Exercise – create and assign a Security Filter

In this exercise, you will create a Security Filter that will limit data for User Smith for a specific Region.

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, log in as administrator to the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules Project Source | MicroStrategy Tutorial | My Exercises folder.
  2. Right-click | New | Security Filter | Browse for Region Attribute | Create a qualification with Central Region as the only element: (Region In list Central) | Save and Close | Name it Central Region.
  3. Execute the previously created Report titled Regional Revenue and Cost, shown as follows:

  1. Close the Report | Go to Administrator | User Manager | Edit the User smith | Go to User Definition on the left panel | Security Filter | select MicroStrategy Tutorial on the dropdown | View | Security Filter Manager window will open.
  2. In the Security Filter Manager, you will have the option to manage, assign, or create new Security Filters. Browse to the My Exercises folder to locate the Central Region Security Filter | Double-click or move it to the right | OK to close the Security Filter Manager | OK to close the User Editor:

  1. Log out from the administrator session | Log in as the User smith | Browse to the My Exercises folder within MicroStrategy Tutorial | Execute the previously created Report Regional Revenue and Cost | Notice how only Central Region data is returned, as shown in the following:

You can verify, that in the Report SQL, an additional WHERE condition is added: [REGION_ID] in (4) . This corresponds to the Central Region. This condition will not be applied to other Users but only to the User smith.
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