Voice dial plans, policies, and settings

Strictly speaking, the Voice Dial Plan, Voice Policies, and other voice-related configuration are all backed up in the CsConfiguration and Topology Information backups. However, there are times when we need to restore only portions of the configuration and settings by comparing settings in a backup with a system in production (especially if something suddenly got broken).

That's why we have chosen to include this set of voice-related information, which can be exported separately. There is no real need for these exports unless you need the flexibility that we described previously.

These exports cannot be natively imported back into Lync, but with the information provided within them, it suddenly becomes easier to recreate single settings and policies.

Getting ready

  1. Load PowerShell in the elevated administrative mode.


    In order to save this as files, we need to use export-clixml.

How to do it…

  1. Run the following commands in PowerShell:
    Get-CsDialPlan | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupDialPlan.xml
    Get-CsVoicePolicy | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupVoicePolicy.xml
    Get-CsVoiceRoute | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupVoiceRoute.xml
    Get-CsPstnUsage | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupPstnUsage.xml
    Get-CsVoiceConfiguration | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupVoiceConfiguration.xml
    Get-CsTrunkConfiguration | Export-Clixml -path c:ackupTrunkConfiguration.xml
  2. Store the files for documentation.

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The XML files like this can be hard to read. However, PowerShell has the tools to help us out.Here are a few examples to choose from:

The first way is using Out-Gridview. Import the XML file and pipe it to the gridview as follows:

Import-Clixml 'C:BackupTrunkConfiguration.xml' | Out-GridView

This will provide a graphical interface to look at for comparison between the live environment and the exported information, as shown in the following screenshot:

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There is a lot of information to cover, and we need to keep scrolling to the right to see more of the settings applied to the trunk, as shown in the following screenshot:

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Depending on the screen size, we might have to scroll three, four, or even five pages to get to the end, as shown in the following screenshot:

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The final page includes some of the other pages and (probably, most important) any translation rules applied to the trunk, as shown in the following screenshot:

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Another way to compare the old and new information is to import the file. Then, pipe the import to see the values the same way we do with get commands, as shown here:

$ImportToCompare = Import-Clixml –path    c:ackupTrunkConfiguration.xml

Then, run the following command:


This will give the same output as the Get-CsTrunkConfiguration command does, only from the stored information. The $inputToCompare command can then be manipulated any way we want with the Get-CsTrunkConfiguration command. We can format-list or format-table or select chosen properties for comparison, as shown in the following screenshot:

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