Filtering to Find What You Need

Filtering can also help you focus on a particular aspect of your project because it limits the information you see in a view or highlights information that meet criteria you specify. The filters available in any given view depend on the type of view. Resource views contain filters associated with resources, while task views contain filters associated with tasks. For example, you might find it really helpful when resolving resource conflicts to filter a resource-oriented view such as the Resource Usage view for overallocated resources. When looking for ways to shorten a project or avoid delaying it, you might want to filter a task-oriented view such as the Gantt Chart view or the Calendar view to display only or highlight tasks on the critical path.

Using Built-in Filters

Depending on your purpose for filtering, select either a task-oriented view or a resource-oriented view, and then on the Project menu, point to Filtered For. From the submenu that appears, select a filter or click the More Filters command to display the More Filters window (see 4-15).

The More Filters dialog box.

Figure 4-15. The More Filters dialog box.

Although you can select either Task or Resource at the top of the window and view all filters, the Apply button won’t be available unless you select a filter associated with the type of view you selected before you opened the window. Select a filter in the list and click either Apply or Highlight. If you click Apply, Project hides information that doesn’t meet the filter’s criteria. If you select Highlight, Project continues to display all tasks or resources in the view but highlights the ones that meet the criteria of the filter.

Using AutoFilters

Using the AutoFilters feature, you can make quick filtering changes in the table portion of any view containing a table. You can turn on AutoFilters by clicking the AutoFilters button on the Formatting toolbar.

When you turn on AutoFilters, Project displays a list box arrow at the right edge of each column heading on any table view; when you click the arrow, Project displays a list of values available for that column. When you select a value, Project filters the information in the table to display only those tasks that meet the filter’s criteria (see 4-16).

AutoFilter lists contain available values for each column of a table.

Figure 4-16. AutoFilter lists contain available values for each column of a table.

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