Bolte-Taylor used huge gestures to describe feelings of
euphoria as the left side of her brain shut down.
She contracted her gestures when she described how
she’d surrendered her spirit and was ready to transition
out of this world.
Interacting with Slides 247
Case Study: Jill Bolte-Taylor
A Stroke of Genius—Fewer Slides
Use fewer slides. You don’t need a ton of
slides to create a memorable presentation.
One of the most powerful presentations at TED2008 was
that of neuroanatomist Jill Bolte-Taylor, as she described her
experience in suffering a stroke. She had a front-row seat to
her own brain hemorrhage and we all felt like we were with
her as she described what it felt like physically, emotionally,
and spiritually.
She used only a few slides, huge gestures, and a memo-
rable prop: a real human brain. Her own storytelling skills
surpassed the need for media. The slides she did use gave
context for why she became a neuroanatomist, what she
experienced during her stroke, and how it changed her life.
To hear her incredible story, view the presentation at
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