elements and used two different boundary element discretisations:
one with 9 segments and the other with 18 segments for comparison
(Figure 5.21). By the symmetry of the problem only the area ABCDE
of Figure 5.20 was considered.
For the purposes of the analysis the wires were taken to be perfectly
rigid. The overall imposed strain was 1-667 x
inthexj direction.
The modulus of elasticity was taken to be 20 N mm "
and the two
values of Poisson's ratio v = 0-45 and v = 0-5 were considered.
For v = 0-45 the stresses σ
calculated using the two meshes were
virtually indistinguishable (Figure 5.22(a)). The stars represent the
results for the coarse mesh and the solid line shows the values
obtained using the finer, 18 element mesh.
For v = 0-5 (Figure 5.22(b)) this difference was greater, up to 5 of
the maximum stress. However, there is very little difference between
the displacements.
Note. The finite element displacement method is incapable of treating
the case v = 0-5.
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