Creating and configuring MicroStrategy metadata

Before creating the MicroStrategy metadata, it is necessary to have the following two prerequisites ready:

  • A blank database (Amazon Redshift, DB2, Informix, Impala, SQL Server, Oracle, and so on. For a complete list of certified MicroStrategy metadata databases, check the Readme file or release notes corresponding to the version you are installing.)
  • A DSN (Data Source Name) using the corresponding ODBC/JDBC driver to that blank database.
MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard can also be used to create a DSN.

The steps to create the MicroStrategy metadata are:

  1. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard (macfgwizw.EXE). This tool will let you create a MicroStrategy metadata, configure an Intelligence Server, and create a project source among other configuration tasks, as shown in the following screenshots:
  1. Select the corresponding option for metadata creation: | Create Metadata, History List and Enterprise Manager Repositories.
  2. Select a DSN. The DSN will have the connectivity information and driver to access the blank database using ODBC/JDBC protocol.
  3. Follow the review window and click Next until the metadata table creation starts.
  1. During the creation of the MicroStrategy metadata, the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard creates an empty shell with table structures that will host data about the data. The data that will be later populated within the structures is what we will refer to as MicroStrategy objects. This concept will be explained in the next chapter.
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