Entering Composition Mode

Follow these steps to turn on Composition mode:

1. Select the item(s) in the Binder that you want to work with.

tip.eps If you choose a container item, ensure that you’re in Scrivenings mode (choose View⇒Scrivenings) before entering Composition mode. Otherwise, you see only any text in the container item, not the text from all its subdocuments.

2. Choose ViewEnter Composition Mode.

Windows users, choose View⇒Enter Full Screen.

Alternatively, you can click the Composition Mode button on the toolbar.

As shown in Figure 7-1, the screen opens to a plain Editor that has a black background (unless you’ve changed it at some point). Don’t you feel calmer already?

The control strip pops up at the bottom for a second before disappearing, just to remind you that it’s there. The following section discusses the control strip in more detail.

To exit Composition mode, click the Exit Full Screen Mode button in the control strip or press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Figure 7-1: Composition mode.


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