Deleting Your Google Account

One final and rather extreme approach to privacy with Google is to delete your account completely. Take note that doing this means you are no longer able to use any of the Google products associated with that account.

Follow these steps to delete an account:

1. Visit

2. Sign in to the Google account. If you have more than one account, be careful to check the account details carefully in the top-right of the screen.

3. Select all the check boxes in the screen (as shown in Figure 15-13) next to each service that will be deleted along with your account.

4. Type your password into the Current password text box.


FIGURE 15-13 Deleting your Google account.

5. Select the Yes, I want to delete my account check box.

6. Select the Yes, I acknowledge that I am still responsible for any charges incurred due to any pending financial transactions check box.

7. Click Delete Google Account.

And just like that, it’s all gone. You see a message on screen stating that your account has been deleted.

Can I Recover My Account Once It’s Been Deleted? Google does offer an account recovery service, which depends on your passing a knowledge test about the account. There are no guarantees, though. More information is available at Enter the email and password, and click submitting a recovery request. If you pass the test, you are sent a link by email to reactivate the account.

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