176 slide:ology
As a parent, there isn’t much scarier than watching teenagers push the boundaries too far. So
when Duarte VP Dan Post had one too many dangerous close calls with his two sons, he had
the perfect consequences. They would spend a Saturday morning developing a presentation
about boundaries. Dan started with the seed of an idea. They brainstormed, planned, filmed,
and produced this presentation in Apple’s Keynote in under four hours.
Integrating video into a presentation seems intimidating, but it’s not as much about the quality
of the production as it is the creativity of the idea. It needs to be produced at a high enough
quality to get the point across, but doesn’t require elaborate staging. We call these “video
slides.” Incorporating short motion clips can have a powerful—and unexpected—impact. Each
video lasts from a few seconds to a half minute and can help get more complex points across
quite economically.
Case Study: Incorporating Video
Presentation as Punishment
They taped down the feet of a Ken doll and placed firecrackers in the
hollow of his back. It couldn’t have turned out better if Hollywood had
produced it. The little denim jeans remained swaying alone as the
debris (and a head) fell to the surface with a small clattering noise,
followed by shocking silence. After peals of roaring laughter, the guys
got Dad’s point. They didn’t need to receive the presentation, having
internalized the message in the course of building it.
Using Visual Elements: Images 177
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