Finding People on Google+

When your profile is set up, it’s time to reach out and find people. While Google’s built-in search tool is a great way to fill in your Circles, you can also use some dedicated directories and lists when you’re looking for specific types of people (for example, photographers, engineers, journalists, and so on).

Popular Lists on Google+ Counter

This site has user-curated lists. You can add yourself to a list or even start your own list.

Google+ Directory

This is a large directory of Google+ users, sorted by tags and location (plus the number of followers and friends). You can add yourself to the list.

Unofficial Google+ Recommended Users

Rather than presenting a huge list of Google+ users, this directory focuses on quality and recommends influential people (bloggers, podcasters, authors, women in tech, and so on) that you can add to your Circles.

Google+ Search

This is a customized search engine that can return results from Google+ posts and profiles, and Google Reader. If you’re looking for high-profile subjects in your area who are a little obscure for the standard lists, this is a good way to find them.

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