Lorem Ipsum
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tat lum nit autpatem
Lorem Ipsum
Putpat, consed tio od
tat lum nit autpatem
Lorem Ipsum
San velenibh ex. Et
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94 slide:ology
Audiences need contrast. Viewers immediately perceive the difference between the
attributes of two or more things, and this focuses their attention. There are many ways
to create contrast on a slide; here are some examples:
Contrast: Identifying the Main Point Quickly
Establishing a relationship between slide elements is an important first step. The contrast
in the size of the following text, for example, draws the eye to the larger text as if its a
title or context for the text block. Regardless of where the text is placed, the larger text
is perceived as the most important.
size shape shade color proximity
Arranging Elements 95
Creating contrast in a body of text can be done with size,
but also through the use of color. Some versions of the
Bible highlight the words of Jesus in red. Below, a quote
from Edward Tufte, author of Visual Explanations, has a key
phrase highlighted in red.
Tufte’s design strategy of the smallest effective difference
uses contrast wisely yet subtly and only when necessary.
He says: the idea is to use just notable differences, visual
elements that make a clear difference but no more—contrasts
that are definitive, effective and minimal.
A common mistake presenters make is assigning contrast
unintentionally. Virtually any stylistic difference between
two elements suggests something to the viewer on either a
conscious or subconscious level. Unintentional contrast can
confuse the intended message at best, and contradict it at
worst. Remember, all stylistic choices have the potential to
suggests importance, urgency, and value. As a result, you
should base all such choices on a well-defined purpose.
“Without contrast you’re dead.”
Paul Rand
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