86 slide:ology
Case Study: Al Gore
A Brand Makeover
In addition to his other prominent achievements—serving
as Vice President, winning an Academy Award, garnering
the Nobel Peace Prize—Al Gore has done more than any
other individual to legitimize multimedia presentations as
one of the most compelling communication vehicles on
the planet. He has focused the world’s attention on cli-
mate change, and it all began with a slide show. He has
proven that presentations can tap emotions to incite
grass roots change. He is the poster child for the trans-
formative powers of a great presentation. Ultimately, his
approach was truly fit for the silver screen.
Gore’s journey started when he dusted off his 35mm
slide carousel from the ’70s and transformed it into a
multimedia presentation. By early 2003 he was travel-
ing the world delivering his revived passion for the envi-
ronment. Long before the idea of a movie was on the
table, he delivered his presentation at hundreds of ven-
ues. Climate change was yet to be a ubiquitous cause.
Watching Gore on stage was transformational. This
wasn’t the stodgy former Vice President that people
had come to expect from the campaign trail. From the
moment Mr. Gore took the stage, he was fired up, pas-
sionately saving the world from its own burning fate. He
paced, yelled (a bit), and was ultimately quite charming.
This man had a mission. He was alive, charismatic, fluid,
candid, and animated. Without exception, his audience
left feeling informed and inspired. You could sense the
momentum building.
Mr. Gore elevated his visual strategy and staging cho-
reography to a whole new level. Now that the film
An Inconvenient Truth has reached a mass audience,
many people across the country and around the world
have changed their perceptions of him as well. He has
achieved a significant brand makeover. The July 2007
issue of
Fast Company
“In one of the most remarkable personal turnarounds
of all time, Mr. Gore reinvented the way people
respond to him. He’s gone from guarded Washington
politician to a Hollywood celebrity to a celebrated
international leader.”
Ellen McGirt
Fast Company
Beyond possessing a visceral, long-nurtured passion for
the cause, much of his success can be attributed to the
significant investment he makes in internalizing the sub-
ject matter and rehearsing the delivery. He also seeks and
takes expert guidance.
No one can ignore his personal communication transfor-
mation. He passionately knows his content, his slides add
value to his story, and he is comfortable in his delivery.
He’s impacting our world, one slide at a time.
Al Gore
Former Vice President of the United States
Sergio Dionisio/Getty Images
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