Following Interesting People

With millions of people on Google+, it may seem foolish to suggest you follow just a few individuals. Aside from the litany of sports and pop stars, here are some of the most influential movers and shakers in the world of social media.

Brian Solis

This industry analyst and entrepreneur shares some of the most thoughtful posts on social media developments.

Jason Falls

Here you’ll find an entertaining daily Google+ account from the CEO of Social Media Explorer.

Larry Page

Google CEO and cofounder isn’t a prolific Google+ poster, but his posts are always regarding high-profile developments in Google and are worth following.

Sergey Brin

Google’s other CEO and cofounder is a more prolific poster (and quite a good photographer). Follow him to read some interesting thoughts from a very influential person.

Bradley Horowitz

As you’d expect, Google’s vice president of the Google+ product is a prolific poster and has some good thoughts on why Google+ is the way it is.

Vic Gundotra

The senior vice president of engineering at Google has some great advice on how to get the most out of the social network.

Natalie Villalobos

Google+’s community manager shares the best posts from the rest of the Google team. Adding her to your Circles is a good way to get a collection of information about the decisions Google is making.


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