Chapter 18

Creating Collections for Quick Access to Related Files

In This Chapter

arrow Working with the two types of collections

arrow Changing a saved search collection to a standard collection

arrow Changing a collection’s name

arrow Deleting a collection

arrow Using collections as containers

arrow Viewing the Label and Status values in the Collections list

Collections in Scrivener aren’t for displaying that stockpile of ceramic elephants or your stash of half-smoked cigars from famous people. But the idea is similar. They’re a way to pull together files that are related in some way from various parts of your manuscript. You choose the relationship, whether it’s based on search criteria, storyline, setting, Status, or some other thread understood only by you.

A collection is a flat list of files — meaning the files aren’t organized hierarchically like they are in the Binder — that you can pull from anywhere in the project, in or out of the Manuscript (Draft) folder.

This chapter covers each type of collection in detail.

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