Working in the Corkboard

From within the Corkboard, you can rename a document, modify or add Synopsis text, and add keywords. You can make these changes in the Corkboard:

check.png Renaming a document: To rename a document in Corkboard view, simply double-click the title and type the new name.

check.png Modifying the Synopsis text: To add, edit, or delete the Synopsis text, double-click in the Synopsis area of the card to activate it. Note: Formatting options (such as font style and size) aren’t available in the Synopsis section.

tip.eps After you’re in Title or Text Edit mode (by double-clicking in the title or text area, respectively), you can move through the index cards — alternating between the title and text portion of each card, in turn — by pressing the Tab key to move forward, or Shift+Tab to move backwards.

check.png Adding keywords to a card: You can add keywords to documents while in Corkboard view (for more on keywords and how to use them in your project, visit Chapter 5). Follow these steps:

1. Click the Keywords Panel button in the toolbar.

The Keywords panel appears.

2. Drag the desired keyword from the panel and drop it onto the desired card.

If keyword colors are turned on, the new color chip appears along the right side of the index card. (The “Understanding Index Card Elements” section, earlier in this chapter, discusses how to make keywords visible.)

If you select multiple cards before you drag the keyword onto one of the selected cards, the keyword is added to all selected cards.

check.png Opening an item from the Corkboard: Struck with inspiration for one of your documents while looking at the big picture in Corkboard view? No need to hunt down the desired document in the Binder. When you’re ready to add text to a document, simply double-click the index card’s item icon to open the item in Document view (the Editor).

If the item is a container, the container opens in the Corkboard, instead.

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