What Is Google+ and Why Should I Use It?

In this chapter:

+ Discovering Why Google+ Is So Great

+ What Is the Difference between Google+ and Other Social Networks?

+ Does It Cost Money to Use Google+?

+ What Can You Do with Google+?

+ Who Can You Find on Google+?

+ Signing Up for Google+

Google is far more than just a search engine. The company has created a dazzling array of apps and services all aimed toward making the Internet a finer place to hang out: from its famous Maps, News, and Groups to its Google Earth projects, Google’s gone out of its way to create really useful and fun Internet tools.

And recently Google added another tool to its toolbox: Google+. This is a cool take on social networking that takes some of the best components of other services and mixes in innovative features that make Google+ more useful, fun, and powerful. With more than 62 million users in the first six months, Google+ is off to a flying start. It’s definitely time to sign up.

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