194 slide:ology
It’s one thing to retrace the history of home electron-
ics. It’s quite another to build the case that navigating
this technology is about to get easier—especially with
the proliferation of components and their attendant
controls. Yet this is the vision that Guerrino De Luca, the
CEO of Logitech, set out to communicate at IFA Berlin.
“To explain the new generation of consumer electronics
for the digital home, we needed to convey how using
brilliant technology can provide a simple, ‘technology-
free’ experience. To illustrate that, I needed to put
technology in an historical context,” says De Luca. To
that end, his presentation followed a path detailing the
evolution of home entertainment. At the conclusion of
the narrative, which used animated lines to transition
between scenes, the perspective pulled back to reveal
the bigger picture: a human silhouette.
Case Study: Guerrino De Luca
More Than the Sum of Its Parts
“The human is at the center of our mission to tame the
complexity of entertainment systems in the home.”
Guerrino De Luca
The animation also allowed De Luca flexibility in his pre-
sentation. Already a powerful speaker, De Luca got the
freedom to tell his story without being forced to address
every item on a typical bullet-point slide, thanks to the
all-graphics, no-words approach.
Creating Movement 195
Presenting new products and
describing their functions through
the use of photos and highlight
colors provided a way to communi-
cate the products’ usefulness and
benefits without becoming bogged
down in technical details.
The innovative use of motion path ani-
mation and automatic fade transitions
simulated the movement of a camera
within PowerPoint.
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