
This was an especially long chapter, but we covered a lot of material and essentially completed a mini-game within our game. First, we talked about scene management, with the loading and transitioning between scenes. A Game Manager was introduced in order to coordinate game activity. Then, we covered touch input, physics, and colliders as part of the player initiating an attempt to catch a monster. This was essential in transitioning us to create a new AR Catch scene. As part of our AR integration, we spent some time understanding how to integrate the device camera into the scene backdrop. We then added the ice ball to our scene and covered how to throw the ball using touch input and physics. After that, we spent some more time discussing colliders and how to script collision reactions. From there, we added the pizzazz to the scene with particle effects, triggered by collision reactions. Finally, we added the catch scene controller script to manage the monster's reaction on being hit. That script also managed the scene objects when the monster was hit enough times and became frozen.

In the next chapter, we will continue where we left off with the Catch scene. We don't want to leave the scene and not be able store the player's catch first. Storing the player's catch and other objects will be essential to our mobile game. Therefore, the next chapter will focus on creating a player database that tracks the player inventory with some new UI elements in order to manage that inventory.

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