174 slide:ology
More and more, healthcare is emerging as a central concern. And
Dr. Mike Magee, author of Home-Centered Health Care, believes that
preventative measures and detailed future-planning are critical to
a sustainable system. But here’s where his philosophy departs from
other models. Rather than focus on patients and their illnesses—or
lack thereof—Dr. Magee emphasizes the home as a specific geographic
location where nutrition, exercise, education, and safety all contribute
to a healthy present and future.
The challenge therefore, lies in visually distinguishing the presen-
tation as far from a cold, sterile hospital environment as possible,
instead bringing the audience into the warm, comforting environment
of a home.
Case Study: Dr. Mike Magee
Home Is Where Our Health Is
Dr. Magee has high expecta-
tions for his presentations
because his messages
impact so many people. He
does a great job combining
strong visuals with moving
stories, pertinent data, and
innovative solutions that
could solve our health crisis.
Using Visual Elements: Images 175
Each section of the presentation designed for Dr. Magee
uses textures found in the home, like wood grain, fabric,
and leather. Hand-drawn illustrations imbue the presenta-
tion with a tactile, home-made feel, almost as if a marker
had been used to draw icons and infographics directly
on the backgrounds. And photos are treated the way
you’d see them displayed in your grandparents’ home:
elegantly framed and positioned prominently as to say,
“This is what’s important in my life.
A subtle gradient behind the charts increases
the contrast. The colors also contrast well
with the background.
Packed with real stories from Dr. Magee’s own life, this presentation describes how his family
has had to cope with health issues. Simple yet powerful imagery tells the story of how his
father-in-law died at the age of 44, leaving behind ten children and a wife.
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