Understanding the Report Editor

The Report Editor has three main sections. Other sections not visible can be accessed via the View menu.

Refer to the following screenshot for each section:

  1. The upper-left area is called the Report objects window. It lists all objects that are part of the Report definition. If MicroStrategy OLAP Services are licensed, then developers can create Reports in which part of its definition can be hidden in the Reports Objects while other objects are shown in the Report View (where the Local Template is). This is helpful to create different views from the same Report.
  2. The lower left section is the Object Browser. It provides a tree-like structure navigation similar to Microsoft Explorer and some shortcuts to access the most-used folders. This section will be utilized to find the Report components; either drag or double click them into one of the two above areas.
  3. The upper-right section is the Report Filter area, where the Filters are added.
  4. The lower-right area is the Report View, where the Report Template resides.
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