Adding People to Circles

One of the great things about Google+ is just how interactive the web page is. Unlike Facebook, which largely involves clicking and selecting (like a regular web page), Google+ enables you to click and drag items.

A great example is adding people to your Circles. If you want to add a person from the Stream to a Circle, you click on a profile photo thumbnail and drag it over a blue Circle icon at the bottom. A green +1 graphic shows that the addition has been successful (if a person is already in the Circle, the photo thumbnail slides back up to the Stream).

It is also possible to add several people to Circles at once by clicking multiple people in the Stream. As you click them, they become highlighted in blue (as shown in Figure 5-2). Dragging them to a Circle adds all the selected people. You can deselect individual people by clicking each one a second time, and you can deselect all the selections by clicking Clear selection or by clicking in the white space between the people in the Stream.


FIGURE 5-2 Multiple selections in the Circles Stream.

You can also use the Selected link to view just the people highlighted in the Stream. This is useful if you’re selecting a lot of people to add to a Circle and want to double-check you’ve chosen the ones you want without the clutter of unselected people.

Circle Identification As you hover the mouse above people in the Stream, the Circles that they are in light up with a blue glow.

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