Chapter 20

Tracking Your Revisions

In This Chapter

arrow Designating revised text

arrow Searching for revisions

arrow Reverting marked text to normal

arrow Specifying a custom revision color scheme

arrow Working with marked text when compiling

How would you like a way to visually represent your revisions right in the text, and even keep track of multiple levels of revisions at the same time? You can with Scrivener’s revision marking feature.

The revision tools let you track added and deleted text with colors coded for each round of revisions, up to five.

Before you rush ahead, keep a few things in mind. Marking revisions is not a full-featured change-tracking tool that lets you toggle between the marked up and final versions. (However, you can compare file versions with snapshots, covered in Chapter 19.) And when you delete or overwrite text, it disappears just like in a standard writing session, although there is a way to mark text for deletion instead.

Essentially, Revision mode is a simplified way to change the text color to match revision levels.

That said, if you want an organized way of applying text colors to keep track of your edits or another user’s changes, this chapter takes you through the process.

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