Advanced debugging

No matter how much time you spend in the Unity editor, it is always helpful to have some more advanced debugging options, especially those options that can be run completely disconnected from your development machine. The following is a table of some advanced debugging tools you may want to consider using:


Ease of Use




Easy: download from the asset store

This creates a great integrated debugging tool on the platform. It supports a console, FPS, memory, heap, and extensions.

Search for HUDDebug on the Unity Asset store

Unity Remote 5

Easy: Difficult - may experience connection issues

This is a fantastic tool when it works. It will allow you to run a game on a mobile device, and track UI and game input with the editor. However, it can be problematic to run because of connection issues. Hopefully, this tool will overcome these issues in future releases.

Search for Unity Remote in your App store

Charles Proxy

Medium: Difficult

Charles Proxy allows you to configure the network traffic from your mobile device to route through your development machine and monitor it. If you have issues with your mobile device making calls to web services or you are doing advanced networking, this is the tool for you. While the tool is not free, it will be essential to understanding networking issues. Search for Charles Proxy setup on your preferred device

While debugging is certainly a tool you can use to resolve issues, it isn't something you want to do all the time. The better approach to understanding how your game is running is to add logging, which we will cover in the next section.

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