Horizon line
Vanishing point
122 slide:ology
Creating a Sense of Space
If you choose to go with a grid of
thirds, consider using one of the lines
as a horizon line.
Look at each slide as if it’s an environment.
Draw lines that converge at a point
on the horizon. This simulates the
vanishing point.
Many folks randomly place a hodge-podge of visual elements
on their slides. This could make your audience feel lost in the
space that you’ve created.
If each slide is an environment, then determining the influence
that the environment has on your visual elements is critical.
The elements need to map into the vanishing point and lighting
you establish. Elements that don’t fit can make the audience
feel unsettled, because they’re looking at an unnatural scene,
and are thus subliminally frustrated. Think about what your
objects would look like in real life with the depth and lighting
you’ve established.
Scenes in real life occur in three dimensions, whereas on-
screen they happen only in two. It’s easy to make a 2D
surface have depth by making some early, simple decisions.
But maybe you think you didn’t establish an environment.
You did, whether intentional or not, the moment you drew a
graphic. The style of that graphic determined its environment.
This last environmental
example has no horizon
or vanishing point. It’s
an isometric grid.
Using Visual Elements: Background, Color, and Text 123
Now that you’ve determined a horizon
and vanishing point, those decisions will
influence the objects you place into this
environment. The features of the objects
you place in the scene need to match
what’s already there. To the right you
can see that the angles on the sides of
the cubes change based on the horizon
line and vanishing point. Create objects
that follow the same vanishing point and
horizon line. Do not mix and match the
angles of objects in the same scene. If
you do, the scene won’t look natural.
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