Remove Items from Search Results

There are cases where content has been indexed by SharePoint that should not have been. An example of this would be a when a page describing a corporate merger is inadvertently published internally before it was scheduled for release. Even if the security on the page is modified to remove user access, this will not remove the item immediately from the search results. The Search Result Removal command will immediately hide a page from the search results and will create a crawl rule to block the page from being crawled again. The removal only works on pages, not documents.

To immediately remove a link from the search results, do the following:

1. From within the Search Service Administration site, under Queries And Results, click the Search Result Removal link.

2. In the URLs To Remove box, type the full URLs for the pages that you want to remove. (You cannot include wildcards.)

3. Click OK.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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