Working with the Document Templates Folder

Each project can contain only one Document Templates folder, named whatever you want. In the following sections, I show you how to remove the template designation from an existing templates folder and add it to a folder of your choosing.

If you already have a set of templates from another project that you want to copy over, you need to remove the existing folder’s Template Folder designation before you can assign a new template folder.

Removing the template folder designation

To remove the template folder designation, follow these steps:

1. Choose ProjectClear Templates Folder.

A warning window appears.

2. Read the warning spiel, and then click OK.

As shown in Figure 16-4, the Template Sheets folder loses its special icon, and the documents within lose the T that identified them as templates. The templates no longer appear in the Add menu.

Figure 16-4: The Template Sheets folder is no longer a templates folder.


Designating a templates folder

To designate a folder as the templates folder, follow these steps:

1. Select the desired folder.

2. Choose ProjectSet Selection as Templates Folder.

The icon of the folder changes, and the documents in that folder get the small T that marks them as document templates.

3. Click the Add menu.

The document templates now appear on the list.

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