Using Messenger in the Google+ App

As its name suggests, the Messenger part of the Google+ app enables you to share messages with other people (as shown in Figure 13-18). It differs from regular instant messaging services or SMS in that you can create conversations with Circles to form group chats. (Google used to call these chats Huddles but has recently stopped using the term.)


FIGURE 13-18 Creating a message with a Circle.

Follow these steps to start a conversation:

1. Tap Messenger.

2. Tap the new message icon in the top-right of the screen.

3. In the Type a name, email, or circle text box, type the name of a person. If you want to message a Circle, it’s easier to tap the + icon to the right and choose Circles from the list.

4. Type your message into the Type a message box.

5. Tap the Send icon.

A person in the Circle who has not been involved in a message conversation with you previously has to accept your invitation. The person will see an invitation to the conversation (as shown in Figure 13-19) and needs to tap OK before viewing your message.


FIGURE 13-19 A message invite.

Once a conversation is underway, everybody involved can type chat replies to each message (as shown in Figure 13-20) and tap the Send icon.


FIGURE 13-20 Replying to messages.

All the different conversations you have taking place appear in the Messenger window, and you can move between one conversation and another by pressing the Back button on the phone.

Pressing the Settings button on the phone during a conversation brings up three options:

+ Mute. Tap this option to stop receiving notifications from this conversation (you will still receive the messages). Tap it again to start getting the notifications again.

+ Hide. Tap this to hide new messages from the group and no longer receive messages from people involved.

You can add a photo to a message as well. Click the photo icon to the left of the Type a message box and choose either Camera photo or Choose photo. You do this the same way you add a photo to a post, which is discussed earlier in the chapter.

Can I Join a Conversation from a Desktop? Rather oddly, the answer is no (at the moment). If you’re using the Google+ website and a person tries to start a conversation with you from a mobile device (and you don’t have the app installed on your phone), then Google sends you a notification prompting you to install the app on your phone.

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