Chapter 1

Getting Started in Scrivener

In This Chapter

arrow Figuring out what you can do with Scrivener

arrow Clarifying the differences between Mac and Windows

arrow Working with keyboard shortcuts

arrow Starting a project

arrow Getting familiar with Scrivener

arrow Thinking about how you write

Parts of Scrivener probably look very familiar to you. The Editor pane, for example, is essentially the built-in word processor. If you’ve been using a computer to write — and not, say, carving stone tablets or working in crayon — then the act of putting down words will be a piece of cake in Scrivener, too. At least, Scrivener makes writing easy from a technical standpoint. It can’t do anything about your muse.

Outside the Editor, however, things look a little different, maybe even a bit confusing. If you’re not already familiar with the Scrivener interface — and maybe even if you think you are — you can use this chapter to make sure you understand the basic terminology fundamental to using Scrivener and get to know Scrivener’s many wonderful parts.

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