Rolling Back to a Previous Document Version

Say you’ve been cruising along with revisions, and at some point decide the new version of your document is horrible and you want to go back to what you had before. Snapshots make it easy to do just that by following these steps:

1. If the Snapshots pane isn’t visible in the Inspector, click the Snapshots button.

2. (Optional) Using the Take Snapshot button, take a snapshot of your current document.

Or you can use one of the other methods outlined in this chapter.

remember.eps I highly recommend this step in case you change your mind again later. I know, writers never change their minds, but humor me. Thank you.

3. Select the snapshot of the version to which you want to roll back.

4. Click the Roll Back button.

To make sure you followed my advice in Step 2, Scrivener asks whether you want to take a snapshot of the current version before rolling back. If you didn’t do it yet and want to, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

The snapshot version you chose to roll back to appears in the Editor pane as the current version of your document.

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