Navigating the General Meta-Data Section

Scrivener comes pre-populated with several metadata fields. You can find them in the General Meta-Data section of the Inspector pane, as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: The General Meta-Data section in the Inspector pane.


In the Novel template, the first field, Label, is set up so that you can tag an item with one of the following values: Idea, Notes, Research, Chapter, or Subsection.

Below Label, the Status field has a value list that lets you assign a status — see how brilliantly these fields are named? — to an item: To Do, First Draft, Revised Draft, Final Draft, Title Page, or Done. (The Title Page Status lets you mark your title page so that it doesn’t show up when you search by Status — covered in Chapter 17 — or filter by Status when compiling — see Chapter 12.)

The default values in the Label and Status fields vary, depending on which template you choose.

You can click the up-and-down arrow button next to Modified to toggle between the date the item was last changed and its creation date.

The last three fields — Include in Compile, Page Break Before, and Compile As-Is — apply to compiling (exporting) your project, which is covered in Part IV of this book.

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