View Search Reports

SharePoint 2010 provides search and query reports for different views at various levels in the application. These reports help identify trends and possible areas where search can be improved. Table 9.1 summarizes the various reports available to farm administrators and site collection administrators.

Table 9.1: SharePoint search reports by scope


To access the reports at the Search Service level, from within the Search Service Administration site, under Queries And Results, click the Web Analytics Reports link, which will open the Search Service Application Web Analytics Reports – Summary page. From this page you can view several useful reports:

Number Of Queries Shows the total and average number of queries per day

Top Queries Shows the most popular queries per day

No Result Queries Queries for which no results were returned

There is only one set of statistics aggregated at the web application level. The total number of queries can be viewed by navigating to Central Administration, clicking the Monitoring link, and clicking View Web Analytics Reports. This page displays the total number of search queries for each web application.

Most search reports are available at the site collection level and can be viewed by navigating to the root site in a site collection, clicking Site Actions, and then selecting Site Settings. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Actions section, click Site Collection Web Analytics Reports, which opens the Site Collection Web Analytics Reports – Summary page. From this page you can view the following reports in addition to those available at the other levels:

Failed Queries Queries for which no results were returned

Best Bet Usage Lists queries that returned Best Bets

Best Bet Suggestions Suggests terms and phrases that would make good Best Bets

Best Bet Suggestions Action History Tracks whether Best Bet Suggestions were accepted or rejected

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