Exercise – creating a User Group

In this exercise you will create a User Group, assign some privileges to it, and add the User smith as a member. Take the following steps:

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, log in as the newly created User smith to the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules Project Source.
  2. Open MicroStrategy Tutorial Project | Navigate to the My Exercises folder | Try to edit My First Report. You will note that you can't edit it. This is because no other privilege has been granted to smith.
  3. Log out from the smith session | Log in as administrator | Open the Administration tree | User Manager | Right-click | New | Group | Name it Developing Team.
  4. Go to the Group Definition section on the left panel | Project Access. We will assign a set of Privileges to this Group. Check all Analyst privileges (you can check the Analyst privileges set and all underlying Privileges will be selected) and all Developer privileges.
  1. Go to the Members section on the left panel | Add | in the Available members dropdown select the Everyone | donald | Make sure that the Show users check mark is selected | Click on the Find funnel to show the results | User smith should be returned | Move it to the right panel | OK | OK to close the Group editor:

  1. Under User Manager | Developing Team | Make sure that the smith user shows up under that Group.
If you edit the user smith | User Definition | Project Access, you will note that the Analyst and Developer privileges set is checked now. Also under User Definition | Groups, you will see that Developing Team is checked. Here administrators can also manage group memberships.
  1. Log out from the administrator session | Log in as smith | Navigate to the My Exercises folder within MicroStrategy Tutorial | locate My First Report and verify that you can edit the Report now.
  2. This finalizes the exercise.
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