Looking at the Remaining Document Support Options

The document support panes section of the Inspector offers several more functions: snapshots, comments and footnotes, and the Lock Inspector To Current Editor button. The following sections give you a brief overview, but each option is covered in its own chapter.


Like taking a picture before editing, snapshots allow you to keep multiple versions of your documents, compare them, and even revert back to an older version. With snapshots, you really don’t have to kill your darlings. You can keep them all around for years to come.

Can’t wait to zoom in? Chapter 19 focuses on snapshots.

Comments & Footnotes

Ever wish you could add notes in the margin while you write, edit, or read your manuscript? Need to add footnotes for your works cited or comic asides? The Comments & Footnotes pane lets you create, modify, and view all linked notes associated with an item.

For more information, beat feet over to Chapters 10 and 11.

Locking the Inspector

Did you notice the little Lock button at the bottom of the Inspector? No? Go on; look now. That Lock button binds the Inspector view to a specific Editor pane. This feature specifically applies to split-screen functionality, which you can read more about in Chapter 6.

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