• Carbon-14, 36

  • Carrying capacity, 21, 78

  • Cart with flywheel, 327

  • Cascade of brine tanks, 54, 395, 483

  • Catenary problem, 44

  • Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 251

  • Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 174, 361, 450, 477, 491, 498

  • Center:

    • critical point, 412

    • of power series, 606

    • stable, 508

  • Central conic, 208

  • Chain (of generalized eigenvectors), 442, 444

  • Characteristic equation, 274, 292

  • of matrix, 340, 386

  • Characteristic value, see Eigenvalue

  • Churchill, R. V. (1899–1987), 565, 592

  • Circular frequency, 305, 308

  • Clairaut equation, 71

  • Clarinet reed, 551

  • Clarke, Arthur (1917–2008), 17

  • Closed trajectory, 509

  • Clepsydra, 43

  • Coddington, E. A. (1920–1991), 633

  • Coefficient matrix, 147

    • augmented, 148

    • of a first-order system, 376

  • Coexistence of species, 532

  • Cofactor, 190

  • Column (of a matrix), 147

  • Column rank, 244

    • and row rank, 247

  • Column space, 244

    • basis for, 246

  • Column vector, 148, 165, 169

  • Comet orbit, 467

  • Compartmental analysis, 388

  • Competing species, 529, 534

  • Competition situation, 80

  • Competition system, 529, 535

  • Complementary function, 287

  • Complete eigenvalue, 437

  • Complete independence of eigenvectors, 353

  • Complete set of eigenvectors, 437

  • Complex eigenvalue, 391, 410

    • with negative real part, 414

    • with positive real part, 415

  • Complex-valued function, real and imaginary parts, 296

  • Componentwise addition, 212, 222

    • multiplication of vector by scalar, 213, 223

  • Compound interest, 36

  • Computational efficiency, 200

  • Conservation of energy, 303, 331

  • Constant acceleration, 12

  • Continuous dependence of solutions, 665

  • Convergence:

    • of improper integral, 558

    • of power series, 605

  • Convolution (of functions), 587

  • Convolution property (of transforms), 588

  • Cooperation of species, 534

  • Coordinate plane, 214

  • Corresponding eigenvalue, 339

  • Cramer's rule, 188, 197, 674

  • Criterion for diagonalizability, 349

  • Criterion for exactness, 66

  • Critical damping, 307, 308

  • Critical point (of system), 503

    • asymptotic stability, 508

    • center, 508

    • classification, 520

    • isolated, 514

    • node, 506

    • saddle point, 400, 507

    • spiral point, 509

    • stability, 507

  • Crossbow, 94, 98, 125, 134

  • Cumulative error, 110

  • Curvature, 71

  • Curve fitting, 203

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