Viewing the Inspector Panel

Do you love working in Composition mode, but want access to the Inspector’s metadata without leaving your virtual den of Zen? No worries. The control strip has Inspector access built right in, allowing you to view the Synopsis; change Label and Status values; and work with the project and document notes, references, keywords, custom metadata, snapshots, and comments and footnotes.

To view the Inspector panel, follow these steps:

1. If you’re not already in Composition mode, choose ViewEnter Composition Mode.

Windows users, choose View⇒Enter Full Screen.

2. Point to the bottom of the screen until the control strip appears.

3. Click the Inspector button.

The Inspector panel appears, as shown in Figure 7-4. The drop-down list at the top of the panel provides access to the various elements of the Inspector. At the bottom of the panel, the Label and Status fields are available, as well. (In Windows, the Inspector panel displays a floating version of the Inspector pane instead, much like the one in the standard Scrivener interface.)

Figure 7-4: The Inspector panel in Composition mode (on a Mac).


4. View and modify any of the document’s metadata from the Inspector panel, just like you can from the normal Editor view.

See Part II to read all about the Inspector.

5. (Optional) Adjust the Inspector panel, as necessary.

You have a couple of options for modifying your Inspector panel experience while in Composition mode:

Move it. Drag the title bar of the panel to change its location.

Resize it. Drag the edge or corner of the panel window to change its size.

6. Close the panel by clicking the X in the upper-left corner.

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