Document controls

Once the data sources have been added to the document (Datasets, iCubes, or Reports), it is time to start designing how the data should be presented and how the user will interact with it. Any item that can be added to the document is called a control. These are the most basic types of controls that can be used in a document:

  • Text
  • Image
  • Line
  • Shape

There are three other control types that each serve a specialized purpose:

  • Data Controls: Data can be added to the document as a Grid, Graph, or Widget (Visualization)
  • Filtering Controls: Selectors are used to limit the information of the data controls in an interactive way
  • Organizing Controls: Panels and Panel Stacks are used to group controls together and help organize the document layout

In the following exercise, we will learn how to create and use some of these controls.

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