Compiling with Marked Revisions

If you want to leave your revision colors and struck-through text in your project but don’t want them to appear in your exported file (see Part IV of this book for more on exporting), you can use a couple of Compile options for most output types:

check.png To remove text that’s marked for deletion from the final output, go to the Transformations tab in the Compile window and select Delete Struck-Through Text. This option actually strips out the text, deleting it from the output, but not from your project. It’s a great way to see how your final manuscript would read without the text, without actually getting rid of it.

check.png Remove all revision colors by going to the Transformations tab in the Compile window and selecting Remove Text Color. This option leaves all text as written but removes the color from the output. It also removes text color from other text, even if it wasn’t colored through the revision process.

remember.eps If you have text marked for deletion, it appears with strikethrough formatting unless you also select the Delete Struck-Through Text option.

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