200 slide:ology
Avoiding Visual Vertigo
I recently attended a presentation at a swanky executive briefing
center in India. They’d invested big bucks in an animated corporate
overview showcased in a plush room that looked like the bridge
of the Starship Enterprise. Of the 20 executives in the room, two
of them became so motion sick that they sat through most of the
presentation with their eyes closed. That’s ten percent of the audi-
ence lost due to an overzealous animator.
Just because an animation feature is in an
application doesn’t mean you have to use it.
For many of the companies Duarte works for, we will ban specific
animations from their use because they are counter-cultural to
the brand personality of that company. It’s tough to find a good
use for many of the custom animation features in PowerPoint.
You need to pretend they aren’t there.
You Know You’re Using Animation Wrong When
The animation is unnatural or counterintuitive.
The pace is frenetic, annoying, or chronic (buzzes like a fly).
It doesn’t add value to the content or serve a purpose.
The movement distracts the audience from the presenter.
The animation feature is used “just because.
Too many animations confuse the purpose.
The animation style is inappropriate for the content.
A sudden animation surprises or startles the audience.
© Kerry Randolph
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