Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
Lorem Ipsum
Ting ex et utatue digna lutpat lutatem
98 slide:ology
An audience processes hierarchy almost as quickly as contrast. Visual hierarchy,
simply put, defines the structure formed when relationships are applied to
a set of elements. A simple example of this is the relationship of a title to
its body text. Within the hierarchy, the title is the parent and the text is the
child. Just like a family lineage, each element in a hierarchy is the child of the
element above it, or the parent of the element below it.
Hierarchy: Seeing Relationships Between Elements
Size and location are used together to
indicate a decreasing significance from
the top left to the bottom right.
Making the bullet points heavier than
the title disrupts the logical flow. The
audience would have a hard time making
sense of it.
Arranging Elements 99
Not coincidentally then, the visual structure precisely mirrors the structure
of the information it represents. For example, the following diagrams radiate
from a core. The core is what binds the elements together and establishes
the parent-child relationship. Modifying the size and proximity of the objects
changes the meaning behind the relationships and tells a story about their
relative importance.
When your presentation is over, you want the audience to walk away
understanding their mission. If you don’t intentionally provide that message,
the audience will create meaning based on their own interpretation of the
information. Make sure that you’ve presented the graphical hierarchy of
your message accurately.
Elements Are Equal
Story: We all need to rally
together as a team around
this goal for which you’re all
equally suited.
Parent Dominates
Story: We all need to rally
together as a team around
this goal which is more
important than activities at
the team or individual level.
Child Dominates
Story: We all need to rally
together as a team around
this goal and some of the
teams will have bigger
challenges than others.
Changing the Size and Proximity of Objects Modifies Their Visual Story
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