Chapter 6

Introducing the Editor: Where the Magic Happens

In This Chapter

arrow Diving into the parts of the Editor

arrow Viewing multiple items in Split Screen mode

arrow Working with QuickReference panels

arrow Viewing documents in Scrivenings mode

arrow Checking spelling and grammar

You can play with Scrivener’s crazy-cool features all day, but in the end, you have to plant your rear in the chair and write something, or all your fooling around is for naught.

Enter the Editor. The Editor is where you actually write your novel, screenplay, blog post, magazine article, dissertation, class lesson, or memoir. It’s where you make literary magic.

Available in Document view (for an individual file) or Scrivenings mode (when you’re working with multiple documents), the Editor is the default display for Scrivener. Basically, if you’re not in the Corkboard or the Outliner, you’re in the Editor.

This chapter is a lesson on Editor anatomy, working in Split Screen mode, editing multiple documents at one time, and checking your spelling and grammar.

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