164 slide:ology
Many times the best photo to tell your story doesn’t exist at any of the online
photo houses. Take custom photos to help drive the message home. Think
outside the box. Don’t start off by searching for existing photos. Instead, think
about what type of picture would tell your story most effectively, and shoot or
find that specific image. Make sure that you carefully light your subjects and
avoid any awkward shadows. Extra planning will save you time by eliminating
the need to manipulate the photo digitally afterward.
Taking Your Own Photos
To explain Mozilla’s truly open source
solution, the metaphor of pre-set Lego
kit was used. The kit was prepackaged
as a pirate ship, it won’t make a very
good house, spaceship, or dinosaur.
But Mozilla’s solution isn’t a pre-made
kit; its open source has no restrictions.
These pie slices were used to
explain how the U.S. healthcare
system is fragmented and discon-
nected. The various powers and
special interest groups are keep-
ing it fragmented to preserve
their own piece of the pie.
After buying a can
of alphabet soup,
the letters were
pulled out and
carefully placed
on top of a bowl
of tomato soup.
Using Visual Elements: Images 165
Own your images. Do not
snag images from the Web.
If your presentation becomes
popular online, the owner
of the images can insist you
pay usage rights. That can
be expensive.
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