The Location Information LIS database

Creating a fully functional Enterprise Voice Enhanced E-9-1-1 configuration is a lot of work in large deployments. The LIS database is a database used to identify the location of a call coming from somewhere in the campus and going out to a certified emergency services provider.

Losing all of this information in the event of a system failure can be frustrating. As networks grow and change over time, this information will change as well. A regular backup of this information is highly recommended. This information is not included in the backup made with Export-CsConfiguration or Get-CsTopology.

Getting ready

PowerShell is the best tool to perform these tasks. This task requires an account that is a member of RTCUniversalServerAdmins.

How to do it…

The following are the steps to back up your LIS configuration:

  1. Start PowerShell in the elevated administrative mode.
  2. Run the following command:
    Export-CsLisConfiguration -FileName C:BackupLisConfig.bak
  3. Store the file in a secure location.


    The LIS configuration is stored and replicated in the backend database store, and the export/import command is run only once, without specifying the FQDN of the Lync Front End pool.

Follow these steps to restore your LIS configuration:

  1. Start PowerShell in elevated administrative mode.
  2. Run the following command:
    Import-CsLisConfiguration -FileName C:BackupLisConfig.bak
  3. Then run the following command:


    If this is a partial restore, run to correct some errors, be aware it will not rewrite the entire LIS Database. The Import command will add missing entries, and it will skip existing entries. It may create erroneous locations. It is wise to test and verify the functionality after a partial import (a total disaster recovery will not have this issue, as there is no data in the store).

There's more…

After a restore, there are two very handy commands for verification and testing. One can give a useful insight into the published configuration, the other will test the database based on the input in the command.

To get a good view of the E-9-1-1 configuration, use the following command:

Debug-CsLisConfiguration | ft –wrap


The -wrap switch is used to get all the information in the window. Without the –wrap switch, the output will be wide (lots of scrolling from side to side, in the absence of a very wide screen).

The Debug-cslisconfiguration command will by default create an XML output (not all get- commands will), which is why we pipe it to format-table (ft).

A great way to test the configuration is to enable CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration and run the Test-CsLisConfiguration command with several scenarios.


Setting up CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration is not a part of the scope for this chapter, but the following Technet article explains the process:

With the Health Monitoring set up, the following command can be run on any computer running PowerShell with the Lync Module:

Test-CsLisConfiguration -TargetFqdn -Subnet

If the Health Monitoring is not available, the following commands should be run on a computer with a server certificate (typically on a Front End Server):

Test-CsLisConfiguration -TargetFqdn -Subnet -UserSipAddress sip:[email protected]

The command can still be run on a non-Lync Server/computer, but then it will require credentials to perform the task, like this:

$logOn = Get-Credential 
Test-CsLisConfiguration -TargetFqdn´
 -Subnet -UserSipAddress sip:[email protected]´
  -UserCredential $logOn

The first line of code will prompt you for the username and password for the tested subject (identified with the sipURI in the following line).

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