Stripping All Notations from a Document

You can choose to leave the footnotes out when you compile your project (Chapter 12 has more on compiling with footnotes), but if you want to remove all the footnotes from a document, you don’t have to select and delete them one by one, or even have the Comments & Footnotes pane open.

Strip them all at the same time — although still only one document at a time — by following these steps:

1. Select the desired document.

2. Choose EditSelect All to select the document text.

Alternatively, you can click and drag to select a portion of text.

3. Choose EditCopy SpecialCopy without Comments or Footnotes.

4. Choose EditPaste.

The copied text — without footnotes, annotations, or comments — replaces the annotated text.

warning_bomb.eps This procedure strips out not only footnotes, but also annotations and comments. Be absolutely sure that you want to remove everything before taking the steps in the preceding list.

tip.eps To keep a copy of the document with footnotes, annotations, and comments embedded, take a Snapshot (covered in Chapter 19) before removing the footnotes, as outlined in the preceding steps.

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