Modifying the Corkboard Layout

When you first open the Corkboard, it displays three columns of cards, ordered from left to right. Depending on your screen size and resolution, the cards might by tiny or huge. No worries. You can adjust the size and spacing of the cards in the Corkboard by clicking the Corkboard Options button. A small menu pops up, shown in Figure 8-4.

tip.eps Changes made with the Corkboard Options menu apply only to the current project.

Here’s a description of each option:

check.png Card Size: This slider resizes the index cards, but it works only if the Size to Fit Editor check box is deselected.

tip.eps If you make the cards large, some of them may “disappear” off the edge of the screen. You can fix this problem by adjusting the Cards Across setting.

check.png Ratio: The Ratio slider changes the shape of the cards (not the size). The 3x5 setting provides the standard index-card look, but if you prefer another rectangular shape, this setting is for you.

check.png Spacing: The Spacing slider adjusts the amount of space around each card.

check.png Cards Across: This option determines how many cards appear in each row.

tip.eps If you choose Auto, Scrivener selects the number needed to display all cards in the Corkboard at their current size.

check.png Keyword Chips: Choose how many keyword colors to display on each card. If you set it to three but a document has five keywords attached, only the first three keyword colors appear.

Show Keyword Colors must be turned on, as outlined in the “Understanding Index Card Elements” section, earlier in this chapter.

check.png Size to Fit: Selecting this check box overrides the Card Size setting to ensure that all cards appear on the Corkboard. This option isn’t available if the Cards Across option is set to Auto.

check.png Use Small Font: Applies the small font designated in the Corkboard Preferences (which are covered in the “Modifying the Corkboard Preferences” section, later in this chapter).

To close the Corkboard Options menu, click anywhere outside of it. (Windows users, click the X button at the top-right of the menu.)

Figure 8-4: The Corkboard Options menu.


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