The Response Group Services configuration

Response Group Services is yet another part of Lync, not covered with the export of the configuration or topology. For this task there is another set of export/import commands available in PowerShell. There are no other tools for this yet.

The export and import commands will take care of the following objects in your deployment: queues, agent groups, workflows, holiday sets and business hours, audio files and service configuration settings.

Getting ready

A user with RTCUniversalServerAdmins rights must run these tasks in an elevated PowerShell prompt.

Before running the command, we need to identify the pools running the application service as follows:

Get-CsService -ApplicationServer

How to do it…

The following are the steps to back up your Response Group configuration:

  1. Start PowerShell in elevated mode.
  2. For each application pool, run the following command:
    Export-CsRgsConfiguration -Source ´"´
    -FileName ""
  3. Store the files in a secure location.


When there are several pools in your deployment, naming the backup file according to the pool it came from is a good idea.

The following are the steps to restore your configuration:

  1. Start PowerShell in the elevated mode.
  2. For each application pool, run the following command:
    Import-CsRgsConfiguration –Destination´
    -FileName "C:Backupmylyncapppool"
  3. Restart the Response Group services.

There's more…

Note that these commands are intended for Lync 2013. If there are any Lync 2010 pools that run RGS, there is a separate tool in Lync 2010 Resource Kit Tools for the job.

In a migration scenario, we should be moving the RGS configuration from Lync 2010 to Lync 2013 rather than export/import. This is done with the move-CsRgsConfiguration command after all the RGS users have been migrated to Lync 2013. Do not move the configurations from 2010 to 2013 if there are still RGS users left in the 2010 pool.

See also

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