Chapter 21

Protecting Your Work with Automatic and Manual Backups

In This Chapter

arrow Figuring out how and why to use backups

arrow Changing the automatic backup preferences

arrow Turning off automatic backup for a project

arrow Creating a backup file manually

arrow Opening a backup file

I’ve dropped my laptop onto a hard tile floor and scratched the hard drive, had a water bottle leak onto a three-day-old laptop when my tote bag fell over in the car, and had a hard drive go bad within two weeks of buying the computer.

The moral of the story? Things happen. Kids, animals, viruses, natural disasters, spilled coffee, thieves, and manufacturing defects. The worst-case scenario is that you lose everything, but if you’re backing up your important files — and all your writing is important — then a damaged computer can be nothing more than a nuisance.

I’ll take the nuisance any day.

Follow the strategies in this chapter to mitigate the effects of your next disaster.

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