, 120

Hammer, R., 72

Hammoud, R. I., 420, 4312

Hampton, M., 26, 31, 392

Han, L., 326

Handbook of Marketing Scales: Multi-Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research (Bearden et al.), 101

Hannerz, U., 122, 502

haphazard sampling, 98

Happy Feet (animated movie), 548, 552, 563, 566

analysis of cinema for children: Happy Feet, 5614

analysis of songs performed by characters in program, 560

elements of musical language used in movie, 563

evaluation of film soundtrack, 564

musical numbers in four sections, 563

musical structure of opening sequence, 559

ordering of musical elements in narrative sequence, 564

results by musical categories, 557

soundtrack in story, 5623

story, 562

study of tendencies and cultural dominance, 564

Haraway, D., 221, 224

Harcup, T., 489

Hardt, H., 54

hardware manufacturers, 60

Hardy, C., III, 1656

Hardy, J., 451

Hargreaves, D. J., 554

harm, 66, 68, 70, 83, 1078, 161

Harper, K., 449

Harries, D., 505

Harris, C., 450

Harris, S., 278

Harrisburg Pennsylvanian, 91

Harter, L. M., 278, 449

Hartley, J., 7

Harvey, B., 82, 83

Harvey, D., 22

Hasinoff, A. A., 76

Hastrup, K., 504

hate groups, 77

Hathaway, Henry, 412

Hatteberg, Larry, 167

Hawaii, 283

Hawks, Howard, 404, 412

Hay, J., 1, 6, 7

Hayes, E., 528, 541

Hayes, J. J., 328

Hayhoe, M. M., 422, 428

Hays, H., 261

Hays Code, 72

Haythornthwaite, C., 503

HBO, 450

HCI, see human–computer interaction

Head Start, 528

headphones, 168

Healey, K., 14, 25, 28

health issues, 78, 98

health-related online communities, 79

health sciences, 114

Healy, J. M., 520

Hearit, K. M., 281, 299

heart rate, 247, 249, 257

heat map of “attention landscape,” 434, 4345

Heath, S. B., 540

Hedge, R., 209

Heeter, C., 541

Hegde, R., 4, 6

Hegel, G. W. F., 48, 49

hegemony, 360

culture industry, and cultural studies, 3637

Helen, 464

Heller, D., 423

Heller, R., 103

Henderson, J. M., 423

Henthorne, T. L., 100

Hepburn, Audrey, 191

Herman, E., 573

hermeneutics, 48

Hernández, A. M. B., 326

Herrera, L., 554

Herrera, R., 586

Herring, S., 501

Hess, A., 328

Hesse-Biber, S. N., 157, 174

heteronormative family, 10

Hewitt, D., 1667

Hewson, C., 506

Hicks, T., 317

Hill, A., 448

Hillemann, E., 422

Hilmes, M., 383

Himanen, P., 228

Hine, C., 500, 503

Hirsch, E., 505

Hirsh, E., 505

His Girl Friday (Hawks), 404

Hispanics, 97

historical approaches to media studies, 38196

case studies, 3936

methodologies, topics, and research questions, 3846

sources, 38690

using, 3913

Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 382

historical methods, 20, 31

“historical predicament” of ethnography, 209

historical record, 8, 159, 167, 361, 387

historical research, 7, 66, 1556, 158, 1734, 1812, 359

historical sociology, 31, 359

historical transgressions, 279

historiography, 31, 35860, 368, 371, 377

History of Communication series, 382

History Workshop, Ruskin College, 158

Hitchcock, Alfred, 4003, 4079, 415

Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The (movie), 130

Hocheimer, J., 205, 206

Hoerl, K., 6, 10, 11

Hoffman, J., 424, 425

Hofstadter, D., 315

Hoganson, K., 371

Hoggart, R., 366

Holbrook, M., 120

holistic approaches, 6, 28, 434, 82, 11314, 116, 11819, 123, 129, 147, 157, 196, 428, 432, 499

holistic media studies, 6

Hollingsworth, L. A., 449

Hollywood, 7, 1012, 92, 124, 185, 1903, 344, 359, 389, 41214

film-induced tourism, 1112

memories of, 1912

Holmqvist, K., 422

Holocaust, 279

Holohan, S., 325

Holsanova, J., 422, 439

Holstein, J. A., 136, 137, 139, 141, 205, 452

Home Office (UK), 395

homophobia, 10

Hong Kong, 27

Government, 390

Public Records Office, 390

Honkasalo, M.-L., 230

horizontal form of growth, 204

Horkheimer, M., 365

House of Lords Record Office, see Parliamentary Archives

House of Representatives, US, 90

How I Met Your Mother (TV show), 342

Howard, R. G., 328, 329

Howard-Hassman, R. E., 278

Howell, M. C., 391

HRECs, see human research ethics committees

HSFR, see Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Hudson, Rock, 191

Huertas, A., 586

Huesca, R., 205

Huggett, N., 181, 195

Hughes, A., 422

Huhman, B., 308

Human Communication Research, 314

human–computer interaction (HCI), 51920, 522, 529

human eye movements, structural components of, 4236

human identity, 25

human processing, 250

human research ethics committees (HRECs), 71

human subjective responses, 121

human subjects protections, 161

human subjects review, 1612

humanist approaches, 11, 69

humanities, 41, 45, 48, 59, 66, 70, 339, 358, 368, 410

humor, 13, 270, 392, 409

Hunt, L., 359, 372

Hunter, D., 325

Hussein, Saddam, 287

Hutchinson, P. M., 449

hybridization, 14

Hyman, I. E., Jr., 161

HyperRESEARCH, 184

“hypodermic needle” model, 12

hypotheticals, 146

I, Rigoberta Menchu (Menchu & Burgos-Debray), 175

IAT (implicit association test), 259

ICA (International Communication Association), 47, 313

iCarly (TV sitcom), 343

iChat, 147

iconic imagery, 323

ICR, see Institute of Communications Research


boundaries, exploration of, 140

categories of, 9

multiple, 30, 80

national, 7, 8, 3389, 342, 34851, 353, 355, 391

and oral history, 161

technologies, 8

ideographic criticism, 323

ideology and epistemology, questions of, 689

idiographic approaches, 401

IDIs, see in-depth interviews

IDRC, see International Development Research Centre

IDS, see Institute of Development Studies

Igartúa, J., 576

illegal immigrants, 99, 103

illegal materials, 77

illegal workers, 575, 583

Illingworth, N., 510

illness, 106, 223

ILM, see Industrial Light & Magic

images, visual, 428, 454

“imitation” as “a communication from soul to soul” (Tarde), 44

immediacy assumption, 427

immigrant media, 13

immigrants, 11, 14, 99, 326, 3523, 369, 503, 57189

digital, 33, 571

discourses on their media images, 5778

territorial, 33, 571

immigration, 296, 329, 342, 353, 5705, 577, 57983, 585, 587, 589

in Spain, journalists' discourses on “problem” of Latin American, 5813

implicit association test, see IAT

inadequate question wording, 103

inbuilt web cameras, 123

inclusivity, 34

income disparity, 96

Independencia, Monterrey, Mexico, 189

independent measures design, 272

independent variables, 239

manipulated, 243

measuring perceptual shifts in physical and virtual play, 53340

operationalizing, 2456

in-depth interviews (IDIs), 94

India, 11, 27, 72, 342, 352

Indiana Jones (movie series), 344, 565

Indigenous Environmental Network, 122

indigenous peoples, exploitation of, 124

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), 7

industry units, 246

Infante, Pedro, 190

informal conversational interview, 140

information absorbers, 118

information processing, 31, 135, 420, 4223, 425, 42730, 435, 4379

information technology (IT), 471, 520, 541, 542n

informational flows, 22

informed consent, 65, 67, 70, 745, 7881, 107, 162, 171, 508, 513

form, 148

Ingold, T., 499

insider/outsider dilemmas, 20610

Instagram, 500

instant messages, 80

Institute for Advanced Research, Princeton University, 361

Institute of Communications Research (ICR), University of Illinois, 4

Institute of Development Studies (IDS), 82

institutional bureaucracies, 66

institutional governance, 81

institutional review boards (IRBs), 69, 107, 1413, 305

approval, 1413

protocol, 142

tips, 1612

instrument design, in surveys, 90

instrument equivalence, 93

insurance companies, 79

intellectual property, 9

intent and motivation, questions of, 67

interactive virtual technology (IVT), 51923, 528, 532, 53942, 543n

interactivity, 3, 95, 246, 483, 492

intercoder reliability, 30812

interdisciplinarity, 3

convergence, globalization, and technological development, 1934

interdisciplinary approaches to understanding transnationalism and communication, 57090

interdisciplinary research, 324, 473594

interdiscipline of present and future, 115

International Association for Media and History, 382

International Communication Association, see ICA

international communications, 13

International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 83

International Journal of Internet Research Ethics, 79

international perspectives, 3

Internet, 13, 20, 27, 32, 43, 456, 7681, 89, 91, 945, 122, 165, 227, 229, 242, 338, 406, 420, 445, 4759, 4823, 485, 489, 498507, 510, 513, 51923, 528, 5402

access to, 2, 78, 121, 211

in everyday practices and media ethnography, 5046

research, 58, 77, 83, 500

Internet Archive, 482

Internet: An Ethnographic Approach (Miller and Slater), 503

Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (IRP), 80

Internet World Stats, 122

interpersonal communication, 40, 58

interpersonal space to communicate attitudes (proxemics), 147

interpretation and response, 127

Interpretation of Cultures, The (Geertz), 361

interpretive studies, 9

interpretivism, 48

interpretivist paradigm, 478

interrogation, interview as, 141

avoiding, 170

intersectional analysis, 6


level of measurement, in media research, 1012

sampling, 97


active approach, 137

brief history and philosophy, 1369

creative, 140

and ethnography, 136

free-form techniques, 140

interview(s), 14

active, 13940

adapt to subject's schedule, 166

allowing silence, 146

analyzing and writing data, 14951

audio, 156

recordings of, 1489

body language in, 1478

choosing, 1647

closed survey, 139, 141

comfortable location, 166

controlled, 139, 141

and data collection, 1469, 1634

drawing sample, 1435

eye contact, 171

face-to-face, 94

focus group, 13940

free, 13940

functional interview continuum, 139

gender and, 148

in-depth (IDIs), 94, 183

informal conversational interview, 140

as interrogation, 141

with journalists, 284

kinds of, 13941

length, 184

limit distractions, 166

limit each session, 166

logistics, 1647

as marriage, 136

narrative, 141

open survey, 139, 141

oral history, 15576

analysis and interpretation, 1735

phone, 75, 77

power relationship in, 136

pre-memo, 148

process of qualitative inquiry, 13552

protocol in photovoice study, 4712

respondent, 183

semi-structured, 13941

as social encounter, 137

standardized open-ended, 183

structured, 13941

template, 145

transcript approval, 1723

transcriptions, 172

turn off phone, 1667

video, 156

“interview society,” 143

Invention of Journalism, The (Chalaby), 382

Inzunza, B., 196n

IP addresses, 79

iPads, 312

Iran–Contra affair, 278

Iraq, 278, 285, 290

IRBs, see institutional review boards

Ireland, 384

IRP, see Internet Rights & Principles Coalition

Irwin, K., 10

Islam, 278

Israel, 280, 283

IT, see information technology

Italy, 106, 589

Fascist, 364

item reversal, 105

ITN (Independent Television News), 388

IVT, see interactive virtual technology

Iyengar, S., 273

Jack, D., 140, 145, 147, 148, 150

Jack the Ripper and the London Press (Curtis), 384

Jackman, Hugo, 561

Jackson, B., 209

Jackson, Peter, 130

Jackson, S., 244

Jacob, R. J. K., 422, 430

Jacobs, S., 244

Jago, B. J., 223

Jamfa, L., 279

Jamieson, K. H., 323

Jancovich, M., 191

Janes, L., 339, 505

Janis, I. L., 240, 248

Japan, 14, 27, 104, 106, 202, 209, 214, 279, 450

Japanese Diet, 283

Japp, P. M., 278

jargon in media studies, 1023, 146

Jasinski, J., 324

Jaume I University, 567

Jay, M., 376

jazz, and oral history interviewing, 170

Jenkins, H., 502, 505, 522, 540

Jenkins, K., 384

Jensen, K. B., 183, 184

Jewish Americans, 371

Joensson, E., 422

John Rylands Library, Manchester, UK, 3889

Johnson, A. S., 538

Johnson, E. S., 543n

Johnson, J., 369

Johnson, Lyndon B., 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296

Jones, A., 34n, 386, 391

Jones, S., 66, 80, 5012

Jordan, J. W., 323

Joseph, R., 6

Josephson, S., 422

journalism, 43, 46, 50, 60, 66, 72, 149, 1567, 169, 1713, 175, 202, 211, 2457, 3389, 343, 345, 352, 3545, 382, 3846, 392, 482, 4847, 4902, 514

and oral history, 1723

Journalism and Communication Monographs, 11, 12

journalists, 24, 73, 91, 98, 143, 158, 166, 16870, 1724, 180, 278, 2834, 291, 344, 3856, 3923, 477, 4845, 5723

discourses on “problem” of Latin American immigration in Spain, 5813

Juan, 191

judgment sampling, 98

Julian, S., 347, 349, 352, 354

Juliano, D., 573

Juno (movie), 11

Jurkowski, J. M., 449

Just, M. A., 426, 427

Just, N., 61

justice, 3, 61, 70, 77, 1089

justification, 3434

Kabookii, 529

Kaestle, C. F., 375

Kafai, Y., 504

Kafka, B., 8

Kahrl, A., 376

Kaid, L. L., 492

Kain, E., 446

KAKE-TV, 167

Kampf, Z., 278, 280, 281, 286, 287, 297, 299

Kaneko, C. R. S., 424

Kant, I., 48, 68

Kaplan, A., 370, 371

Kaplan, R., 384

Kaptelinin, V., 521

Karahalios, K., 6

Karlsson, M., 483, 490, 492

Karn, K. S., 422, 430

Kassing, J. W., 326

Kasson, J., 365

Katnani, H. A., 421

Katriel, T., 328

Katz, E., 91, 120, 127, 180, 448, 452

Kaufmann, J., 222

Kaynak, S., 304, 313, 317

Kearney, M. C., 447

Keil, A., 435

Kellerman, B., 279, 280

Kelley, R. D. G., 3678

Kellner, D., 72, 522

Kelly, C. R., 6, 10, 11

Kelly, Grace, 415

Kelly, L., 101

Kendall, P., 183

Kennedy, John F., 284, 288, 293, 294, 295, 296

Kenya, 201

Kenyatta, J., 201

Khatena, J., 534, 538

Khatena–Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI), 5345, 538

Kheda Communication Project, India, 72

Khosravinik, M., 326

Kickmeier-Rust, M., 422

Kidman, Nicole, 561

Kikuyu tribe, 201

Kim, S., 6

Kincheloe, J. L., 554

Kinder, D. R., 273

kinescopes, 157

kinesics (body movements or postures), 147

King, Cecil, 389

King Kong, 1912

Kirchik, J., 278

Kissler, J., 435

Kitch, C., 159

Klapper, J., 47

Klevan, A., 4034, 41617

Knesset (Israel), 283

Knies, K., 44

Knocked Up (movie), 11

Knotts-Callahan, D., 524


administrative, 28, 60

critical, 28

division of disciplinary, 5960

documentation, 135

instrumental, 59

policy, 28, 60

professional, 28, 60

reflexive, 59

score, 247

types of, 28

Kobbernagel, C., 117, 118, 119, 128, 131

Komedie om Geld (The Trouble With Money) (Ophuls), 414

Korean cookery, 352

Koss, S., 385

Kotval, X. P., 430

Kowalczyk, L., 347

Kozinets, R. V., 328

Kracauer, S., 545

Kraidy, M., 201, 202, 203

Krejcie, R. V., 99

Kreysa, H., 421

Krijnen, T., 25, 31, 4468

Krippendorff, K., 53, 309, 314, 478, 495n, 548

Krippendorff's alpha, 309, 312

Kroger, R., 326

Krosnick, J. A., 247

Krotoski, A., 78, 79

Krzyanowski, M., 326

KTCPI, see Khatena–Torrance Creative Perception Inventory

Kuhn, A., 180, 182, 193

Kuhn, M. A., 257

Kuhn, T. S., 42

Kulik, J., 160

Kuipers, G., 122, 446

La Pastina, A., 200, 201, 202, 203, 209

La Reynera, Monterrey, Mexico, 189

Laberg, J., 494

labor, 2, 5, 79, 11, 1314, 72, 90, 359, 363, 367, 387, 486, 5745, 578, 5823, 589

Labour Party (UK), 395

Lacan, J., 368, 410

Lachlan, K. A., 243

Lamnek, S., 436

landlines, telephone, 97, 105

Landon, A., 92

Lang, A., 245, 249, 250, 251

Lang, G. E., 50

Lang, K., 50, 56

Langer, G., 106

language, 2, 27, 40, 43, 49, 54, 61n, 71, 80, 90, 130, 1401, 1456, 148, 150, 207, 219, 229, 291, 299, 3205, 3278, 339, 342, 354, 373, 376, 384, 401, 421, 454, 460, 488, 525, 5489, 554, 5634, 566, 5723, 584

equivalency, 1034

Language of Politics: Studies in Quantitative Semantics (Lasswell et al.), 54

Language and Style of Film Criticism, The (Clayton and Klevan), 403

laptops, 123, 149, 200, 227, 312

Lasswell, H. D., 54

Last Rights: Revisiting Four Theories of the Press (Nerone), 6

Latin America, 13, 14, 33, 185, 205, 288, 554, 567, 5713, 5768, 5801, 583, 58590

see also Latino diasporas and media

Latin penguins, 562, 563

Latino, 588

Latino diasporas and media, 14, 57090

Argentineans: “If we do not talk, they do not realize we are Argentineans,” 5801

attitude of fear toward Colombians, 5756

brotherly attitude toward Argentineans, 5767

Colombians: “They see us as “bad” people and they are afraid of us,” 57980

compassionate view of Ecuadorians, 5745

cultural and media consumption in diasporic contexts, 5858

discourses on self-representation: ethnic media in global cities, 5835

Ecuadorians: “We are just the poor and we get angry,” 5789

immigrants' discourses on their media images, 5778

interdisciplinary approaches to understanding transnationalism and communication, 57090

journalists' discourses on “problem” of Latin American immigration in Spain, 5813

notes for further explorations, 58890

representations of otherness in news media discourse: Latin Americans in Spain, 5734

transnational perspective: interstices of thinking “glocally,” 5713

Latour, M. S., 100

Laurel, B., 540

Laurent D., 506

Law, J., 505

Law and Order (TV series), 119, 125

Lazare, A., 279, 280

Lazarsfeld, P., 62n, 91, 141, 359

leading questions, 103

Leander, K., 504

Lears, J., 364, 365

Leavy, S., 157, 174

Lee, A. J., 385

Lee, H. B., 99

Lee, J., 499

Lee, K. V., 223

Lee, P. S. C., 308

Lee, R. M., 506

Lee, S., 245, 251

Lee, W. S., 333

Leff, M. C., 324

“legacy of fear,” 73

legacy media, 13

legal discourse, 582

legal records, online, 79

legal release form, 171

Leigh, Vivien, 194

leisure activities, 196

Lemmer, S., 423

Len, A., 439

Lenhart, A., 522

Leshner, G., 30, 236, 246

Lester, M., 180

Letter From an Unknown Woman (Ophuls), 41214

Leuchtenburg, W. E., 282

levels of measurement, in media research

interval, 1012

nominal, 1012

ordinal, 1012

ratio, 1012

Levie, W. H., 426

Levine, L. H., 362

Levine, T. R., 243

Levitt, P., 586

Lewenstein, M., 422

Lewinsky, Monica, 278

lexemes, 285

Lexis, 344

libraries, 95, 386, 389

Library of Congress, 158, 387

Lieberman, D. A., 522

Liebes, T., 120, 127, 180, 446, 452

life history, 157

Life on the Screen (Turkle), 501

life situations, 225

Likert scales, 102, 131, 246,

liking (on social network sites), 58

Lin, W., 4834, 488

Lincoln, Abraham, 3245

Lincoln, Y., 204, 205, 206, 345

Lind, J., 279

Lindenfeld, L., 10

Linder, J. M., 304, 313

Linder-Radosh, J., 313, 317

Lindlof, R., 499, 514

Lindlof, T., 125, 136, 138, 140, 141, 144, 164, 182, 183, 203, 321, 328, 331, 344

Lindsey, J., 299

linguistic equivalence, 93

linguistics, 157, 325

Linkugel, W. A., 280, 323

Lion King, The (animated movie), 562

Lippmann, W., 91, 273

Lírico cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188

listening habits, radio, 55

Listening In (Douglas), 376

listening to narrator's moral language, 156

Lister, R., 231

listservs, 78

Literary Digest, 912

literary studies, 157, 159, 340

Little, R. A. J., 106

Liu, H.-C., 439

Livingstone, S., 1, 20, 26, 127, 129, 520, 522

loaded questions, 103

local broadcasting, 66

local communities, 823, 122

local history societies, 158

location for interviews, comfortable, 166

Locke, K., 348

Lofland, J., 138, 144

Lofland, L., 138, 144

logic of controlled experiment, 2378

logistics, interview, 1647

Lomax, J., 158

Lombard, M., 30, 304, 313, 314

London, 14, 33, 136, 386, 388, 390, 584, 589

London Metropolitan University, 390

long-term memory, 1601

longitudinal studies, 934

Lopes, D. M., 423

Lord of the Rings, The (movie trilogy), 11, 130

Lorenzo, O., 554

Lorgen, L., 494

Lorigo, L., 430

Los Lunnis (TV children's program), 552, 555, 564

Losnegaard, G. S., 494

Lost (TV drama series), 446

Lotz, A., 202

lower class, 18890

Lozano, J.-C., 26, 29, 550

Lucas, S., 322

Lucía, 192

Ludwig, C. J. H., 421

Lull, J., 180, 203

Lund, A. B., 476

Lundgren, J. D., 262

Lundqvist, D., 422

Lunicienta, 565

Lunt, P., 127

Luntz, F., 103

Lutz, R. J., 100

Lykke, N., 221

Lyman, S. A., 136

Maasen, S., 426

Maccoby, E. E., 136, 139

Maccoby, N.., 136, 139

MacDonald, B., 349

MacDonald, M. N., 325

Machicado, J., 586

Machin, D., 325

Mackay, H., 339, 505

MacLean, K., 164

Macquarie University, 382, 388

Mad Men (TV drama series), 446

Madden, M., 522

Madero Avenue, Monterrey, Mexico, 187, 190

Madge, J., 139

Madison, D. S., 333

Madison Avenue, 365

Madrid, Spain, 33

magazines, 6, 10, 77, 912, 115, 158, 169, 320, 323, 338, 351, 369, 371, 376, 387, 392, 431, 584, 588

Magnet, S., 12

magnitude response scales, 246

mail surveys, 945, 106

Making Whiteness (Hale), 370

Malcolm X, 368

Mali, 344

Malinowski, B., 201, 502

Maltby, R., 180

management approaches, differences in, 212

Manchester Guardian, 3856, 3889

Manhartsberger, M., 422

manifest content, 31, 54, 305, 339, 355, 478, 490, 495n

manipulated independent variables, 243

manipulation checks, 2512

Mankekar, P., 203

Manliness and Civilization (Bederman), 369

Mann, C., 506

MANOVA (multiple analysis of variance test), 265

manual coding, 277, 279, 281, 2989, 477, 483, 489

administering, 2868

techniques, 30

mapping contemporary paradigms, 456

Maravillas cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188

Marchand, R., 365

Marchionini, G., 422

Marcus, G. E., 24, 201, 220, 5023

marginalization, 26, 579

María Elena, 188

market-based discourse practices, 326

market-driven forms of representation, 9

market research, 53, 57, 901, 101, 375

on products and brands, 90

market share, 92

marketing, 9, 61, 724, 79, 114, 347, 365, 3745, 542, 583

campaigns, 74

research, 73

“marketplace of ideas,” 50

Markham, A., 81, 502, 506

Marlowe, D., 247

Marnie (Hitchcock), 4068

marriage, interview as, 136

Marsh, J., 522

Marshall, P. D., 505

Martin, A. C., 449

Martin, J. L., 91

Martín, L., 574

Martín Barbero, J., 586

Marvin, C., 7

Marx, K., 48, 49

Marxism, 8, 4850, 3634, 366

masculinity studies, 4

Mason, B., 499, 506

Mason, J., 144, 145

mass communication, 30, 40, 501, 101, 247, 250, 2713, 299

research, 43, 91, 203, 2367, 256, 2656, 269, 2712

Mass Communication Theory (McQuail), 4

Mass Observation, 395

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 72

Massanari, A., 499

Mattillo, G. M., 73

Mattison, N., 317

maximum-variety sample strategy, 182

Maxwell, R., 13

Mayans, J., 501

Mayer, V., 2, 8

Mayhew, H., 136

Mazzarella, S. R., 3, 4, 910, 20, 522

McAlister, M., 3701

McCarthy, C., 6, 7

McChesney, R. W., 384

McDonald, D. G., 272

McEnery, T., 326

McGhee, D. E., 259

McGhee, M. C., 320, 323, 324

McKee, A., 346

McKeown, B. F., 115, 116, 118, 131

McKerrow, R. E., 323

McKim, K., 504

McKinnon, S., 26, 31

McLaren, P., 554

McLeskey, J., 426

McMahan, E. M., 175

McNay, L., 231

McNealy, S., 79

McNeil, M., 221

McQuail, D., 4, 5, 8, 45

MCS, see Millennium Cohort Study

Mean, L. J., 326

meaning construction/production, 135

measurement equivalency, 106


in cross-cultural research

of concepts, 100

levels, 1012

of variables, 101

in research saga, 3067

Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes (Robinson et al.), 101

Meddaugh, P. M., 13

Medford, K., 231

Medhurst, M. J., 282


anthropology, 2013

archives, 7, 388

and communications research, ambiguity of, 435

competences, 121

consumers, 9, 29, 202, 301, 343

content regulation, 7

convergence, 2, 7, 114

globalization, technological development, and interdisciplinarity, 1934

culture and materiality: culture industries, senses, and books, 3747

and digital ethnography, 32, 498515

discourse, representation as constitutive of media, 3412

distribution, 27, 570, 589

effects, see effects: media

ephemeral, quantitative approaches, 14, 47595

ethnography, 2014

conducting in Africa, 199214

events, 46

globalization, 11

images, immigrants' discourses on their, 5778

industries, 7, 9, 45, 179, 195, 446, 514

ownership and control, 2

and national identity, 34851

platforms, 2, 485, 513

power and social inequality, 127

producers, 89, 24, 118, 127, 131, 340

production, 8, 20, 223, 27, 29, 60, 11314, 118, 124, 127, 12930, 132, 199200, 202, 387, 460, 5056, 580, 589

psychology, 5, 15, 248, 304

representations, 114, 202, 345, 352, 573, 578, 589

research, see media research

studies, see media studies

synergy, 7

technologies, old, 2

uses, 12, 223, 73, 251, 262

and gratification, 46

violence, 73

and aggression, 73

research, 73

Media and the American Child (Scharrer and Comstock), 12

Media Archives Project database, 388

media exposure factor, 265

Media History, 382

Media History Database (Australian), 388

Media and Modernity, The (Thompson), 382

Media Press SL, 584

media psychology research, 248

media research

basic protocols, 746

challenges and controversies in, 509

cross-national, 12930

ethics, 6584

accepting challenge of, 834

history of competing motives, 724

how between-subjects designs can be used in, 2713

paradigms, 3962

utilizing Q methodology in, 11819

media studies

audience and interpretation, 5

autoethnography in, 21732

blind spots, 25

content and representation, 5

critical approaches, 1

and cultural history, 35877

ethnography in, 199214

experimental research in, 23652

eye tracking in, 41940

historical approaches to, 38196

as interdiscipline, 3

interpretive approaches, 1

methodological issues in, 1934

multidisciplinary nature, 20

multimodal, 3, 19

and photovoice, 44567

qualitative approaches, 1, 4, 5

quantitative approaches, 4, 5

review of research approaches to traditional and new, 5213

situating research methods in, 225

survey methodology in, 902

survey research in, 89109

MediaSmarts, 73

mediated mode, in Q methodology composite model, 120

mediated time and space, perceptions of, 139

mediation, 1, 3, 123, 199200, 252

medical science, 69

Medie Norge, 476

Mediterránea de Cultura y Medios, 584

medium pacing, 251

Meers, P., 180, 188, 196n

Megill, A., 368

“Melanin on the Margins: Advertising and the Cultural Politics of Fair/Light/White Beauty in India” (Parameswaran) 11

memoir, 157, 173, 369, 375, 385


adulthood, 183

childhood, 1834

of films and cinema-going in Monterrey, 17996

of plots and movies, 1945

spontaneous, 183

memory, 15961

and brain, 159

cinema, 182

collective cultural, 7

long-term, 161

loss, 15960

retrieval, 160

Menchu, R., 175

mental illness, 107

mental maps, 186, 188

mental violence, 100

Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2856

Merton, R. K., 57, 58, 92, 183

message(s), 46

control, 284

instant, 80

manipulation, 251

variance, creating, 2435

metadiscipline, 42

metaphor, 50, 136, 324, 346, 366, 405, 5003, 566, 5756

meta-statements, 150

method in media studies, 5

formidable question of, 1934

methodological approaches, complex, 5412

methodological individualism, 44

methodology, 1934, 3941, 469, 51, 535, 5760, 66, 72, 74, 76, 8993, 1358, 147, 151, 152n, 17981, 199205, 207, 210, 21314, 219, 226, 237, 256, 258, 299, 314, 321, 323, 3267, 330, 33842, 344, 358, 3601, 3815, 387, 3934, 408, 41718, 4203, 428, 430, 432, 437, 439, 4459, 4512, 4657, 4756, 478, 4813, 4878, 490, 498500, 502, 5058, 515, 541, 54950, 552, 554, 571, 583, 585

Q methodology, 11232

survey methodology, 1056

metric equivalency, 93, 106

Metropolitan University of Monterrey, 196n

Metz, C., 410

Mexican movies, 18391

Mexico, 29, 17980, 18391

Michael, E., 205

Michelle, C., 25, 29, 117, 118, 120, 124, 125

micro-movements, fixations, saccades, 4236

microphone, 149, 162, 168, 206

middle class, 3, 118, 144, 185, 188, 190, 3701, 392, 5778

Middle East, 72, 354, 3701

Middleton, M. K., 328, 329

migrants, 188, 353, 572

migration, 90, 353, 5702, 577, 581, 589

Mihaela, 463

Milgram study, 107

militarism, 124

military experience, 121

military oppression, 124, 122

Mill, J. S., 69

Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), 94

Miller, A., 245

Miller, D., 503

Miller, E., 522

Miller, George, 561

Miller, N. K., 221

Miller, P., 449

Miller, T., 13, 224, 524, 524, 526

Minge, J. M., 223

“minimal effects” model, 73

minimal risk, research offering, 143

Ministry of Propaganda (UK, WWI), 72

Minitab software, 306

Minkler, M., 449

Miranda, O., 196n

Mirror Group of newspapers, 389

Mishra, S., 29

Miskell, P., 389

mistranslation, 104

MIT, see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mitchell, K. J., 76

Mitchell, W. J. T., 76

Miura, A., 524

mixed approach to content analysis, 277300

advantages and disadvantages, 297300

analysis, 28897

research question 1, 28891

research question 2, 2913

research question 3, 2934

research question 4, 2947

apologetic rhetoric, 27981

planning, 2828

administering CCA, 2856

administering Manual Coding Procedure, 2868

selection of text, 2825

research questions, 2812

“mixed effects” model, 73

mixed method research, 324, 473594

experimenting with mixed research methods to study complex virtual interactions, 523

mixed-mode surveys, 105

mobile audiences, 22

mobile devices, 79, 485

mobile technologies, 2, 519

mobile telephony, 2, 13, 105, 446

Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick, 388

Mody, B., 72

Moe, H., 494

Molander, A., 49

Molina-Guzmán, I., 6

Molino, J., 550

Molnar, F., 439

Monge, D., 6

Monterrey, Mexico, 29, 17980, 1834

memories of films and cinema-going in, 17996

Monterrey Institute of Technology, 196n

Montreal, Canada, 313

Moody, M., 450

Moore, K., 11

Moore, R. L., 73

moral labor of individuals, 7

moral language, 150

moral panic, 10

Morén, J., 422

Morgan, B. L., 249

Morgan, D. W., 99

Morgan, M., 92, 100

Morley, D., 6, 26, 127, 180, 203, 448, 505, 554

Morocco, 574

Morrel-Samuels, S., 449

Morrissey, C. T., 170, 173

Morrone, M. C., 440n

Morse, J., 182

mortification, 280

Mosco, V., 49

Mosdell, N., 75

Moser, C. A., 139, 140, 141

Mosheer, A. M., 326

motivation and intent, questions of, 67

movie-going, 29, 182, 184

see also cinema-going and films in Monterrey

movie-making, 535, 5389

movie music, exploring effects of on childhood, 54767

movies, 911, 61n, 72, 119, 122, 126, 181, 18496, 323, 3424, 362, 367, 405, 420, 422, 446, 526, 5345, 5379, 5478, 5524, 5616, 588

elements of musical language used in, 563

exploring effects of TV and movie music on childhood, 54767

Hollywood, 7, 1012, 92, 124, 185, 1903, 344, 359, 389, 41214

memories of, 1945

see also film(s)

MTV, 306

Mubarak, H., 283

MUDs, see multi-user dimensions

Mueller, B., 93, 100, 106

Muggs, J. F., 162

Mugo, C., 317

Mukherjee, R., 6

Mullany, L., 278

multimethod research, 32

multimodal nature of media, 19

multiple analysis of variance test (MANOVA), 265

multiple identities, 30

multiple telephone carriers, 105

multi-user dimensions (MUDs), 80, 501

multivariate analysis, 14

Muncey, T., 219

Munoz, B., 196n

Murcia, 587

Murdock, G., 49, 189

Murphy, Brittany, 561

Murphy, P., 201, 202, 203, 205, 499

museums, 201


elements of musical language used in movie, 563

exploring effects of TV and movie music on childhood, 54767

levels of credibility, 549

methodology for analyzing soundtracks, 549

ordering of musical elements in narrative sequence, 564

research into listening, 56

musical analysis, 25

Muslims, 278, 284, 325, 572

Mussell, J., 388

mutual exclusion, 480

Myers, L. E., 161

Mylonas, Y., 325

NAACP, see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Naets, H., 495n

Nakamura, L., 10, 13

Namibia, 279

Nancy, 190, 1912

Narayan, S. S., 247

narcotizing dysfunction, 92

Nardi, B., 328, 502, 520

narrative(s), 2, 11, 20, 131, 135, 145, 14950, 157, 160, 1745, 1812, 1945, 204, 209, 211, 280, 3224, 342, 362, 377, 404, 407, 414, 448, 4513, 484, 487, 511, 549, 551, 553, 555, 5612, 5645, 567

criticism, 323

interview, 141

logic of, 150

transportation, 120

written, 118, 125

narratology, 48

Nataraajan, R., 100

National Archives (London), 390

National Archives (US), 283, 389

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 370

National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 107

National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) (Norway), 70

national and foreign films, memories of, 18993

national identity, 7, 8, 3389, 342, 34851, 353, 355, 391

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (US), 108

National Research Act 1974 (US), 70

National Union of Journalists (UK), 388

“Nationwide” Audience, The (Morley), 448

Native Americans, 98

“native” ethnographies, 199

Nattiez, J., 550

natural sciences, 41, 47, 52, 59

Nazism, 6970

NBC, 162

N'Dour, Youssou, 344

Negash, G., 278, 279

Negra, D., 6

Negus, K., 339, 505

Neisser, U., 160, 161

neoliberal critique, 10

neoliberal global regime, 10

neoliberalism, 67, 911, 45, 343, 372

neo-Marxism, 8, 48

Nerone, J., 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 20, 396n

Nesbitt, K. M., 73

NESH, see National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities

Netemeyer, R. G., 101

Netherlands, the 1, 27

networked digital media, 25

networks, 2, 4, 6, 9, 223, 25, 58, 60, 144, 222, 3045, 3757, 387, 390, 499, 5034, 506, 566, 571, 588

digital, 77, 228

social, 58, 81, 164, 377, 500, 504, 51012, 586

neutrality, 118

Neuendorf, K.A., 478

Neuenschwander, J. A., 172

Neuman, S., 525

Neumann, R., 30, 284

Nevins, A., 158

“New Beginning, A” (Obama address), 283

“new media,” 23, 67, 1314, 20, 27, 115, 313, 505, 519, 521

technologies, 2, 28, 66, 81, 519, 540

New Media of Surveillance, The (Gates and Magnet), 12

New Orleans, 377

New Statesman (UK), 388

“New World in My View” (True Blood, episode 10, season 2), 451

New York, 33, 53, 156, 160, 162, 284, 323, 367, 377, 584

New York Times, 79, 142, 172, 446

New Zealand, 11, 27, 71, 120, 383, 391

Newhagen, J. E., 243, 247


anchor, 157

commercial, 73

cross-media consumption, 119

flows, 13, 343

international coverage, 120

media discourse, representations of otherness in, 5734

online, 32, 344, 387

methodology of analysis, 47595

update addicts, 119

News and the British World (Potter), 383

News of the World (UK), 387

newscasts, 1567

newsgroups, 78

newspaper(s), 9, 39, 434, 534, 71, 73, 912, 115, 119, 148, 170, 180, 205, 222, 367, 369, 371, 376, 3839, 3914, 403, 420, 422, 431, 455, 476, 4823, 489, 5724, 5778, 5824, 588

digital, 388

food reviews of ethnic restaurants, 31, 33855

Nexis, 344

Nguyen, A., 478, 483, 492

Nicholas, S., 384

Nicholson, B., 392, 393

Nightline (TV show), 77

NIH, see National Institutes of Health

Nixon, Richard M., 160, 278, 283, 287, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295

Nobles, M., 278, 281, 284

noise distractions, 168

nominal level of measurement, in media research, 1012

nomothetic approaches, 40

noncontact in survey research, 106

nonexperimental research projects, 70

nonprobability sampling procedures, 969

convenience, 98

expert, 99

haphazard, 98

judgment, 989

nonproportional quota, 99

proportional quota, 989

purposive, 98

quota, 989

snowball, 989

volunteer, 98

nonproportional quota sampling, 99

nonrandom sampling, 115

nonresponse in survey research, 106

errors, 106

nonverbal techniques, four modes of, 147

chronemics, 147

kinesics, 147

paralinguistic, 147

proxemics, 147

NORC, University of Chicago, 92

Nord, D. P., 363, 376

Nordenstreng, K., 20, 24

North, A. C., 554

North by Northwest (Hitchcock), 41011

Northcliffe, Lord, 389

Norway, 27, 70, 476

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), 32, 4757, 485

interactive features, 493

Nosotros los Pobres (movie), 190

notebooks, 207, 508

Nova Duma SL, 584

Novak, D., 25, 31, 445, 4489, 460, 4656

Novak, K. B., 539

NRK see Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

NRK Beta, 481

nudity, 192

Nuremberg Code, 70

NVivo, 151, 512

Oakley, A., 136

Obama, Barack, 2778, 284, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 300n, 495n

Oblak, I., 492

Oboler, A., 58

Obrero cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 188

observation, 33, 43, 48, 58, 122, 129, 148, 150, 180, 199202, 2089, 221, 2257, 232, 250, 255, 296, 304, 320, 33940, 346, 364, 403, 412, 4201, 438, 448, 506, 519, 521, 523, 525, 5289, 531, 539, 543n, 551, 554

direct, 123

ethnographic, 127, 136, 329

field, 74

length of fixations, 426, 428, 435

participant, 20, 24, 40, 78, 2002, 205, 209, 344, 4989, 5024, 5078, 510, 512, 5835

of participation, 205

Ocio Latino, 588

O'Connor, H., 506

offensiveness of event, reducing, 280

Office of Radio Research, Princeton University, 91

Official Avatar Movie group, 122

offline ethnographies, 25

OHA, see Oral History Association

O'Keefe, D. J., 244, 245, 251, 252

old media technologies, 2

old people, see elderly

Oldham Local Studies and Archive (UK), 390

Olga, 188

Oliver, M., 520

Olwig, K., 504

O'Malley, T. P., 383

one-group pretest–post-test, 240

one-shot case study, 240

online behavior, 79

online conversations, 78

online credit information, 79

online data, 79

online environments, challenge of, 7680

online ethnographies, 11, 14

online fan response, 24

online gaming, 79

online legal records, 79

online news analysis, methodology of, 32, 47595

conclusions, 4934

data, 4778

object of research, 476

problems, 47890

constructing coding design, 4848

establishing computational coding design, 4878

making coding scheme adjustments, 4867

defining unit of analysis, 4824

measuring reliability, 48890

obtaining full population of data, 47982

analyzing front pages, 482

dealing with mutual exclusion, 480

reconstructing database, 481

results and findings, 4903

online research, 76

online sorting process, 123

online surveys, 66, 106, 11213, 1212

Ono, K. A., 323

open coding, 150, 340, 345

open-ended questions, 101

Open the Social Sciences (Gulbenkian Commission), 59

open-source ethics, 81

open survey, 139, 141

open text, multiple readings, 3401

Operation Coffee, 575

Operation Ludeco, 575

operational definition of research concept, 100

operationalizing dependent variables, 2467

operationalizing independent variables, 2456

Ophuls, Max, 41214

opinion leaders, role in mediating media influence, 912

opinion polling, 136

oppression, 124, 207, 577

Ora Ponciano (movie), 185

oral biography, 157

oral history, 14, 26

choosing your interviews, 1647

electronic media, 172

eye contact, 171

history of, 1589

human subjects review, 1612

and identity, 161


analysis and interpretation, 1735

as data collection, 1634

interviewing, 15576

and jazz, 170

and journalism, 1723

legal release form, 171

and memory, 1596

noise distractions, 168

pre-interview research, 1623

presentation and classroom use, 175

projects, 158

questions, 16971

quote approval, 173

recording technology, 1679

recovering and interpreting past, 1568

reliability and validity, 160

repository, 175

transcript approval, 1723

transcriptions, 172

Oral History Association (OHA), 82, 1578, 165

oral history interview, 157

Oral History Research Office, 158, 172

oral public culture, 115

oral tradition, 157

ordinal level of measurement, in media research, 1012

Orgad, S., 510

organizations, list of, 96

“Orientalism,” 342

Orne, M. T., 247

Osborne, T., 52

Oscars (Academy Awards), 561

Osgood, C. E., 102

Oswald, K., 82

Other, the, 24, 136, 207, 209, 220, 3525, 454, 554

representing in food reviews, 3438

representing in news media discourse, 5734

Othering, 201

us vs. them, 352

Ott, B. L., 223, 329

Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance (Gates), 12

Out of Africa (movie), 344

outcome reporting bias, 67

overt rehearsal, 160

ownership, 49

and authority, 21011

P set, 115

Pacific War, 300n


fast, 251

medium, 251

slow, 251

of speech and silence (chronemics), 147

of videos, 251

Pahlavi, M. R., 283

Pakistan, 284

Palacio cinema, Monterrey, Mexico, 187

Palestinian restaurant, 354

Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media, 382

Palmgreen, P., 101

panel presentation, 175

panel studies, 924

Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 94

paper, construction and use of, 8

paradigm(s), 41

critical, 3940, 4750, 339

diversity, 4

dominant, 467

interpretivist, 478

mapping contemporary, 456

shifts, 13, 92

paradigmatic blindness, 42

paralinguistic (variations in tone, pitch and quality of voice), 147

Parameswaran, R., 2, 11, 202, 205

parental consent, 74

parents, 60, 75, 96, 100, 187, 1934, 587

Parés, N., 526

Parés, R., 526

Paris, France, 363

Park, R. E., 44

Park, W. K., 317

Parker, T., 174

Parliamentary Archives (formerly House of Lords Record Office), 389

parliamentary democracy, 52

participant observation, 20, 24, 40, 78, 2002, 205, 209, 344, 4989, 5024, 5078, 510, 512, 5835

participatory and activist research, challenge of, 813

Pasadeos, Y., 308

Passel, J. S., 590

passive audience, 92

past, recovering and interpreting, 1568

patients, 70, 108

Patton, M. Q., 140, 182, 183, 186

Paul, G., 281

Paul-Ward, A., 449

Paulhus, D. L., 105

pavement radio, 199

payments, as benefits of research, 108

Payne Fund Studies, 3, 72

PBS station, 306

PC (personal computer), 431, 508, 52931

PCQ, 117

Pearce, C., 328, 502

pedagogy and deployment of identity technologies, 8

Pedone, C., 572

pedophilia, 77

Pemrick, J., 304, 313, 317

Peña-Marín, C., 550

Pennsylvanian, Harrisburg, 91

people, working with, 2930, 87274

People's Choice, The (Lazarsfeld et al.), 91

perception, stimulus-driven, 426

perceptual shifts in physical and virtual play, measuring, 53340

Pérez, Lucrecia, 574

Perks, R., 158, 161

Perris, R., 421

Persian cookery, 351

personal archives, 164, 173

personal blogs, 79

personal computer, see PC

personal data, 79

Personal Influence (Katz & Lazarsfeld), 91

personal information footprints, 23

personal narrative, 157

personal reminiscences, 157

Personal Views (Wood), 414

Peru, 9, 586

Pestronk, R. M., 449

Peter Packet (video game), 522

Peters, J. W., 173

Peters, M. D., 273

Pew Research Center, 97

Pezzulo, P. C., 13, 328

Philipsen, G., 328

philosophy, 3, 44, 69, 136, 143, 237

of science, 47

phone, see telephone

photovoice and media studies, 25, 31, 44567

discussion, 4657

interview protocol, 4712

methodology, 44950

procedures, 46971

providing aesthetic foundation, 4605

and reception interview, 4512

results: using photographs to talk about television, 4523

review of relevant literature: television reception studies, 4478

screen capture and other visual examples, 4701

crumpled paper, 454

eye changing from black to white, 455

lighted cross, 457

lighted hand, 462

meat in butcher's case, 457

meat tree, 456

red building on campus, 462

re-enactment of lighted hand scene, 463

seeing True Blood as character, 458

soldiers' graves, 459

traditional photovoice, 46970

and True Blood, 4501

using photovoice to express manifest and latent themes, 45360

physical gestures, 166

physical studio tabletop stage set, 536

physical violence, 100

Piaget, J., 525

Piccoli, B., 421

Pickering, M., 189, 421

Pigmalión report, 554

Pike, R. M., 383

Pink, S., 512, 51415

Pitton, V., 6

place-focused concept of culture, 32

Plains Indian Museum, Wyoming, 329

Plato, 534, 280

Platt, M., 524

play, see virtual play activity

plots and movies, memories of, 1945

Plummer, K., 227

Pocoyó (TV cartoon series), 556, 5601, 565

“Pointing the Finger of Blame: News Media Coverage of Popular-Culture Culpability” (Scharrer et al.), 12

police, 756, 141, 160, 5756, 579


implementation, 92

knowledge, 28, 61

studies, 6, 114

political activism, 125

political affiliations, 67

political campaigns, 90

political candidates, 89

political economy, 89, 4850, 61, 359, 503, 514, 570, 572

political participation, 52

political parties, 45, 60, 271, 5745

political rhetoric, 205

political science, 3, 47, 50, 54, 91, 114

politicians, 73, 167, 1723, 342, 386, 395, 486, 583

politics, 6, 10, 23, 27, 55, 82, 144, 152, 202, 321, 333, 359, 366, 383, 385, 478, 484, 4867, 4912, 506, 583

Politics and the American Press (Kaplan), 384


and prediction, 52

public opinion and communication, 513

“scientific polls,” 53

verifiability and reliability of, 53

polysemic texts, 24

Pool, I. de S., 135, 137

Poole, E., 325

Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, 387

Pop Idol (TV show), 7

Popkin, H. A., 79

Popp, R. K., 26, 31, 33, 396n

popular culture-oriented digital news consumers, 119


changes, 93

in survey methodology, 90

populist tendencies, 11

pornography, 65, 71, 767, 192

child, 66, 76

food, 10, 15n

Porta, A., 25, 33, 549, 5524, 5567, 5613, 566

Portelli, A., 159

Porter, D., 501

Porter, T. M., 42

Portugal, 589

positivism, 12, 47, 60, 68, 202

Posner, M. I., 426

“post,” politics of, 10

postcolonial, Africa, 199

postcolonial studies, 11

postcolonialism, 48, 50

post-ethnographic field studies, 66

postfeminism, 6, 11

Postill, J., 504

postmodernism, 23, 48, 204

postracial, 6

“post-soul” era, 6

poststructuralism, 23, 48, 340, 3689

post-test-only control group design, 241

post-test-only data, 2701

Potter, R. F., 247

Potter, S. J., 383, 391, 392

Potter, W. J., 250

power, 68

dynamics, 21, 26, 334, 1378, 140, 144, 147, 152, 208

relation(ships), 246, 29, 49, 61, 1367, 205, 208, 220, 340, 3501, 355, 371, 510

Power Rangers study, 73

“powerful effects” model, 73

Powers of the Press (Jones), 386

Pozo, J. I., 556

PQMethod, 117

Prague, Czech Republic, 282

prediction and polling, 52

pre-experimental designs, 240

one-group pretest–post-test, 240

one-shot case study, 240

static-group comparison, 240

pregnancy, 11, 107

pre-interview research, 1623

pre-interviewing, 149

pre-memo, 148

Presence and the Structural Features of Television (Ditton et al.), 313

presentation, writing, and authorship, 313

presidential communications, 284

Press, A., 127

press conferences, 284, 288, 290, 300n

pretest–post-test control group design, 241

Prevenier, W., 391

prime-time news, 13

Princeton Radio Project, 55

Princeton University, 62n

Institute for Advanced Research, 361

Office of Radio Research, 91

print media, 3, 20, 23, 92, 1589, 169, 1734, 21112, 220, 286, 312, 31617, 388, 431, 482, 484, 512, 534, 579, 584, 588

printing, 40, 44, 46, 61n, 363, 376, 382, 490

prisoners, 107

privacy, 23, 34, 61, 656, 68, 74, 76, 7882, 196n, 513, 520

private information, 171

private interactions, 78

prizes, as benefits of research, 108

probability sampling, 968, 268

procedure and conduct, questions of, 678

process and inquiry, 25

Producing Dreams, Consuming Youth: Mexican Americans and Mass Media (Mayer), 8

Production Code Seal, 73

production, media, 8, 20, 223, 27, 29, 60, 11314, 118, 124, 127, 12930, 132, 199200, 202, 387, 460, 5056, 580, 589

production studies, 9

Production Studies: Cultural Studies of Media Industries (Mayer et al.), 8

produsage, 114

produsers, 46

professional codes, 65

professional knowledge, 28, 601

Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity (video game, aka Gravity), 529, 530, 531

Program for Inter-University Cooperation and Scientific Research between Spain and Latin America, 567

Program of Research on Communication and Attitude Change (Yale), 72

Projansky, S., 6, 10

Prokos, A. H., 136, 137

propaganda, enemy, 54

proportional quota sampling, 99


IRB, 142

questions, 142

Proulx, M., 426, 427

proxemics (use of interpersonal space to communicate attitudes), 147

PSAs, see public service announcements

PSID, see Panel Study of Income Dynamics

psychoanalysis, 48, 418

Psycho (movie), 565

psychological measurement, 136

psychology, 3, 44, 47, 50, 101, 11314, 157, 175, 247

developmental, 51920

media, 5, 15, 20, 248, 304

social, 47, 68, 75, 256

Psychology of Media and Politics, The (Scharrer and Comstock), 12

psychophysiological measures, 245

public accessibility, 78

public apology, 278

public data, 79

Public Health Service (US), 70

public memory, 159

Public Opinion (Lippmann), 91

public opinion, 445, 49, 72, 89, 91, 108, 393

and communication, 513

quantification of, 51

surveys, 8990

“Public Papers of the Presidents” (US National Archives), 283

public service announcements (PSAs), 245

public sphere, 4950

public stigmatizing, 77

Pueblo Nuevo, 584

Puerto Ricans, 323

pull factors, 582

Puppis, M., 61

purposive sampling, 98

push factors, 582

Pye, D., 41517

Q methodology, 29

history and overview, 11314

how does it work?, 11418

potential contribution to answering key questions in media studies, 12631

utility and challenges of, 11232

utilizing in media research, 11819

Q research online, 117

Q sample, 11516, 120, 12930

Q sort grid, 116

Q sorting, 117, 1223, 125, 132

qualitative analysis, 545, 184, 339, 539

qualitative approaches, 1, 4, 14, 54, 113, 325, 327

qualitative content analysis, 51, 53

qualitative inquiry, process of, 13552

qualitative interviews, 17996

and exploration of cinema-goers' memories, 1814

qualitative measures, triangulation with quantitative measures, 32, 4756

qualitative/quantitative divide, beyond, 11232

qualitative research, 9

text-based approaches to, 31, 31933

doing, 3302

ethical considerations, 3323

types of, 32130

Quandt, T., 478

quantification of public opinion, 51

quantifiable results, 92

quantitative analysis, 545, 548

quantitative approaches, 9, 41, 128, 202, 322

to ephemeral media, 47595

quantitative coding, 54

quantitative content analysis, 30, 545, 339, 342, 477, 485

quantitative measures: triangulation with qualitative measures, 32, 4756

quantitative newspaper analysis, 53

quasi-experimental designs, 241

queer studies, 50

question templates, guidelines for building, 136


assessing mode of delivering, 945

design, 29, 99105

distribution, 29

and responding fatigue, 105

structure and appearance, 1045

thematic, 183

wording, 1023


closed-ended, 101

contingency, 1045

developing, 1456

do not interrogate, 170

double-barreled, 103

double-negative, 103

follow-up, 146

inadequate wording, 103

loaded/leading, 103

of motivation and intent, 67

open-ended, 101

in oral history interviews, 16971

research, see research: questions

types of, in research surveys, 101

Quinn, S., 422

quota sampling, 989

proportional, 99

quote approval, 1723

Rabun County, Georgia, 158

race, 4, 6, 1011, 26, 334, 50, 104, 1456, 205, 214, 267, 304, 342, 353, 359, 36870, 376, 499, 543n

racial inclusivity, 4

Racial Order of Things, The (Mukherjee), 6

racism, 6, 10, 223, 329

Radach, K., 423

Radach, R., 423, 430

radiation experiments (1940s–1960s) study, 107

radical uncertainty and contingency, 13

radio, 23, 46, 556, 83, 912, 989, 242, 284, 338, 376, 384, 387, 4767, 479, 4867, 57980, 583, 588

community, 66, 72, 83, 200, 205, 21314

local, 29, 199

media ethnography on local radio station in Africa, 199214

“pavement,” 199

programs, 61n, 115

Radio X (S. Africa), 199, 20413

Radway, J., 203, 376

Rae, S. F., 92

Rajoy, M., 14

Raleigh Star, 91

Rambo, C., 230

Ramírez, Á., 572

Ramírez, J., 586

Ramstein Air Base, Germany, 284

random assignment to conditions, 241

random digit dialing (RDD), 97

random selection, 97, 120, 268

rapport between researcher and participant, 140

Rarey, M., 328

Rather, D., 173

ratio level of measurement, in media research, 1012

Rattine-Flaherty, E., 449

Rayner, K., 421

RDD, see random digit dialing

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 387

Readex's America's Historical Newspapers, 387

Reading Experience Database, 1450–1945 (RED), 3923

reading techniques, 324

Reagan, Ronald, 278, 283, 284, 289, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296

reality as constructed, 341

reality television, 67, 103

real-time communicative processing, 140

real-world violence, desensitization to, 73

Rear Window (Hitchcock), 41517

REBs, see research ethics boards


digital, 222, 228

in sender–receiver model, 46, 212

reception interview and photovoice, 4512

reception process of visual perception, 420

Reckwitz, A., 3734

recognition technology, 12

reconstituted matrix of research, 28

reconstruction and analysis of visual perception and processing, 422

record-keeping, 161


audio, 115, 1489, 1678

of memories, 157

see also oral history

technology, 1679

video, 115, 1689, 306, 504, 512, 585

recovering and interpreting past, 1568

recruitment strategies, 144

RECs, see research ethics committees

RED, see Reading Experience Database, 1450–1945

reducing offensiveness of event, 280

Reed, L. E., 449

Reed-Danahay, D., 220, 221, 223

Reeves, B., 243, 244, 246

referential mode, in Q methodology composite model, 120

reflexive ethnography, 204

reflexive research, 29

refugees, 326

registered voters list, 96

Reguillo, R., 576, 586

Reich, R. D., 304

Reid, E. M., 502

Reisigi, M., 327

relatives, 1956, 227, 587

relevance system, 436

reliability, 41, 51, 53, 1001, 160, 260, 262, 288, 303, 305, 316, 476, 478, 48690, 548, 552

of cross-cultural research measurement, 100

empirical, 534

intercoder, 30814

measuring, 48890

and verifiability of polling, 53

religion(s), 3, 44, 1301, 264, 392, 4546, 465, 573

religious beliefs, 121

remediation, 3

Rentz, J. O., 93

repeated calling, 106

repetition, 230

reporteros populares (people's reporters), 205


as constitutive of media discourse, 3412

and content, 5, 9

research, 9

study of, 5

representational analysis, 910

representative sample, 90, 92, 98, 115, 1301, 578

representativeness, 182, 333

Republic, The (Plato), 53

Republican Party, 271



benevolent, 56, 60

and empirical critique, 558

concept of, 43

conceptual definition, 100

conceptual equivalency, 100

operational definition, 100

deception in, 756

design, 74, 184, 245, 249, 265, 419, 423, 428, 439, 478, 481, 4856, 490, 519

ethics, 6584; see also ethics

exploitive, 56

funding, 70, 75, 83, 163, 567

interdisciplinary, 324

methodologies, 22

methods in media studies, situating, 225

mixed method, 324

online, 76

participatory and activist, 813

questions, 75

addressed by controlled experiments, 23940

in conducting mixed approach to content analysis, 2812

developing, 304

see also questions

reconstituted matrix of, 28, 5961

social benefit of, 834

social media, 589

“Research Ethics 2.0,” 81

research ethics boards (REBs), 71

research ethics committees (RECs), 71

Research Exercise Framework, 383

research saga, lessons learned from, 30317

coder selection and training, 3078

data entry and analysis, 312

design, 305

intercoder reliability, 30812

lessons learned, 31516

measures, 3067

origins: developing research questions, 3045

sampling and material collection, 3056

unexpected afterlife, 31315

writing, authorship, and presentation, 313

researcher reflexivity, 31

resistance, social ethics of, 69

“respect for persons,” 77

respondent interviews, 138, 183

responding fatigue, 105

response rate, 956, 105

managing, 106

response styles, 106

extreme, 106

responsibility, evading, 280

reterritorialization, 223

Retis, J., 13, 14, 33, 5715, 582, 5849

retrieval, memory, 160

Rettberg, J., 502

Reuters, 388

Reynolds, F. D., 93

Rheingold, H., 501

rhetoric of nonverbal gestures, 48

rhetorical approaches, 3225

rhetorical criticism, 323

Rhoads, J. C., 115

Ribeiro-Neto, B., 48990

Richards, J., 383

Rimm, M., 76

Rimm study, 77

Rincón, O., 586

risks and benefits assessment, 107

Ritchie, D. A., 158, 161

rituals, 48, 193, 196, 327, 3613, 370, 4556, 464

Rizo, M., 573

Robertson, C., 8

Robinson, D. C., 118

Robinson, J. P., 101

Robinson, S., 26, 29

robots, search engine, 79

Robson, J., 427, 428

Rockefeller Foundation, 55

Rodgers, D., 372

Rogers, E., 14

Roman in Lume, 584

romantic comedies, 11, 194

Romero, S. R., 326

Ronai, C. R., 223

Rønning, H., 495

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 92, 282, 284, 287, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 300n

Roosevelt, Theodore, 369

Rosaldo, R., 371

Rosas, A., 586

Rose, J., 392

Rose, N., 52

Rosenberry, J., 492

Rosenzweig, R., 367

Roskos, K., 525

Ross, J., 440n

Ross, M., 278

Ross, S. D., 325

Rotten Tomatoes (film discussion board), 121

Roussou, M., 520

Roy, S., 325

Rubin, R. B., 101

Ruge, M. H., 343

Ruiseco, G., 326

rule-based governance, 81

Ruskin College

History Workshop, 158

Russell, Rosalind, 404

Rwandan genocide, 279

Sable, M. R., 449

saccades, fixations, micro-movements, 4236

what saccades and fixations tell us, 42730

saccadic blindness, 425

Sage Journals, 220

Sahlins, M., 373

Said, E. W., 210, 342, 370

oSalazar, P.-J., 328

Salt, B., 40915

SAM, see “Something About Myself”

sample composition, 24951

sample sizes, 2367, 249

sample, survey

drawing, 1435

equivalence, 93

frame, 96

response rate, 96

selecting, 969

size: determining factors, 99

amount of error tolerated, 99

previous research on topic area, 99

project type, purpose and complexity, 99

time and financial constraints, 99

sampling, 30

cluster, 97

error, 97

interval, 97

and material collection, 3056

methods, 51

nonprobability, 969

probability, 968

procedures, 29, 96

simple random, 97

stratified random, 97

systematic, 97

in textual analysis, 344

Samson, L., 237, 238, 239, 243

San Francisco, 313, 377

Sanchez, M., 196n

Sanders, T., 510

Sands, C., 449

Sandvig, C., 6

Sandvoss, C., 447

Santamarina, C., 573, 586

Santella, A., 439

satellite technology, 20

Sauntson, H., 326

Sassen, S., 571

satisficing, 247

saturation, 331

Sawyer, A. G., 269

scan paths, 434

analysis of shock-averse recipient, 438

scene viewing, 428

Schacter, D. L., 160, 161

Schaeffer, P., 550

Schafer, R. M., 550

Schäffle, A., 44

Scharf, B. F., 789

Scharrer, E., 2, 12, 22

Schatzman, L., 140

Scheiter, K., 422, 439

Schiller, H., 49

Schlecker, M., 505

Schmidt, E., 79

Schneider, W. X., 426

scholarship, 34

school(s), 30, 756, 90, 93, 103, 142, 144, 248, 25961, 287, 344, 364, 504, 521, 528, 5401, 564, 585

Schrag, Z. M., 161

Schrier, A. M., 256

Schrøder, K. C., 117, 118, 119, 128, 129, 130, 131, 341

Schudson, M., 396n

Schumacher, P., 422, 430, 436

Schumann, K., 278

Schwartz, J. K. L., 259

Schwartz, L. R., 449

Schwartz, N., 251

science(s), 41, 135, 152, 220, 327, 3423, 503, 507, 542n

behavioral, 202

cognitive, 519

communication and media, 420, 425, 430, 4356, 447

computer, 24, 45, 421

health, 114

medical, 69

natural, 41, 47, 52, 59

philosophy of, 478

political, 3, 47, 50, 54, 91, 114

social, 3941, 435, 48, 512, 54, 57, 59, 6971, 74, 91, 136, 1412, 202, 261, 263, 316, 339, 341, 359, 361, 436, 499500, 505, 511, 522

and technology, 486, 4912

science fiction fans, 125

scientific community, 42

scientific demonstration of impact, 12

scientific objectivity, 41

“scientific polls,” 53

Scott, C. P., 385, 389

Scott, J. W., 368, 369

Scott, N., 422

Scott-Hoy, K., 223

Scott's pi, 309

screen capture, 4504, 455, 456, 456, 458, 45861, 462, 4635, 4702, 512, 524, 5245, 525, 528, 530

procedures, 4701

screen media texts, 120

Scripps Newspapers Go to War (Zacher), 384

scripts, see film(s): scripts

search engines, 79, 481

searching, computer-assisted, 30

Second Life, 503

secondary task reaction time (STRT), 247

“secondhand” data, 58

selective coding, 1501

self-criticism, 287, 294, 297

self-defense, 280

self-discrepancy, 262

self-generated data, 23

self-reference, 2878

self-reflexivity, 201, 2046, 226, 232

self-report, 157

self-representation, discourses on, 5835

Selling Sounds (Suisman), 375

semantic differential scale, 102

semantic units, 285

semiotic analysis, 327, 505, 548

semiotics, 33, 48, 327, 339, 360, 54950

semi-structured interviews, 13941, 510, 573, 5845

Sen, N., 317

Senda-Cook, S., 328

sender, 46

sender–receiver model, 212

senses, books, and culture industries, 3747

September 11, 2001 (9/11), 160, 325

Serbians, 325

Serna, L. I., 190

Sesame Street (children's TV program), 554

Seun, H. K., 308

Sewell, W. H., Jr., 361, 363, 372

sex, 47, 94, 102, 182, 3934, 435, 450

sexism, 6

sexting, 76

sexual content, 95, 394

sexual inclusivity, 4

sexual violence, 100

sexuality, 34, 6, 10, 363, 368, 394, 450

SF (Structural Features) projects, 305

SF-Clutter, 305

SF-Presence, 305

SF-State, 305

Shade, L., 522

Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock), 4005

Shanks, T., 449

Shapiro, M., 250

Shar, M., 449

Share, J., 522

shared identity, 127

shared maps of meaning, 340

Sharma, D., 449

Sharpless, R., 161

Shatzer, M. J., 328, 499, 514

Shaver, P. R., 101

Shaw, G. B., 103

Shields, R., 501

Shimshock, K., 449

shock-inducing ads, case study on, 4307

Shome, R., 207

Shopes, L., 172

Shrek (movie), 446

Shukla, M., 422

Si Se Puede SL, 584, 588

Sieber, J. E., 108

significance level, 257

signifiers, 340

Signorielli, N., 92, 100

Silberstein-Loeb, J., 383

silence in interviews, allowing, 146

Silver, D., 499

Silverman, D., 135, 143

Silverstone, R., 505

Simone, M. A., 325

Simons, H. W., 323

simple random sampling, 97

Simpson, J., 220

Singhal, A., 449

single message design, 244

situated knowledge, 1445, 221, 2234

Six Feet Under (TV drama series), 450

size, sample, 96

selecting, 99

Sjøvaag, H., 32

Skeggs, B., 223, 227

skin conductance, 247, 257

Skype, 123, 147, 165, 509, 511

slander, 171

Slater, D., 501, 503

Slater, M. D., 244, 520

Sloop, J. M., 323

Slovenia, 27

Slovis, Michael, 446

slow pacing, 251

Sluneko, T., 326

Slykhuis, D., 439

small agency, 30, 230

Smith, L., 449

Smith, N., 279

Smith, P., 586

Smith, R. A., 243

Smith, T. W., 93

Smith, W. R., 247

SMS, 509

Smythe, D. W., 49, 56, 57

snowball sampling, 989, 144, 164, 344

SNS, see social network sites

Snyder, J., 304, 313

Snyder-Duch, J., 313, 314, 317

social benefit of research, 834

social change, 66, 83, 200, 202, 205, 449, 522

social class, 3, 6, 11, 26, 29, 334, 4950, 118, 1301, 159, 182, 202, 214, 221, 231, 3423, 353, 364, 3668, 372, 587

differences, 1879

dynamics, 29

lower class, 18890

middle-class, 3, 118, 144, 185, 188, 190, 3701, 392, 5778

upper-class, 191

working class, 150, 185, 189, 191, 360, 363, 3668, 392, 396

social construction of meaning, 48

social constructionism, 48

social desirability, 247

social encounter, interview as, 137

social ethics of resistance, 69

social facts, 44

social history, 158, 3612, 368, 372, 3834

social inequality, 364, 366, 374

and media power, 127

social interaction, 24, 44, 187, 196, 504, 5068

cinema-going and family, 1934

social location, 49, 67, 121, 125, 127, 130, 333

social media, 13, 20, 34n, 46, 5861, 79, 498, 500, 507, 509, 51213

research: new paradigm?, 589

social movement criticism, 323

social network sites (SNS), 58, 500

social networks, 58, 81, 164, 377, 500, 504, 51012, 586

social organization, 25, 361, 365

social psychology, 47, 68, 75, 256

social responsibility, 104, 213

social sciences, 3941, 435, 48, 512, 54, 57, 59, 6971, 74, 91, 136, 1412, 202, 261, 263, 316, 339, 341, 359, 361, 436, 499500, 505, 511, 522

social scientific paradigm, 12

social semiotics, 327

social vs. surface realism, 2512


vs. community, 44

structure, and practice, 3714

Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, 382

sociocultural implications of discourse, 326

sociodemographic attribute, 119

socioeconomic status, 188, 543n

sociology, 3, 8, 31, 41, 445, 47, 50, 55, 71, 101, 1367, 157, 359, 364, 3723, 3812, 392, 501, 509, 5489, 572

Socrates, 280

software networks, 9

Solomon four-group design, 241

“Something About Myself” (SAM), 534, 538

Sopranos, The (TV drama series), 446

SortidazZ, 509

sound environments of children's TV programs, 33

soundbite, 73

soundtracks, 33, 439, 54750, 5546, 5617

evaluation of film soundtrack, 564

methodology for analyzing, 549

in story, 5623

South Africa, 27, 29, 104, 199200, 383, 385

ethnography of local radio station in, 20414

South Asia, 1011

South Korea, 279, 284

Southern Appalachian Mountains, 158

Soviet Union, 300n

Soyini Madison, D., 83

Soyinka, B., 506

Spain, 13, 14, 27, 555, 557, 565, 567, 57183, 58590

journalists' discourses on “problem” of Latin American immigration in, 5813

representations of otherness in news media discourse: Latin Americans in, 5734

Sparks, G. G., 250

speaking, 40, 58, 304

special effects, 7, 124, 307, 450

special interest groups, 67, 121

speeches, 30, 2824, 286, 2934, 299, 300n, 320, 322, 325

Spiegel, G. M., 372, 373

Spina-Caza, L., 25, 26, 323, 528, 531

Spitulnik, D., 203

Splichal, S., 21, 23, 25, 28, 61n

spontaneous memories, 183

Spokeo, 79

sports, 46, 186, 263, 323, 326, 394, 439, 478, 484, 486, 4912, 526, 561, 588

Spradley, J., 210

Spry, T., 220, 222

SPSS, 312

Staiger, J., 180, 447

Stainton Rogers, W., 113, 114, 116, 117, 129, 131

stakeholders, 60, 346

Stambaugh, S., 554

standardized open-ended interview, 183

Standlee, I., 508

Standley, T., 308

Stanford University, 304

Stanley, J. C., 240, 241

Star, Raleigh, 91

Star Wars (movie series), 7, 446

state dinners, presidential remarks during, 283

State of the Medium, The (Lombard et al.), 313

statements and declarations, 284

static-group comparison, 240

station director model, 212

station management, 212

statistical analysis, 51, 91, 258, 41214, 485

statistical data, 40, 41314, 578

statistical inference, 257

“Statistical and Methodological Issues in Communication Research,” 314

statistical power, 257

and effect size, 26970

statistical validity, 125

statistics, film analysis, and objectivity, 40914

Statistics Finland, 229

Stavelin, E., 32

Steenkamp, J. E. M., 106

Steiner, N., 278

Steiner, P., 501

Stenfors, I., 422

Stenner, P., 113, 114, 116, 117

Stephens, R. J., 278

Stephenson, W., 113, 115, 118, 128

Stern, J. A., 421

Sterne, J., 1, 20, 26

Steward, G., 304, 317

Stewart, F., 506

Stewart, J., 323

Stewart, Jon, 13

Stimson, M. J., 422

stimulus-driven perception, 426

Stoker, Bram, 451

storyline, film, 124, 466

storytelling, 136, 184

Stout, R. G., 93

Strasbourg, France, 284

strategic control, 427

stratified random sampling, 97

Strauss, A., 140, 143, 148, 150, 151, 152n, 174

Strömbäck, J., 483, 490

STRT, see secondary task reaction time

structural components of human eye movements, 4236

Structural Features (SF) projects, 305

structuralism, 48, 3678

structured interviews, 136, 13941

Stubbings, S., 191

study design, 1423, 2557, 264, 266

selecting, 934

subject anonymity in surveys, 75

subjective orientations, 123

subjectivity, 9, 11, 25, 40, 42, 49, 113, 123, 1278, 174, 224, 324, 36970, 41213, 416, 423, 499

subjugation, 206

subpoenas, 108

Subramaniam, A., 347, 350

Subramaniam, B., 424

Suci, G. J., 102

Suisman, D., 375

Sullivan, B. T., 422

Summit for Peace and Prosperity, Uganda, 1998, 284

Sun Microsystems, 79

Sundar, S. S., 246

Sunkel, G., 586

Super Voice Girl (TV show), 7

surplus information, 23, 58

surplus value, 8

Surrey History Centre (UK), 390

surveillance, 8, 58, 61, 326

technology, 34

survey(s), 20

advantages and disadvantages of different modes of administering, 95

assessing mode of delivering questionnaire, 945

Internet, 94

mail, 94

managing response rate, 106

methodology, 29

challenges in, 1056

history and uses, in media studies, 902

when to select, 923

mixed-mode surveys, 105

procedure for conducting, 93

questions, 90

research, 14

conducting ethically sound, 1079

in media studies, 89109

selecting sample, 969

selecting study design, 934

subject anonymity, 75

telephone, 94, 105

types of questions, 101

Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, 92

Survival International, 121

survivors of abuse, 77

suspension of disbelief, 124

Sveningsson Elm, M., 70, 78, 80, 81

Sweden, 27

Sweeney, D. L., 267

symbolic anthropology and folklore studies, 3603

symbols, 48, 103, 320, 325, 341, 3612, 455

Sypher, H. E., 101

syphilis study in Tuskegee, Georgia, 107

systematic sampling, 97

tablets, computer, 312, 446

tabloid magazines, 6, 476

taking corrective action, 280

Talens, J., 548, 550

Taliban, 289

Tannenbaum, P. H., 102

Tao, C., 245, 251

tape recording, 15960, 207, 209, 539

Tarde, G., 44, 58

Tarkovsky, Andrei, 410

Tasker, Y., 6

Tassajara Bread Book, 377

Tavuchis, N., 279, 280, 281

Taylor, B. C., 136, 138, 140, 141, 144, 164, 182, 183, 321, 323, 331, 344

Taylor, D., 347, 349, 350

Taylor, H., 180

Taylor, T., 502

technological convergence, 40

technological development, 123, 132

convergence, globalization, and interdisciplinarity, 1934

Technology & Culture, 382

technology and science, 486, 4912

Tedlock, B., 204

teens, see adolescents

Tehran, Iran, 283

Telecinco, 588

telecommunications industry, deregulation of, 74

Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy (McChesney), 384

Telefónica Argentina, 577

telegraph, 44

telephone, 8, 44, 106, 108, 1623, 1656, 251, 588

directory, 96

interviews, 75

mobile, 2, 13, 105, 446

surveys, 945, 97, 105

Telephone Preference Service (UK), 105

television, 6, 24, 301, 33, 46, 501, 77, 89, 92, 98, 11819, 125, 1567, 160, 1623, 16670, 172, 175, 180, 192, 202, 242, 261, 2635, 270, 320, 338, 3412, 351, 359, 382, 3878, 439, 4458, 4503, 460, 46971, 483, 487, 490, 502, 523, 5478, 550, 5535, 579

channels, 10, 222, 304, 306, 476, 485, 588

content analysis of form, 30317

digitalization of, in Finland, 21732

exploring effects of TV and movie music on childhood, 54767

and photovoice, 4523

production, 60, 307, 477

programs, 61n, 1013, 115, 263, 267, 306, 311, 387, 391, 448, 450, 4701, 479, 553, 555, 565

reception studies, 4478

Television News Archive, Vanderbilt University, 387

television news history project, 164

Television: What's On, Who's Watching, and What It Means (Scharrer and Comstock), 12

Temple University, 304, 308

Ten Commandments, The (movie), 370

Teo, P., 326

Teresa, 192

Terkel, S., 170, 174

territorial immigrants, 571

“terrorism” discourse, 325

testament, 157

text-based approaches, 20

historical methods, 31

to qualitative research, 31, 31933

doing, 3302

ethical considerations, 3323

types of, 32130

discourse analysis, 3257

ethnographic approaches, 32730

rhetorical approaches, 3225

textile production in Ghana, 9

TextQuest, 285

textual analysis, 24, 26, 31, 40, 92, 3212, 329, 344, 346, 348, 355, 381, 399, 407, 448

defining, 33842

see also analyzing text: cultural discourse in ethnic food reviews

textual polysemy, 119

thalidomide use study, 107

Theeuwes, J., 423, 430

thematic questionnaire, 183

theory, 21, 334, 40, 42, 47, 51, 55, 5760, 121, 150, 219, 2378, 249, 3212, 324, 328, 331, 372, 382, 554

therapeutic care of self, 10

thick description in qualitative research, 143, 200, 203, 226, 3613, 377

thinking aloud, 247

Thomas, D. B., 115, 116, 118, 131

Thomas, J., 67, 68, 69, 77, 80

Thompson, E. P., 364, 366, 367

Thompson, J. B., 382, 571

Thompson, J. K., 262

Thompson, K., 4005, 416

Thompson, K. J., 267

Thompson, W., 43

Thomson, A., 158, 161

Thorne, B., 540

Thorson, E., 236, 244, 245, 251

thought listing, 247

Thussu, D. K., 13

Tikhomirov, O. K., 521, 523

Tilly, C., 372

Time magazine, 77

time–space compression, 22

Times, The (UK), 387, 395

Tin Pan Alley, 375

Tintin (movie), 344

TNS-Gallup, 476

Tobii Studio, 438

Tobii T120, 431

Today Show, 162

Tolkien, J. R. R., 11

Tomlinson, J., 23

Tönnies, F., 44, 50

topic selection, 3423

Torrance, E., 534, 538

Tosh, J., 384

tourism, 1112, 114, 207

Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications (McQuail), 8

Towheed, S., 388

Towner, E. B., 279, 280

toys, 74, 325, 526, 529, 531, 540, 556

Trades Union Congress, 395

traditional audiences, 2

traditional governance models, 81

traditional media, 13, 114, 483, 521, 587

Trammell, D. D., 492

transcript approval, 1723

transcription, 138, 148, 156, 172, 185, 331

transcultural dynamics, 27

transgender, 329

translating questions, 104

transnational alliances and networks, 2, 23

transnational communities, 72

transnational feminism, 4, 6

transnational marketplace, 13

transnational organizations, 72

transnational perspectives, 3

interstices of thinking “glocally,” 5713

transnationalism and communication, interdisciplinary approaches to understanding, 57090

transparent mode, in Q methodology composite model, 120

transportation, 90, 571, 579

Trapp, R., 322

Treasures of Tutankhamun (exhibition), 370

Treasury (UK), 395

treatment variance, creating, 2435

Trejo, R., 586

trend studies, 934

triangulation of qualitative and quantitative measures, 32

Trichtinger, R., 119, 125

Tri-Council Policy Statement (Canada), 71

Triesch, J., 422

Trinh, T., 210

Trinidad Island, 503

Trobriand Islanders, 502

Trondman, M., 200

true apology, 278, 280

True Blood (TV drama series), 445, 45067, 4549, 4623

and photovoice, 4501

seeing as character, 458

true experimental designs, 241

post-test-only control group design, 241

pretest–post-test control group design, 241

Solomon four-group design, 241

Truman, Harry S., 284, 290, 293, 294, 295, 297, 300n

Tuchman, G., 180, 581

Tudors, The, 446

Tufte, T., 203

Tumblr, 2

Turkey, 278, 350

Turkle, S., 501, 522

Turner, V., 362

Turnock, J., 7

Tusan, M., 383

Tuskegee syphilis study, 70, 107

TVE, 555

analysis of TVE programs for children, 55561

cartoons, 5601

in-house programs, 55960

what is listened to? musical categories, 5567

what is the music like?, 5578

Twilight (book/movie series), 343, 452, 463

Twitter, 2, 139, 50910

“Tyra Banks is Fat!” (Joseph), 6

Ubisoft, 529

Uganda, 284

UKPressOnline, 387

UNESCO, see United Nations (UN): Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(un)friending (on social network sites), 58

Ungs, T. D., 129

United Kingdom (UK), 23, 27, 71, 94, 1035, 136, 158, 180, 191, 195, 283, 383, 386, 3889, 3925

United Nations (UN), 279, 284, 297

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 72

General Assembly, 284, 293

Security Council, 284

United States (USA), 1, 7, 1115, 23, 27, 43, 45, 50, 545, 66, 6972, 74, 769, 902, 967, 100, 1038, 119, 136, 142, 158, 161, 1712, 180, 1901, 193, 202, 207, 247, 278, 2812, 2845, 2878, 290, 2923, 2967, 305, 323, 329, 333, 3413, 345, 3503, 35960, 364, 367, 36971, 3756, 383, 387, 393, 413, 446, 542n, 555, 575, 587, 590

universalism, 7, 59, 224

university institutional review boards, 135

University of Aberystwyth, 382

University of Bergen, 494n

University of California, Santa Barbara, 300n

University of Chicago, 92

University of Hohenheim, 431

University of Illinois, 4

University of Illinois Press, 382

University of Kent at Canterbury, 387

University of Michigan, 92, 94, 314

University of New Mexico, 14

University of Pennsylvania, 309

University of Sheffield, 381

University of Sussex, 388

University of Texas at Austin, 106

University of Warwick, 388

(un)liking (on social network sites), 58

unmarried pregnancy, 11

Uotinen, J., 26, 30, 218, 226, 230, 231

urbanization, 90

Ureta, A. L., 478, 492

Uruguay, 586

US Census, 106

US Department of Health & Human Services, 107, 108

Usenet, 80, 502

user-generated media, 3, 22

Vaidhyanathan, S., 7980

Valdivia, A. N., 1, 4, 6, 22, 554

validity, 41, 515, 75, 1001, 118, 125, 131, 138, 1734, 226, 2368, 2401, 243, 2478, 257, 2678, 316, 41011, 482, 4879

of cross-cultural research measurement, 100

issues of empirical reliability and, 53

of oral history interviews, 160

Vampire Diaries, The (TV drama series), 4512, 455, 460

Van de Vijver, L., 188, 196n

Van Der Valk, I., 326

van Dijk, T. A., 149, 326, 5723

Van Dinh, T., 56, 57

van Gog, T., 422, 439

Van Leeuwen, T., 325, 326, 327

Van Maanen, M., 204, 222

Van Raaij, W. F., 104

Van Rensbergen, J., 422, 439

VanVoorhis, C. R. W., 249

van Vuuren, K., 212

Vande Berg, L. R., 346

Vanderbilt University, 387

VCR, see videocassette recorder

Venezuela, 586

verbal rating scales, 102, 106

verbal violence, 100

Verdens Gang (VG), 476

verifiability and reliability of polling, 53

Verstehen (undertstanding), 48

VHS videotape format, 306

victims of abuse, 77

Victorian England, 385

Vidal, R., 185

Video Active, 388


games, 74, 51920, 5223, 529, 531, 540, 542

violence in, 100

production, 9, 535

recording, 115, 1689, 306, 504, 512, 585

video conferencing tools, 123

videocassette recorder (VCR), 21718, 222, 224, 306

videotaping, 75, 115, 157, 166, 3067, 310, 312, 316, 535, 539

Vidich, A. J., 136

Vietnam War, 160, 287, 459

viewers' subjective reactions, 119

viewing behavior, 436

Villanueva, G. N. H., 196n

violence, 47, 67, 723, 92, 100, 195, 223, 305, 325, 523, 576

Violence Against the Press: Policing the Public Sphere in US History (Nerone), 6

virtual challenges, 324, 473594

virtual communities, 78, 501

virtual ethnography, 5003

virtual interactions, complex, 32, 5412

virtual play activity

Chaos Tower, 530

complex virtual interactions call for complex methodological approaches, 5412

creative agency model (CAM), 533

experimenting with mixed research methods to study complex virtual interactions, 523

fifth-grade study participant writes her movie script, 537

fifth-grade study participants use Webkinz Studio to make their movies, 537

fourth-grade study participants making movies in virtual/web treatment, 535

fourth-grade study participants in physical/video treatment, 534

importance of isolating for gender, 5401

measuring perceptual shifts in physical and virtual play, 53340

dependent variables, 53840

independent variables, 538

methods and strategies for measuring effects of, 51943

physical studio tabletop stage set, 536

review of research approaches to traditional and new media studies, 5213

screen capture of, 524

screen capture of Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity, 530

screen capture of, 525

temporal chart for 8-year-old girl at, 527

temporal chart for 10-year-old girl at, 527

study 1: tale of two websites, 5249

study 2: redefining problem space, extending research focus, 52932

study 3: conceptual framework for virtual studies, 5323

virtual Webkinz Studio set, 536

virtual reality (VR), 542n

virtual reality environment (VRE), 542n

virtual studies, conceptual framework for, 5323

Virtual Webkinz Studio, 535, 5367

virtual worlds, 32, 422, 498, 500, 5023, 507, 511, 515, 520, 526

visual analysis, 24, 512

visual anthropology, 75

visual aspects of audience membership, 44567

visual attention, 4203, 4267, 42930, 4345, 438

visual images, 428, 454

visual perception, 31, 41923, 4258, 430, 4349

exogenous and endogenous control of, 4267

reception process of, 420

reconstruction and analysis of, 422

visuality, 446

visualized scan paths of subjects of Dior advertisement poster, 424

Vitu, F., 421

Vladica, F., 120, 125

Vogel, C., 506

voice, variations in tone, pitch and quality (paralinguistic), 147

Volčič, Z., 325

volunteer sampling, 98

Vorstius, C., 423

voting behavior, 53, 91

VR, see virtual reality

VRE, see virtual reality environment

Vygotsky, L. S., 554

Wachs, T. D., 528, 533

Wagman, D., 575

Waisbord, S. R., 351

Waitress (movie), 11

Wajcman, J., 221

Waldahl, R., 485

Walford, G., 223

Wallerstein, I., 59

Wallerstein, N., 449

Walrath, L. C., 421

Walter, J., 31

Walter, V., 422

Walters, R. G., 361

Walther, J., 502

Wang, C. C., 4489, 4656

war, 2, 54, 72, 160, 279, 300n, 323

War Communications Research Project, 54

Ware, B. L., 280, 323

Warner Bros, 561

Wartenberg, C., 422

Washington, DC, 314

Washington, Isaiah, 10

Waskul, D., 78

Watching “Dallas,” (Ang), 448

Watergate, 160

Watts, S., 113, 116, 117

Wayback Machine, 481

We Cheer! (Wii game), 1011

Weare, C., 4834, 488

Weaver-Hightower, M. B., 223

Weaving, Hugo, 561

Web 2.0, 9, 46

web pages, 77, 422, 4823, 503, 509, 51112, 588

web technologies, 91, 945, 483

Weber, M., 48, 54, 327, 361, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 5345

websites, 10, 61n, 73, 94, 98, 120, 142, 422, 4804, 4912, 513, 521, 5248, 541

Webster, W., 383, 391

Weidman, L., 12

weight-loss treatment programs, 259

weight stigmatization, 262

Weijers, A., 454

Weiner, B. A., 278

WELL, The, 501

Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824–1900, 387

Wellman, B., 499, 503

Wells, I. B., 369

Welsh, K., 58

Wen, J., 422

Wenner, L. A., 346

Werbin, K. C., 79

Wester, F., 454

Western imperialism, 124

Westley, B., 237, 241

Wharton, S., 326

“What Kind of Person Are You?”, see WK inventory

What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (Gee), 522

WhatsApp, 509

White, K., 422

White Americans, 98

White middle-class males, 3

Whittlesea, B. W. A., 159

Whole Earth Catalog, 377

Wichansky, A. M., 422

Wichita, Kansas, 167

Wicks, R., 236

Wiebe, E., 439

Wiener, J. H., 383

Wigginton, Eliot, 158

Wii, 10, 529, 531

Wildemuth, B., 422

Wilkens, T., 422

Willett, R., 522

Williams, A. P., 492

Williams, B. R., 166

Williams, R., 13, 339, 3667

Williams, Robin, 561

Willis, P., 200

Wilson, G., 308

Wilson, N., 449

Wilson, S., 421, 430

Wimmer, R. D., 66, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 99, 256, 268, 522

Windsor Castle, England, 283

Winfrey, Oprah, 323

Wingfield, N., 446

Winn, B., 541

Winseck, D. R., 383

wireless networks, 504

wireless technologies, 2

Wise, K., 246

within-subjects designs, 2479, 2567, 2712

WK (“What Kind of Person Are You?”) inventory, 534, 538

Wodak, R., 326

Wolcott, H. E., 151

Wolak, J., 76

Wolf, M., 24, 201, 204

Wolfe, D., 448, 449, 465, 554

women, 4, 11, 98, 107, 140, 144, 147, 159, 186, 192, 194, 202, 209, 214, 256, 267, 272, 323, 333, 3423, 347, 359, 371, 383, 511, 578

Women Making News (Tusan), 383

Women's Library (London Metropolitan University), 390

Wood, Elijah, 561

Wood, L. A., 326

Wood, R., 414

Wooding, D. S., 439

workers, 72, 103, 174, 188, 199, 346, 575, 577


with people, 2930, 87274

with texts, 302, 275472

World Association of International Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), 83

World of Warcraft, 503

World War I, 54, 72, 375, 384, 391

World War II, 54, 70, 72, 137, 185, 190, 279, 2834, 300n, 384, 391, 395

Worrell, M., 113

Wortman, A., 586

Wright, R. D., 426

Wright Mills, C., 359

Wrightsman, L. S., 101

writing, 4, 40, 43, 58, 147

authorship, and presentation, 313

autoethnographical, 217, 2203

dissertation, 383, 385

questionnaire, 100, 103

research results, 14951, 164, 3312

style of thesis, 21112

written narratives, 118, 125

Yahoo, 79

Yale University, 72

Program of Research on Communication and Attitude Change, 72

Yalta press conference, 1945, 284

Yamazaki, J. W., 278, 279

Yantis, S., 426

Yarbus, A., 427, 432, 439

Year That Defined Journalism, The (Campbell), 384

Your Britain (Beers), 393, 395

youth, 9, 138, 194, 504, 520, 522, 532, 542n, 572, 589

memories of, 183, 187, 18990, 1945

YouTube, 9, 24, 43, 500, 522

Yow, V. R., 156, 161, 174

Yúdice, G., 585

Yule, P., 506

Zacher, D., 384, 391

Zaeske, S., 324

Zamacois, J., 548, 555

Zambarbieri, D., 422, 439

Zapatero, J. L., 14

Zellhofer, N., 422

Zero Dark Thirty (movie), 343

Zetter, K., 76

Zettl, H., 306

Zillman, D., 76

Zinkia Entertainment Production S.L., 561

Zucker, S., 502

Zuckerberg, M., 79

Zuluaga, Z., 586

Zunzunegui, S., 550

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