Exercise – import data

In this exercise, you will import an Excel file that contains data from the MicroStrategy Tutorial database into an Intelligent Cube. Then, this Cube will be used to create a Report:

  1. In MicroStrategy Web, log in to the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules Project Source.
  2. Open the MicroStrategy Tutorial Project.
  3. On the Home screen, select Add External Data | File From Disk | Choose Files (you can also drag and drop the TutorialData.xlsx Excel file).  You can find the Excel file in the GitHub Repository (https://github.com/PacktPublishing/MicroStrategy-Quick-Start-Guide).
  4. Click on Prepare Data | Wait until the file gets uploaded.
By default, MicroStrategy uses the first row in the Excel file as headers for each Attribute and Metric. However, you can add, update, or remove headers and columns during the data preparation phase.
  1. Notice that MicroStrategy Web automatically recognizes the columns as either Attributes or Metrics. Nonetheless, you can individually set each to Attribute or Metric by choosing Convert to.
  2. There is an extra column labeled Metrics. Let's get rid of it. Right-click | Select Do Not Import.
  3. Click on Finish | Save in | Browse to the My Exercises folder | Name it Imported Cube, then click on Save.
  4. Now we are going to test the imported data. After clicking Save, there is a window with options for creating either a Dashboard, Document, or Report. Choose Report.
  1. The Web Report Editor will open. This is similar to Developer. Drag and drop the Category and Call Center Attributes to the rows. Drag the Profit and Cost Metrics to the section labeled Drop Metrics here to add data | Drag and drop the Year Attribute to PAGE-BY:

  1. Execute the Report by clicking on the top-right icon (a Report with a Thunder), then click on Report Home | Save As.. | Category Dataset.
You can open Developer and locate, in the My Exercises folder, your newly created objects. Try to run the Category Dataset from Developer.
  1. This finalizes the exercise.
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