Chapter 17

Searching High and Low

In This Chapter

arrow Using Project Search

arrow Replacing words in a project

arrow Working with Document Find and Replace

arrow Searching by format type

arrow Adding bookmarks for easy navigation

Even if you’ve broken up your manuscript into sections with logical names and metadata tags, you still might have a need to search your project at some point. Whether you want to find all documents that mention gray squirrels, every instance of the name Josephine, or all yellow-highlighted text, you can do it.

Scrivener offers several options for searching and replacing. Project Search runs through every item in the Binder and returns a list of all matching items in the sidebar. Project Replace allows you to replace words across the entire project. Document Find and Replace is restricted to the document you’re working on, and the Find by Formatting option searches the whole project for the desired format (for example, highlighter color, text color, or annotations). Finally, bookmarks let you mark places within the text so that you can navigate to them quickly.

This chapter covers all these methods.

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